
The Legacy of Fire and Blood

In the wake of Aegon and Visenya's conquest, Westeros experienced both fire and blood followed by an era of peace, prosperity, and justice. Now, as their descendants inherit the legacy of the three-headed dragon, the survival of House Targaryen is threatened by numerous enemies. In this alternate universe centered around Maegor the Cruel, witness the struggle of a dynasty at the brink of collapse, where ambition, treachery, and the quest for power threaten to unravel everything they have built. Can House Targaryen endure the trials ahead, or will their legacy succumb to the ever-present dangers lurking in the shadows of Westeros? Join us on a thrilling journey into an alternate history of intrigue and destiny. Join me on Patreon at patreon.com/Jackson_Blackfyre for exclusive access to advance chapters of thrilling stories. Dive into alternate universes where dynasties clash, and destinies unfold. Discover the gripping tale of House Targaryen in an alternate timeline, where survival hangs in the balance amidst enemies and intrigue. Unravel the mysteries of power and ambition as we explore the legacy of Aegon and Visenya in the Alt-Maegor the Cruel AU. Don't miss out on the adventure—pledge today for early access to captivating chapters and unlock a realm of imagination and suspense!

Jackaon_Blackfyre · Book&Literature
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Chapter 2: Reconnection

A gentle wind wafted against the peak of the high hill, a weak shove by the gods upon the city of the dragons. It brought coolness to the people of the city, of the Aegonfort, needed in the damp squalor of the early autumn heat. And almost playfully, the very same wind brushed against the dangling bodies of a half-hundred men. Swaying in the breeze from the nooses that had taken their lives only minutes before.

It was a scene that the silver-haired highborn watched without a word being said - only two hands clasped over the pleats of her dress, the green and white of her ancestral house.

"The deed is done, your Grace," stated Ser Osmund Strong, Master of Laws for their graces, Aegon and Visenya Targaryen. "Justice for your daughter, peace be unto her."

Sea green eyes flickering to his, Queen Dowager Valaena Targaryen - formerly Velaryon - unsettled Ser Osmund. A large bear of a man, the stare of the dragon was one he wished not to get onto the wrong side of. But just as it came her eyes shifted back to the dangling corpses. Half a hundred, a mix of the condemned perpetrators, hostages, and unfortunate souls trapped in the wrong place at the wrong time. The only commonality being their origins.

Dornish, the lot of them.

"Will their death bring my daughter back?" she asked Ser Osmund evenly. "Will they spare the pain my surviving children feel? Give my grandson his mother alive and well again?" Questions she didn't expect nor want an answer to. "Don't speak of justice unless you can see their atrocities undone."

Ser Osmund only bobbed his head. "Aye, your Grace."

Pushing the Master of Laws out of her mind, Valaena raked her eyes up and down the still bodies of the dead Dornishmen. She wanted to loathe them with the same fiery hate that her surviving daughter did, but instead all that was left was a hollow pit in her soul. Even at the captured assassins dangling… no contempt, just… nothing.

Killing them doesn't bring my Rhae back to me. Unlike Aegon and Visenya, the Queen Dowager had the experience to realize such matters. Vengeance was fleeting, a temporary fix. In the end, only love and death were finite.

The roaring shadow of Balerion drew her from her solemn musings. Wingspan over a hundred and fifty feet across, he dwarfed Vhagar and the slightly smaller Meraxes… well, once dwarfed Meraxes. No more fitting a mount for the King of all Westeros. "His Grace has returned from Storm's End."

"Aye, he has." Valaena looked at Ser Osmund. "Leave them to dangle till tomorrow night, then cut them down and toss them into the sea."

"Yes, your Grace."

Vengeance may have been fleeting, but in the moment it felt good.

The Aegonfort was quite well chosen as a fortress. Built upon the high hill overlooking all of Blackwater Bay and the surrounding fields and woodland, the keep itself was actually several hundred yards inland atop the crest. Where the cliffs plunged down towards the sea and small stretch of beach, the planners kept a large grassy knoll fallow, most of the actual buildings that helped keep the castle running on the inland side.

As Balerion landed upon the grass with a thud, it wasn't hard to see why.

