
Investigation at Manila University


Kenyon sighs while sitting on his seat, and he looks at Andres who's sitting beside him. "I am totally against your plan."

Andres glances at Kenyon. "But Kenyon, you heard them. There's a mysterious killer around this university! You and I can stand against this creature."

"The way you talk, it's as if you have an ability like mine to fight against a beast," Kenyon speaks calmly, "do remember that if I wasn't there, you are probably lying in a coffin right now."

Andres sighs. "Look, I want to help avoid the killings. Even if you won't agree then I'll go investigate it by myself

Kenyon lowers his head while rubbing his forehead. "You are such a headache. Look, I can't afford to see that you are risking your life for such a thing. Particularly, right now, you don't have any ability to kill even one of them."

"But I fought against a beast," Andres looks at his hands, "I can fight them, believe me."

"Only fight them? Can you slaughter them? Because believe me," Kenyon narrows his eyes at Andres, "you won't even handle a duwende, you might probably die before you find the real one when it has clones."

Andres shakes his head, and he stands up and walks toward one of his classmates, a man with dark eyes, curly brown hair, and brown eyes.


Christian, looks at him.

"What?" Christian asked coldly.

Meanwhile as the conversation between them continues, Kenyon remains sitting in his seat while observing Andres.

Andres replies and crouches in front of Christian, the sight makes Kenyon lean his body forward, as he puts his hands on his lap.

"I know that you are aware of the spreading rumors about a mysterious killer," Andres brings out 50 pesos, "I want some answers."

"Oh," Christian gently pulls the money from Andres, "you see... the rumored killer has a long tongue, and what I heard is that it lurks around at night.

"Be careful when you are around the university at night, because they said that if the killer catches you, the authorities will not do any investigation to find you."

"He's crazy," Kenyon whispers, "paying 50 pesos to gather some answers."

Kenyon continues to watch Andres and Christian. Andres nods before standing up and going back to his seat, and Kenyon sighs.

"What?" Andres asked while looking at him.

"Really? Paying money to talk to him, what are you thinking?" Kenyon inhaled deeply.

Andres yawns. "I'm just thinking that he might not answer me without anything in exchange."

"Whatever you do, don't forget that you are under my wings. A day will never end that I am not watching your back," Kenyon calmly told Andres.

"Whatever happens to me," Andres told Kenyon, "you will never force me to do what you want. Besides, I got you and you have this power that is like a comic character."

"Oh, you! Don't compare me to those silly creations." Kenyon rolled his eyes.

Andres smiles widely. "But remember that I alone will be the one writing my life."

"About your plan, let's talk about it." Kenyon arose from his seat.


Wearing a dark jacket covering his dark shirt, dark pants, socks, and dark sneakers.

Andres comes out of a locker and slowly closes it. His eyes catch a glimpse of light, and he quickly steps toward the locker; standing beside it.

He slowly lets out his face and sees a tall human whose face is covered by a mask, and he is wearing a dark hoodie.

He is holding a torchlight while walking forward, and Andres quickly steps back before the stranger turns his head toward his direction.

The stranger started to walk quietly in Andres' direction but was stopped. He turns around and begins to scramble in a certain direction.

Andres inhales deeply before walking in a certain direction. He stops beside the door of an abandoned classroom, and steps toward it.

Peeking through the glass on the door, Andres witnesses multiple bodies covered in white cloth with the word "Rations".

Andres looks down at the doorknob, therefore, he holds it and twists it.

"Shit, it's locked."

From the other direction, another individual comes out, wearing a mask symbolizing the dark face of a bat

Andres quickly runs to the nearby locker, pulls it, and quickly hides in it. Andres peaks through the hole as he focuses on the stranger.

"I thought I smelled something in here."

The other masked person arrives and both begin to talk as Andres narrows his eyes at them while listening.

"The rations are ready."

"Good. Is it me or did I smell a human?"

"Boss, at this hour no human is here."

"Oh, yeah, but is the plan ready? To capture the chosen ones?"

Andres continues to listen to the conversation as his hands are clenching, and his teeth gritting. "Those assholes... they're going to pay."

Once the masked duo left, Andres slowly pushed the door of the locker. He comes out gently and looks around only to see the dark hallway illuminated by the ceiling lights.

