
Arqa (1)

Afternoon after the qualifiers, Haruto's group were gathering inside their inn's room.

"Alright, I think it's about time we explore Tartarus again." Haruto said.

"Eh right now? Not until the tournament's over?" Kaori asked.

"At first I think like that too but I'm afraid my current power is not enough to win the tournament."

"How did you know?" Asami asked.

"It's because of Tram, my power is slightly above him but the main concern is the four wild cards in this tournament."

"I see. People also seem like to idolize them, without doubt they are the favorite candidates of the winner." Selianna nodded.

"It looks like they are all the big four for three consecutive times, we can't afford to underestimate them." Rikka said in serious manner.

"Yup, that's why I have to increase my power again by exploring Tartarus." Haruto said.

"You mean you want to have another Growth? But will you make it for the main rounds? I heard it's going to begin in three days, I don't know if you already recovered or not by that time..." Asami said doubtfully.

"Don't worry, although the tournament began in three days, my turn is on the next day after that, it should be enough."

"The first time you went through Growth you need more than a week but Milord's body already adapted to Growth so the recuperating period is shortened as a result. I think it'll work." Selianna pondered.

"Yeah, and actually there's another reason." Haruto said.

"What's wrong Haru-kun?" Rikka asked.

"Well, it's an intuition but somehow I have a bad feeling since we registered on the tournament and it compels me to increase my power as soon as possible."

"Huh?" The girls were confused.

"....In any case, let's hurry up, we're running out of time." He shook his head.

The others still bewildered but they nodded regardless and departed to Tartarus.


Tartarus Thebel 16F

Because there's no checkpoint in the 16th floor, Haruto's group needed to go through the 14th and 15th floor again but for their current strength it was a piece of cake. Fortunately there's no anomalies happened too and they still had plenty of stamina.

It was the same small square shaped room with only a staircase in the middle and a teleport device on the downleft corner.

Glancing at each others, they prepared themselves and dashed through the stairs without hesitating.

As usual every time they went up a floor, they're sucked by a space portal on the form of void as they ascended the tower.

It was a bit longer than usual and they could feel the atmosphere started to change as they went through a flying sensation.


Tartarus Arqa 17F

Once the sensation faded, they found themselves in a new environment different than before.

The labyrinth's structure was vastly changed in design compared to the floor below. It had darker design with stone castle wall designs and chitinous materials lining the floor and an occassional eerie face on the wall. The fuschia floors feature a repeating skull design with inverted patterns in places. The traces of blood could still be found from almost everywhere.

If the previous one resembled an abandoned building then this one resembled a demonic castle.

"...This is the 2nd Block of Tartarus..." Haruto was stunned on the new environment.

"Uuu, just when I was getting used on the 1st Block, now it's getting worse again..." Kaori groaned in frustration.

"The pressure from the air is a lot stronger than before....!" Fia widened her eyes.

"Yes, as we gotten stronger it was getting easier too but now we have to train all over again." Selianna gritted her teeth.

"....I don't think it's time to leisurely analyze our situation though..." Asami smiled bitterly.

The others nodded and soon a few presences of monsters started to approach them from the dark passageway ahead.

*Thud* *Thud*

A loud heavy steps resounded as the figure of the monsters appeared on their sight. It was a giant muscular humanoid shaped shadow monsters about seven meters tall wielding a vicious club and axes. They wore some kind of metalic thorny armor with two horns growing from their head. Their presence radiated a strong pressure as they huffed like a hungry beast.

"So it was General Ogres huh." Haruto narrowed his eyes.

The level of the monsters raised dramatically and they already faced a peak High rank monsters the moment they came to the 2nd Block.

"Ugh, we have to face countless monsters like this starting from now? And to think there's at least three Blocks more..." Asami began to rub her temples as she felt headache imagining the future.

"Hehe, it's a good training for you guys right?" Haruto chuckled.

"Yeah yeah, we know this level of opponent is already nothing compared to you dear younger brother." Asami sulked.

"Oh come on what gives? Don't you think it's exciting instead? We're going leveled up and make our way to the top you know? This is why RPG is the best."

"You played too much games Haru-kun..." Rikka sighed helplessly.

"Alright I think we should stop there, they're coming." Selianna drew her sword.


"Hmph, they're so impatient to be slaughtered. If that's the case then we shall grant their wish for quick death, let's go!!" Haruto snorted as he put on his battle stance.



Fifteen minutes later the battle had over.

Haruto and Kaori only needed around five minutes to defeat their opponents but the others needed a lot of time even if they're coordinating with each other.

The two of them purposely did not lend a hand unless they're in danger, it won't serve as training otherwise. The experience points (read: red mist energy) provided from the defeated enemies were ten times stronger than before so it was worth it.

They suffered some injuries as they spent a quite a lot of stamina, Kaori could recover the injuries but she couldn't recover vitality that's why they rest for awhile before continuing.

Thankfully just from defeating a few monsters already made them a bit stronger so the exploration was getting smoother the more they defeated the enemies.