Walking briskly, Valaena truly missed her youth. Still graceful and beautiful at seven and forty, it seemed like a waste without her wonderful Aerion beside her. She had other lovers since - discrete as to not draw the ire of her children - but it wasn't the same. He would know what to say here. The current situation needed his kindly touch and comforting embraces, but Valaena would have to do the best she could.

Her babes were hurting greatly.

Aegon worked like a man possessed. He said little, ate little, and spent most of his time locked in his solar pouring over ravenscrolls from Orys and Addam Hightower, discussing battleplans with his master of war and master of ships, and overseeing the latest supply manifests that a twenty-nameday old clerk was more suited to review. Nothing could be pried from him besides such, not even his newborn son. Aenys was left in Valaena's care, not that she minded, but it broke her heart.

Visenya was the opposite problem. While Aegon was dour, Valaena's eldest erupted with the fury of the fourteen flames. The day after the news of Rhaenys' death reached her, she and Vhagar disappeared - they returned many hours later, ahead of the news that Godsgrace had been immolated and Lord Allyrion turned into ash, simply for being the first Dornish keep they could reach. Her anger boiled over on everyone, on everything. Lord Alton, Lord Edmyn, and Ser Osmund only just managed to convince her to not slaughter every dornish man, woman, and child in the capitol… only those men connected to House Martell.

Seeing the stoic form of her son climb down from Balerion, she didn't blame either him nor Vis for their feelings. Both adored Rhae, their sister-wife, and each felt the hole she left in their hearts in their own way. In this - visible in the tension and pain that radiated from Aegon like wisps of smoke - the distance between the couple truly exposed itself. Aegon used to confide in Rhae, while Visenya confided in no one.

I should have stopped this long ago… Better late than never.

Valaena approached the great beast without fear. Her mother was a Targaryen dragonrider - ironically, her mount had been Balerion, passed down from Daenys the Dreamer to her. There was an intimate familiarity between herself and her only son's mount. "Welcome back, son."

Hand absentmindedly stroking the Black Dread's snout, Egg looked back to his mother. Anyone else would have been ignored. "Muna." They were always the closest, while Rhaenys and the late Aerion Targaryen were joined at the hip - Visenya was often on her own, much to Valaena's regret. "Orys," he began, voice hollow and brooding. "He's planning to sail the reinforcements to Sunspear once our fleet arrives."

"The Martells won't be anywhere close to there." Valaena knew her son, trying to bury his feelings in his duties just as his father used to. Visenya had anger, Aegon had brooding. But she went with it for now. "You'd be better off sending assassins as they did."

He stiffened at the memory, but said nothing. Aegon hadn't yet talked about that fateful day. "Vis wants to unleash our dragons and I agree with her. We fly once Orys lands at Sunspear."

She frowned. "If you think the Dornish Lords barricaded themselves in their keeps then you're being foolish. They won;t make that mistake again."

"Well what choice do I have, muna?" The innate Targaryen temper began to rise, even in someone as brooding as Aegon. Good. "Those monsters killed Rhae, they nearly killed…" This time, he shut up. Instead trying to trudge back to the keep where a soft bed and warm food awaited him.

But Valaena grabbed his shoulder before he could. "No, Egg."

He tensed, smoldering. "Let go of me, muna."

She wasn't about to take his ire - her own rose. "You will not speak to me that way, and you will stop this childishness right now."

"I'm no child."

"You're acting just like one at the moment."

He turned, simply staring at her. His skin was flush with anger, but the violet eyes of his father merely reflected pain and grief. "I'm acting as anyone would who lost their wife… whom they loved with everything in them." Aegon talked little of his emotions, but when speaking to or about Rhae he was a little more open.

That was good, but he had someone else as well. "You have another wife, Egg. One that's alive and needs you."

Aegon's gaze shifted out to sea. Finding Vhagar flapping over the waves. "Visenya is strong - she doesn't need me as Rhae did…"

"Horseshit!" His eyes widened, not expecting his dignified mother to curse. All my babes… they put me on a pedestal. Little did they know she was far different deep down. "Gods, it was just like this when you were babes. Visenya forcing herself to be tough and aloof and you shunning her for it."

"I never shunned her…" Even Aegon knew the moment he spoke that it was a lie, half-hearted to defend himself. The first walls began to crack.