He goes toward the door of the abandoned classroom once again and brings out his pocket knife from inside his sleeve, and he inhales deeply. "Sorry, I have to do this."

He brings out a clip, therefore, he begins to open the door with the use of the clip and the knife until he hears the lock being unlocked.

A smile creeps on his lip while he gently pushes the door. He steps inside and sees many bodies covered in clothing; not even their face or any parts of their body are seen.

"Damn! Some are bleeding," he says as he walks to some of the bodies, "I must get evidence and see if I can find any clues that will solve the case of the missing students."

Andres looks around, and it's dark that the only light source he has is the moonlight streaming through the glass window.

"This should be helpful." Andres brought out a small flashlight.

He presses the button on the flashlight and it activates.

He aims for the flashlight everywhere in the room, then, he finds the name tag on each body, therefore, he tears some of them and puts them inside the pocket of his pants.

Andres catches the sight of a brown long folder. He goes toward the folder and picks it up; covered with specks of blood and radiating a foul odor.

"What?!" Andres gasps while reading the papers inside the folder, "These are! The missing students!"

Andres hides the folders in his jacket, and he runs out of the room.

Andres quickly looks in a certain direction brings out a knife, and quickly throws it toward the masked individual.

He steps aside from the knife, catches it, and throws it back at Andres.

Andres brings out a knife from his belt, and he catches the incoming knife with a thrust of his hand.

"Nice one." the masked 1 laughed.

He jumps toward Andres, and Andres pulls out a karambit from his belt.

Therefore, Andres jumps toward the

masked 1, and both fight; Andres with a fast swing of his karambit against the punches from the attacker.

From the hole in the attacker's mask, a long tongue comes out and wraps around Andres' hands, and he tosses Andres away.

Andres hits the ceiling light, and falls on the floor, he coughs while standing up.

Andres' eyes widen, and he steps aside only to avoid a long tongue from hitting him again. He turns around but the masked 2 behind him goes closer to him, therefore, he punches Andres' back.

He turns around and catches the incoming punch, and masked 1 slashes his tongue towards Andres.

Andres kicks the masked 2 in front of him, and he quickly grabs the incoming tongue from behind, therefore, slamming the other masked individual on the floor.

Andres quickly lets go of the tongue, and he begins to shake while falling to his knees.

The masked duo goes towards Andres, and he stares at them while pushing himself back to his feet.

He pulls a knife from the sole of his shoe and runs toward them but ends up stumbling. The masked duo kicks his face, and Andres crashes into the glass window which leads him out of the university.

He hits the grass and coughs, and he stands up. Andres looks up and sees the masked duo with their mask lowered down at him.

A white energy beam goes straight to them but the masked duo jumps away from it. Andres runs toward the wall and jumps, and an ice pillar emerges from the ground.

The ice pillar hits Andres' feet and pushes him up to the broken window, Andres jumps inward the broken window.

Andres is now facing one of the masked duo.

"Where's your accomplice?" Andres brought a pair of knives from his belt.

Masked 1 runs toward him and Andres does the same. He punches Andres which throws the knife away from his left hand, and Andres kicks his throat which strikes him away.

He stands up and sees Andres with a narrowing eye while sprinting towards him. He holds his mask and Andres slams masked 1 on the floor.

Andres holds the mask and pulls it but he raises his other hand and catches an incoming long tongue.

"Shit!" Andres yelled before trembling.

He cuts the tongue in half with his knife, and masked 1 underneath him punches Andres' belly which pushes him toward the wall.

Kenyon flies toward the broken glass window, and he sees Andres lying on the ground. He looks up and witnesses the cracks on the floor, and the broken ceiling lights.

"Why did it take you too long before you rescued me," Andres weakly said.

Kenyon sighs. "Giving you a lesson."

Later on, Andres and Kenyon arrive in the room where Andres went in.

"The bodies! They're gone!" Andres said.

There were no traces of bodies covered in clothing, no blood, and not even a foul odor.

"You have evidence, right?" Kenyon asked calmly.

"I have this," Andres brings out the folder from his jacket, "about students, and it seems they're the ones who were here earlier."

Kenyon sighs. "You have no idea what we entered. Now, we got to talk about what happened here."