
Super Saiyan 3

"...Supaa... Sai..yajin... That went beyond the surpassed Super Saiya..jin?"

Lotus repeated his words with puzzlement on her face. Even the spectators did not understand what the youth was suddenly talking about.

The girls in Haruto's group were widening their eyes. As one who followed after Haruto for some time they knew what he meant so most of them were widening their eyes in surprise.

"The level beyond the second level Super Saiyan...." Selianna murmured.

"Haru-kun has finally broken through...?" Rikka said with shocked face.

"So this is what he's been training on since the tournament started..." Asami smiled.

They turned back their sight on the stage below where Haruto was standing with smirking face. He then proceeded to revert back on his base form.

"...Why did you return to your normal form?" Lotus asked while frowning, she thought Haruto was giving up on the match.

Naturally, he was aware of what his opponent was thinking. That's why he shook his head and opened his mouth,

"It's not like that. First thing first, I'm going to explain to you regarding the Super Saiyan transformation I used. What you're seeing now is my normal state."


Haruto flared up with golden aura with hair on turning the same color turning straight. His current green eyes was narrowed as the lip curled up in smile.

"This is a Super Saiyan."

"...." Lotus looked with interested gaze. She was trying to observe the opponent's transformation more thoroughly.

Seeing that, Haruto's smile deepened while his fist was clenching tighter.


*Spark* *Spark.

This time, the aura was turning more chaotic and violent, sparking with arcs of electricity. The golden hair was standing a bit spikier.

"This is what as known as a Super Saiyan that had ascended past the original Super Saiyan...."

"Ascended..." Lotus murmured.

"Well, you could just call this as Super Saiyan 2." Haruto said.

"....Indeed, your transformation ability is unique and powerful. But it looks like your appearance didn't change much on the last form."

Haruto smirked.

"Just wait."

Back to the girls side, Kaori was smiling wryly.

"Haruto-kun is quite a show off isn't he?"

"Nii-sama is very happy that his training was successful. It can't be helped hehehe~" Elsie giggled.

They still remembered how he brought the two of them and went through harsh training. Moving around with weight that should be twice the amount of his limit, getting beaten up repeatedly and intentionally emptied his stamina.

He was trying to push the limit on his body, it was all in order to unlock another seal for his transformations. His recent Growths weren't enough to allow him so, that's why he had to close the gap by manually increasing his base power.

If not for his power boost gained through his rage in the fight with Erick, he might not make it in time for the finals, so in a way the incident brought him some benefit too despite he wasn't happy for gaining through people's sufferings.

Still, he wouldn't reject to gain more power, it was the most important thing for him, in order to protect what's important to him.

"And this..."

Furrowing his brows, his eyes were sharpened in serious manner.

"Is to go.....even further BEYOND..!! HAAAAAAAAA-----------"


His aura was raging like a frenzy beast, turning brighter and illuminating.


Lotus could sense Haruto's energy began to rise rapidly, she was raising her eyebrows in surprise.


The flaring golden aura was now changing similar to a sphere of light, enveloping the Saiyan's body like a cocoon.

*Whoosh* *Whoosh*

The air on the vicinity was becoming chaotic, they trembled while causing tremendous vortex, all centering on the figure of Haruto's in midair. It was as if he was becoming the focus of the gravity, having everything being pulled towards him.


"W-What is this... How could he generate this much force!"

The female elf was very shocked on the spectacle. Even for her, she could feel her body was trying to be pulled on to him. She's able to remain on her position because her power was capable of defying the gravity-like force.


The entire structure of the place was shaking madly, not any different than when a large earthquake struck. The spectators were panicking as the barrier was repeatedly making disturbing vibrating sounds. It was supposed to be a third level barrier and yet, the force of Haruto's energy was capable of causing great shock on itself.

"Ahh..AAARGHHH!! AA....AA....GGHHH!!!

On the sphere of golden light, the fully straightened gold hair was started to twitch and moved, growing longer in a shocking speed.


Ripples of golden waves were spreading in high frequency, making Lotus guarded her front to block the tremendous energy force. Her face was contorted greatly.

Meanwhile on the side, Lumina was looking very excited, she was standing up and put her face right behind the crackling glass.

"Amazing, this is amazing! So this is Haru-tan's hidden trump card!"

"T-This seems bad though, will the audiences be alright?" Rikka swam her face around nervously, not even their room was spared from the tremor.

"Don't worry, the barrier on the arena was very powerful. Although it looks like going to be destroyed at any second, it was more than capable of withstanding this." Kaori assured them.

"Fufufu, Imagine if he did this on the outside world, you think the entire planet would shake?" Asami giggled jokingly.

"That sounds terrifying Asami-nee..." Fia smiled wryly. She honestly could imagine that happening, which would cause a terrible uproar.

*Crack* *Crack*

The lightning sparks were growing into thunderclaps, the rivers near the whole tournament were swelling in a great waves. Not even the barrier was capable of completely sustaining Haruto's energy, it was spreading through the entire island.

Buildings were shaking and land fissuring, it was fortunate that there's no case of the whole structure collapsing, causing no casualties and accidents.

"His energy was raising like there's no end to it... Just who is he actually?" Lotus was now looking with disbelieving expression.

"Haru-kun...!" Rikka called Haruto with encouraging eyes.



As if on cue, Haruto let out a final ear-splitting roar. He was flashing an enormous light, as if he was becoming a sun. Every people were shutting their eyes tightly, waiting for the terrifying light to fade out.

The moment they opened their eyes....


It was unknown who let out a stupefied voice. What ahead of them was sight that would be very hard to forget.

*Whish* *Whish* *Whish*

A pale golden aura waving in unimaginably high-frequency, the severe intensity made it seem like the whole aura itself became completely static. The golden light was a lot more brighter than before, seeming a bit transparent.

And then from the young man's body, a smoothly flowing golden hair that reached past his waist, it was more gleaming and slightly darker in shade, closing more on pure gold color than the previously pale golden blonde hair.

*Spark* *Spark* *Spark*

The streaks of electricity was far more constant and longer, shrouding his entire figure. There's a slight increase on his muscle mass as He's looking from the side with his green eyes that was now regaining their pupils. Both of the eyebrows were instead vanished, making the forehead and eye ridges appear larger and revealing a more prominent brow ridge, he looked far more imposing than before.


Lotus was in daze while observing the great changes of her opponent. It made her frozen solid similar to a statue, there's even slight trembles on her body.

Haruto smiled and turned his body on her direction.

"This is Super Saiyan 3. Sorry for taking up a long time, I'm still not used on this transformation."

About the cliff... I just had to do it :')

Shiroyama72creators' thoughts