Valaena crossed her arms. "I'm not going to speak of Rhaenys… we all miss her, I among all." Her daughter, her silver flame of fun and excitement, life snuffed out by a lucky Dornishman with a scorpion bolt. The tears that left her eyes every night still hadn't ran dry. "Now is about you, and Visenya. You can't grieve unless the both of you do it together."

"She doesn't speak to me. Never since our childhood did she." He loved her - seven hells he did, but not once did they ever truly open up to each other. Aegon never truly could figure out why and eventually he hardened his heart to it. Rhaenys was their seal, but with her gone there was no escaping it. "I don't know how to get through to her."

His mother offered a sad smile. "Perhaps you should approach it from her level." Leaning up, she kissed his forehead and headed back to the keep.

Left alone in the breeze, it wasn't long before Balerion's hot snout prodded him gently - it still was a struggle not to topple over. "Easy boy." He placed his hand on Balerion's scales. "You agree with muna?" The dragon snorted. "Kessa, I know."

He had to find Visenya, but didn't know where she was.

Stop being an idiot. Aegon knew exactly where she was.

She is no mortal… she is a demon…

Such had been some of the more… tame characterizations of Queen Visenya Targaryen. Most were far more profane or derogatory, often both, and she despised it.

Loathed it.

Let it fuel her rage and vitality.

Letting the training sword spin in her hand, the weight and feel of it obscene to the feel of Dark Sister, Visenya brought it up to clutch in both hands. Fingers tightened around the pommel. Two and thirty namedays old, age slowed her down in no manner. Fast, powerful, the narrowed violets of her eyes struck fear into any man that faced her.

As it should be.

"Come on!" Visenya bellowed at the four milling men-at-arms, dressed in full plate for this - she, on the other hand, only wore a tunic, lady's riding trousers, and a leather cuirass. "Anyone man enough to fight the Queen?!"

None made the first move. In her youth many had tried to take advantage of the young maiden, her violent reactions leading to many instances of her father having to soften bruised egos and strained relations. A decade of battle prowess against the armies of the Sunset Kingdoms solidified such a legend, but in the last weeks everyone knew her mood. The broken arms and bruised chests of all Lords and Knights commanded to fight her told the tale. She had a bloodlust that couldn't be sated, and any hapless fool that came in her sights would be subjected to the fight of his life.

It would have been amusing if the focused rage wasn't present in Visenya's eyes. "Gods! Do something, you cunts!" When none moved yet again, Visenya rolled her eyes and tensed. "Fine then." Raising the training sword up, she charged herself.

The clash of steel upon steel was intimately familiar to King Aegon, hearing it through the wood and stone corridors that formed the central keep. His earlier intuition was correct after all… Gods help those poor souls. Chided for recklessness at the unilateral burning of Dornish castles and madness for proposing executing women and babes, Visenya had taken to unleashing her rage at Rhaenys' death upon the knights and men-at-arms on the sparring court. Not yet had she lost.

No worthy opponent has yet been found. Aegon knew there was only one who could go toe to toe with her.

Rounded in an almost oval shape, the Targaryens had insisted on the inner courtyard's construction as a place to train. It was surrounded by a wooden palisade, two balconies running one atop the other all around. Normally when the King or Queen trained there would be countless servants, knights, or visiting lords watching the sight. Not now. Everyone feared the Queen's wrath, not that Aegon blamed them. I should have never let it come to this.

Emerging into the well, Egg moved to approach his sister and end this but stopped. Waiting in the entrance, his eyes landed upon the silver-haired warrior Queen and he saw her. Really saw her. Visenya looked to all as strong and fierce, but moved with a dexterity and grace that put the lumbering Westerosi knights to shame. The blade never rested in two hands, instead twirling and slashing like an extension of her arm. Her hands and feet weren't idle either, punching and kicking in a frenzied yet fluid attempt to bash aside all of her enemies.

Aegon himself often used his strength as a weapon, but Vis needed to compensate for hers didn't come naturally. A year older than him, Visenya's martial attitude was always just a given for him - the aloof and stern elder sister always scowling and challenging him to a fight - but here he truly witnessed the breathtaking being before him.

A true dragon.

When she bashed one of the men-at-arms in the face, breaking his nose, Aegon finally intervened. "Enough!" To Visenya's credit, she stopped her sparring. The men seemed eager to end it, falling to their knees at their King. "Sister, this has gone far enough."

