
The Legacy System

What would happen if someday, someone gave humans the opportunity to have the power of the legends? Total Chaos! That's the answer to that, people started killing, r*ping, extorting and torturing, to become the strongest. In such a world, a nerd like Eric became one of the strongest. With the resolve of a better life for his family, his loved ones, he managed to flip his destiny around, and become the strongest, and built his Empire. He went so far, that he was close to ascending to the Immortal World, that world of dreams. His story looks like one of a fairytale, but a fairytale it's not. Just as he was about to ascend, he was betrayed and killed, by his closest friends, and his half-brother. At the death's door, he learned about his brother's atrocities, but his time had finished. If only he had another chance! If only he could have another shot at life! He would definitely live differently! But could he!? . . . At that moment his soul was transferred into a black space!

crazy_immortal · Fantasy
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781 Chs

Chapter 615: ‘Breakthrough’

"Hehehe~! You just saved yourself from a good spanking, beauty!"

Under the shocked expressions of a full crowd of bodyguards, Lu'er, and a few other maids around Madam Yan Meng, Eric voiced those words.

The temperature immediately started falling by quite a few degrees, and he suddenly felt like he was about to turn into an ice sculpture.

It was clear that Madam Yan Meng wasn't holding back in the least with her murderous aura the moment that she witnessed Eric's words and behavior.

All the guards and maids around here immediately stopped whatever stupid thoughts they were thinking until that moment, and completely focused on what came next.

Normally Madam Yang Meng wouldn't take such an 'insult' to her clean figure, and she would kill the guy in front of her, and they were looking forward to that.

"Everyone spread around and check the perimeter, don't come close until a second order!"