When lower General monsters came out Haruto and Kaori had to deal with them alone as they're still too much for the other girls. Even Haruto was having a hard time with his body getting handicapped from the Tartarus special environment, without transforming of course.

Unless it was necessary, he didn't want to rely on transformation too much. Since they fight with Yomi, he realized how lacking he was in foundations so he constantly training in his base form even if he fought with stronger opponent as long as it was not impossible.

The result was far more satisfying than regular training and his skills improved faster as his Saiyan traits were fully stimulated the more he struggles on battles. As long as the opponent was capable of drawing the full power of his base form, he will improved quickly once he went through Growth.

He's sure that his current fighting skills already integrated more than 30% of Goku's full potential. Not to mention he also added his own techniques as improvisation.

Although his power had not increase just yet until his Growth, he could tell he's getting a lot stronger as he built more experiences in battles.

Three hours later they had entered the 20th floor. Haruto found some rare vitality potions from treasure chests, he divided them to his teammates. In addition there's also a medium rank storage ring obtained from the golden treasure chest, a very rare chest with less than 5% probability.

Naturally, there's a lot of money too and they already obtained twenty thousands quartz, ten times more than before. It was enough for ordinary people to live for a few years. More money will never hurt because he also wanted to live comfortably along with his comrades, there's no telling if they might needed a lot of money too someday. No matter which world it was, money is important.

"I'm starting to think that gaining money in this world is so easy compared to earth..." Asami murmured.

"That's because we're not normal, other people had to risk their lives if they wanted to obtain a lot of money. Even merchants aren't exempted from dangers. The law in this world is a lot more loose after all, killing is your everyday thing here." Haruto explained.

"Killing is it... As expected, you already killed someone Haru?" Asamo glanced at Haruto.

"I have." He nodded calmly.

"I see..." Asami thought for a bit and went back indifferent.

"I also killed people back in our world though..." Rikka smiled wryly.

"I know, it must be those bastards scheming on Haru right?" Asami smiled.

"Yeah, I can't forgive them after all they did."

Rikka bit her lip in anger but Haruto pat her shoulders gently so she smiled back and nodded.

Haruto was quite surprised seeing Asami maintained indifference with him and Rikka killing people but when he thought again for the reason, it made him sighed.

Her heart and mind was broken once after her family's death and she also had gone through a horrifying experiences. Her brother was killed by someone's scheme, she was nearly raped by the same person, she's kidnapped and brought to unfamiliar world while treated as a tool because of a strange device.

No wonder her sense of morality had distorted, if it was the current her perhaps he could kill people without batting an eye. Haruto didn't know whether to laugh or cry at this, in a sense it is a good thing for her to survive in this world but it's also sad that she became kind of 'broken'.

After all, even though Haruto could also kill people without hesitating that doesn't mean he wouldn't feel anything, no normal person did not feel anything after they killed people.

Still, Asami is Asami, maybe it's different now but she's once his blood related sister. No matter what kind of person she is right now, he'll accept it and watch over her in case she's gone the wrong path.

This is also what he hoped for his other comrades if someday he began to walk on the wrong path so that they would stop him and bring him back to his senses.

He sincerely trusted they will be able to do it so he did not worry about that. Although they all harbor feelings for him but they all have their own principles that's why even if it was the person they loved, if he made mistakes then they would definitely stop him.

"What's wrong Haru? Smiling like that." Asami and the others were puzzled seeing his face.

"Nah, nothing. Let's go." He shook his head and gestured to move forward.


The others were still confused but they followed him regardless.


Tartarus Arqa 22F

Although they went for five floors but they haven't reach a checkpoint floor yet. Tartarus was different than other dungeons, their boss room was randomized without specific patterns.

Before they ascended to this floor, they've already agreed to stop the exploration if they did not reach the boss room on the next level.

They were placed on a large square hall the moment they arrived on the floor, it's nothing unusual and happened time to time because of the unstable structure of Tartarus. Each day, the structure of the labyrinth on each floors will constantly changing.

"Doesn't seem like a checkpoint floor, we should search for a teleport device then, we already consumed a lot of stamina after all. I think I will have my Growth once we get out of Tartarus." Haruto said as he examined his body.

"That's good then, I'm getting sick of this place..." Kaori sighed.

"Me too, it's never comfortable exploring Tartarus." Fia agreed.

"The air is nasty, our body is heavy, the place is creepy, monsters are everywhere, there's random gimmicks sometimes, and we get tired so fast. There's no way anyone like this kind of place" Rikka said in a matter of fact manners.

"Hahaha, if you said it like that I guess-"


Haruto laughed on Rikka's statement but inside of him Elsie suddenly called out with shivering tone.

"Elsie? What's the matter?"

{T-T-The readings of the monsters are....}


Haruto was confused, it looks like Elsie was sensing something. Each time they entered Tartarus he always left the navigator role to her as his sense was limited in here. She's not affected because she's staying inside of him.

"Is something wrong Elly-chan?" Kaori asked.

{....No, this is bad! RUN!!}

*Rumble* *Rumble*

All of a sudden, the entire place was shaking after Elsie's distressed shout. Only this time Haruto's own sense began to detect something and he turned pale right away.