Propping a hand on her hip - unintentionally showing off just how toned and beautiful she was - Visenya scoffed. "Brother," she addressed him curtly. "How nice of you to emerge from your solar and war room for once."

Her sarcasm hurt, for she was right. However, Aegon knew he wasn't entirely to blame for adopting coping strategies - she did too. "Get out of here!" he bellowed at the men, who scrambled away as fast as their legs would take them. "Does it please you to fight those that are clearly out of your league?"

She only chuckled darkly, sword resting on her shoulder. "It isn't my fault our guards and sworn swords aren't worth a damn. Our dragons can't protect us forever, Egg." The two seemed to circle each other, tension coming to a head.

"Vis, stop this," he urged, softening his voice. "Put down the blade and let's talk in our chambers."

"I have nothing to say to you," was her reply, dark and growling… but with a hint of quivering. Had Egg not spoken to his mother, he wouldn't have picked it up. "I have nothing to say to anyone except to Lady Martell when I burn her alive."

"You don't think this is what Rhae would want…" Aegon knew such was the worst thing to say at the moment.

Sword leveled at him, Visenya's eyes blazed dragonfire. "Don't you dare tell me what our sister would want! She would want us to avenge her, and that's what I intend to do!"

As do I. It wasn't the sentiment that Aegon could now see was toxic… it was her attitude in general. Strong as she was, this level of grief and emotion would eat her alive if she didn't let it out.

"Perhaps you should approach it from her level."

Good advice from his mother, and he knew just the thing. "You want to fight someone so much, fight someone who's on your level." Reaching up to his neck to untie the straps of his armor, he moved towards the collection of blunted sparring swords - just like the set he and Visenya learned from.

Slightly surprised by his sentiment, the wide eyes changed to a chuckle. "You can't be serious."

"Not keen on fighting me?" He smirked, knowing exactly which points to push. "Think a woman isn't up to taking on the King of Westeros?"

It took a moment for Visenya to process the words, but her lips curled into a snarl and her body shook with ire. "Fine. You want it you got it." But the Queen tossed the blade to the ground, instead going for the fine longsword propped against one of the benches. "Valyrian steel against Valyrian steel, like proper dragonlords."

With anyone else he would have been sure Vis was asking for a death wish, but this was personal. She couldn't back down, not against her brother. Wordlessly, Aegon drew Blackfyre just as she drew Dark Sister. Both longswords glinting in the noonday sun. "Melee rules?" Egg asked.

She cocked her head. "You know better than that." Without a word or a cry, just burning eyes, Visenya lunged straight for him. There was no chance either would hold back with their ancestral blades - both knew the other could take it.

There was something about Visenya, one that made her as powerful a warrior as any of the renowned knights that were celebrated across Westeros. She combined the strength of the dragon - surprising for a woman and thus leaving her underestimated - with an uncompromising agility. Spinning, whirling, dancing around her foes and attacking their weak spots, she was relentless at it.

Such was why it put Aegon off balance when she assaulted straight into him with the bullheaded charge of a melee knight. Surprising for her, but one that worked as Aegon was forced back, Blackfyre on the defensive as Dark Sister slashed at him.

But Egg was just as skilled, escaping a narrow swing by leaning back, using momentum to shove forward, but Vis redoubled, using her retreat to spin around and sidestep his thrust. Dark Sister swung through the air, reflecting the sun as it met flesh.

Stinging pain shooting through his cheek, Aegon bashed aside Dark Sister, quickly scrambling back - putting yards of distance between them. His hand shot up and felt a shallow gash cut along the skin. Blood marred his fingers. Visenya circled, spinning her blade out of impatience and anger. "Not once did Black Harren's men harm me," Aegon said evenly.

Visenya laughed. "Black Harren and the Ironborn are thugs. I am a Valyrian Queen, there is no comparison!"

"Perhaps not." Time to end this.

Suddenly, Visenya found Egg charging, his feet showing a surprising speed for someone as bulky as he. But she knew all his movements, Dark Sister rising to parry Blackfyre's sideways slash… only for him to kick at her foot. It was a risky move that weakened his stance, but Visenya didn't expect it and staggered, teeth gritting in pain.

Seeing an opening and taking it, Aegon pressed forward. His bulk was an advantage, keeping Vis reacting to him rather than the other way around. He twirled Blackfyre parallel with his forearm to block Dark Sister's assaults while he swung at his sister. Making sure she was off balance until his blade rocketed back into position, a shout on his lips as he swung hard.

Dark Sister dropping onto the grass with a thud, Visenya staggered back two paces, shock written all over her face just as determination filled Aegon's. They stood there, not a word shared between them… the former still while the latter waited for what would transpire. "Yield," he finally said, voice low - firm but soft at the same time.

Her eyes narrowed, but lips quivered. "I… yield," Visenya grounded out. The tension deemed to deflate from her, replaced with… resignation. "I suppose this is what you've always wanted, right? Proving me weak."

Aegon dropped from his stance. "No one that can stand toe to toe with me deserves to be called weak."

"But weaker than you," she replied, the ire leeching from her voice. "That's what they all desired, to show that I'm just as weak as they wish all women to be." It was an accusation, but for once a chink developed in Visenya's armor… a hole in her walls. If Aegon didn't apply it correctly, then she could immolate.

Sighing, he sheathed Blackfyre, leaning down to pick up Dark Sister and press it into her hands. "That's not what I think… what I ever thought." She replied for naught, shifting her eyes away from him. "I'm your husband, Visenya. You need not put walls from me."

That drew her attention as she sheathed her blade, arms wrapping protectively round her waist. "You mean the walls you put up from me, Egg? The ones that you didn't with…" Visenya couldn't say her name. If she did… she'd fall apart.

Not replying directly, Aegon wrapped his arms around her shoulder. To his elation, she didn't resist, though her eyes were still downcast. "I know we both have more to say. Please, Vis, our chambers?" Visenya replied not, but nodded - letting her husband lead her out of the courtyard.

Aegon paid little attention to the guards… or the servants… or the errant Lord or knight that attempted to seek his favor. No, they didn't deserve his time. The only one who did was the woman his arm wrapped around the waist of. Visenya was all that mattered to him at the moment.

How quiet she was, the increasingly hollow look in her eye… gods, it scared him.

Their bedchamber was lavishly decorated - by Rhae it turned out, filled with a mix of golden colors vibrant with light, gentle blues and whites, and the red and black of their house. Aegon honestly liked it, as did Vis at the time… well, he took her grunt as liking it, but now it just added to his sorrow. Don't dwell on it now. Be strong for Vis. Leading her to the large bed that could fit all three of them, he guided them to sit.

"You comfortable?" he asked, breaking the silence. All he got was a nod in return. "Good… good…" Working on what he wanted to tell her, it died on his lips the moment they sat. Better improvise then. "You're not weak, Vis. I never thought you were." She didn't reply. "I mean, a woman that managed to destroy the Vale fleet at Gulltown while single-handedly forcing the surrender of House Arryn cannot be weak." Technically she got Ronnel Arryn to submit by taking him on a dragon ride, but it was just mindless detail.

Slowly, Visenya tilted her head to look at him. The pain in her eyes broke his heart in a way that nothing did since seeing Rhaenys so pale after delivering Aenys. "Do you know what it's like to be dismissed by everyone?" It wasn't accusatory, Visenya simply put it out there. "To be looked down upon."

"No." He could quibble, but the premise was correct.

Her lip quivered, a completely different Visenya from the one he knew. "I tried not to let it get to me, but it did." She chuckled, dryly and without levity. "Every comment, every insult, every look of disgust or novelty… Do you know why I was drawn to the magic and lore of our ancestors, Egg?"

From a young age, she poured through the libraries of Dragonstone to find the secrets of Old Valyria - to connect to their illustrious past. "You were always the most proud of our Valyrian ancestry, Vis." It was one of her top charms.

"It was after a point, but I was first drawn to it because of the nature of dragonlords." She closed her eyes, as if imagining Old Valyria. "You never had to distinguish between them. The sheer act of bonding with a dragon made you an elite. Man, woman, it didn't matter. Here, in Westeros…" Visenya practically spat out the last. "If I wasn't born with a cock, then it doesn't matter. Unless I'm charming like Rhae was, then it's off to the back of the room to churn out babies!" Ire of long suppressed anger - let out, but never spoken about - led to her grabbing a candlestick from the nightstand and throwing it against the wall.

Aegon moved to hug her, but Visenya pushed him away. He tried not to take it personally, but it did hurt. Memories of his own younger years came back. "None on Dragonstone stopped you becoming a warrior."

"Aye, they didn't, but I knew what they 'expected of me.' The disapproval came from everyone."

"Who's everyone, Vis?" he shot back. "Muna? Kepa? Quenton?"


He flinched as if struck. "Me? What in seven hells did I do?!" This was not going as planned, but Aegon couldn't help his raised voice.

It only managed to stoke Visenya's ire. "Don't deny it, brother. You preferred Rhaenys over me because I was strong. You wanted a weak woman."

"I can hardly describe Rhaenys as weak, Vis."

"But you wanted a feminine one! One who could whisper sweet things and dance sensually for you! With me you get a female version of yourself and I know you hated it!" She was practically screaming at him by now. "Ever since we were children, all until our marriage you avoided me! Don't try to deny it!"

"Avoided…" He wracked his memories, but suddenly it came to Egg. "I wasn't avoiding you because of that." His voice grew softer. Visenya scoffed. "No, you kept pushing me away."

"Because of your attitude."

"No!" he roared, making her eyes flash with fear. Visenya… in fear. The image quickly sobered him. "Vis, you were my elder sister. A fierce warrior who tamed Vhagar at seven namedays. I looked up to you… but you always shooed me away." He sighed. "I suppose after a while I hardened my heart."

Blinking, Visenya wanted to retort… but the more she thought about it, perhaps he was right. "I don't see it, Egg… I… I just wanted someone not to look at me as if I was a disappointment. Why would I shun you if you didn't?" It didn't make sense.

Aegon smiled wanly. "Perhaps you just assumed? I did always want to be a knight… your opinion of them was always colored that way." Vis averted her gaze, but Aegon placed a hand on her cheek. "Vis, you're my sister and my wife. Please don't shut me out."

"Like you're one to complain," she shot back, but her voice lacked bite. "I know what they say nowadays. How you chose Rhae for pleasure and me for duty."

Gently but forcefully, he turned her head so she was looking at him. "I chose you because I love you." True, he was an ass sometimes. True, their strained relationship built on youthful misunderstandings kept it aloof, but he did. He did love her just as much as he had Rhae.

Her resolve was cracking. "You loved Rhae," she murmured. Visenya actually sounded vulnerable.

It was something only he had ever seen since Kepa died. "I did… desperately so. But I love you, and I knew she did as well. I may be a right cunt sometimes, and it shouldn't have taken this long for us to have this conversation, but it's true and I do love you."

He does love me. She chose to brush off all the rumors spread by nobles and maesters looking to take her down a peg, but Visenya was truly hurt by them. Hurt at his seeming devotion to Rhae over her. Gods… they both fucked this up.

Looking up at him, violet eyes softening, Visenya suddenly became aware of the wound on Egg's face. "Your cheek." Gently, she raised her hand and placed it along the now scabbing line across it - Dark Sister was a fine blade, and its cuts were clean. "It'll scar…" she murmured.

He shrugged. "Most probably. Haven't given it much thought."

"My fault." She bit her lip, never looking so vulnerable. "Oh Egg." Desperate, Visenya hugged him tightly. "Gods, how could you ever forgive me?" In her rage, she actually hurt the man she loved.

"I knew what I was in for when I married a dragon." Aegon smiled. "I suppose I never would have wanted anyone else than that."

At that, Visenya couldn't control herself anymore. She moved forward to capture his lips, distant anger fading as a desire took its place. The grief and recriminations could wait, but for right now all she could think of was that her husband loved her.

And she him.

"Vis…" Feeling him pushing her back, she did not understand his hesitation until Egg pointed to the swords still tied around their waists. "I'd rather not risk getting cut." Fuck, Visenya found she missed his dry humor, even if it was still irritating.

Seemed she was admitting a lot to herself.

Impatient to have him again, Visenya shucked off Dark Sister, which clattered to the ground just as Blackfyre did. The moment the swords were gone did Aegon grab her ass, pinning her to the bed. Visenya gasped, but in a good manner… She grew wet for him, needing her strong Dragon King. With her legs wrapped around his waist and his tongue plunging into her mouth, she felt as if it was their first time all over again.

Kessa, Egg…

But as he pulled back for air, she blinked away sudden tears. "What is it?" Aegon asked, the lust in her face falling to sadness

"I… I do not deserve you," Visenya said, shaking her head with unshed tears in her eyes. "I was so awful to you."

He just looked at her. "You do deserve me." He rocked their bodies together, making her feel his hardness against her core. "I like you the way you are."

Visenya trembled, as if dragonfire coursed within. His words… it was out of a dream.

"I love being married to a dragon." He leaned down and sucked at her neck, making Visenya moan. "Do you know how beautiful you are?" In the moment all worries, all pain disappeared, lost in their moment of passion.

"Tell me… I want to know." Normally uncaring, she discovered that if from Egg, it did matter to her.

He smiled, beginning to slowly strip the both of them. "Your hair… it's amazing in braids but when it's loose. Gods, you're breathtaking."

Sighing, Visenya shuddered from his hands undoing her braids. "Go on."

Their pants went. "Your skin is flawless." He kissed up her hip, playing with the hem of her tunic. "Your body… every spar, every battle… all the fighting just makes you more beautiful." She bucked up, his words obviously well received. "Your breasts… I have no words."

Seeing his lecherous grin, directed at her - her! - Visenya broke. They were completely nude now, and nothing but will was stopping them. "Gods, husband. Fuck me!"

Looking at her as if she were the most beautiful woman in the world - to him, she was just that - Egg cared not how this had morphed into something out of his wet dreams. "Soon, my love," he murmured in high Valyrian, husky with desire. Her eyes darkened. Aegon moved his hands from her hips to ass, mouth instantaneously suckling one breast while his hand teased the other.

"Oh… Aegon…" They had fucked before. Wild couplings that left each other bruised, cut, but very satisfied, but this was different. Like the passionate moments he shared with Rhae, there was something deeper to their coupling here. Almost like her bond with Vhagar, only much, much more pleasing.

He lapped at her nipple, flicking the other one to drive her mad. "Beg, sister."


"Beg." Slowly, his finger stroked her gushing slit.

It was enough to break her. "Please… please…" A soft moan escaped Visenya's lips, Aegon wasting no time to bury his cock inside her cunt. "Oh… Oh… Oh…" He was perfect for her, slowly pushing deeper and deeper till he was buried to the hilt.

"You're tight," he ground out, suddenly kissing her. The kiss enveloped the both of them, tongues dueling as Aegon grabbed her hip and started to thrust into her cunt. He went slow, easing into and out of her with care.

Skin slapping together, Visenya moaned his name into his mouth. This was what she realized she always wanted - needed but never truly had. But it wasn't enough. "Egg." Lips detaching, she bit at his shoulder. "Faster, I won't break."

Growling like the dragon he was, Aegon picked up the pace - pushing his cock deeper and harder into her core. Every thrust drove her further into his spell, and him into hers. Aegon suddenly felt her nails digging into his flesh, surely drawing blood on his back. It spurred him on, faster. Harder. "Gods, Vis."

"Kessa, brother, kessa… " The mix of Valyrian and common tongue was electrifying on her lips. "I want you, I need you."

"You have… me… " The King was relentless, slamming into her and pushing his Queen into the plush mattress. Making her claw at whatever was available, from his flesh to the sheets. It was amazing, taking the great warrior and dragonrider to her peak as her walls began to close. Mine… you're mine, sister…

"Yes… only yours." He must have said it out loud. He didn't care, for Visenya was clenching around him even tighter.

There was no stopping him. "Visenya!" he bellowed, undoubtedly heard through the keep.

The feeling of his cock pulsing within her cunt was enough for her. "Aegon!" His cry was joined by hers, even louder.

Heart thumping in her chest, Visenya molded herself against Aegon's side. Not wanting one inch of their skin not connected. His arm held her firmly in place and lightly stroked her back. Gods, she loved it. All of this felt so… soft and meek, but Visenya couldn't be bothered to care. Egg was a dragon just like her… an equal. Why hadn't she just accepted it before rather than insisting on something to prove to him?

"I love you," she murmured, kissing his chest.

Visenya swore she could hear him smile. "I love you too." Leaning his head, Aegon pressed a kiss to her forehead - sweat-soaked hair matted to the flushed skin. Suddenly he chuckled. "I'm sorry… but I can't help but think that you're gonna thump me for beating you earlier."

Running her hand on his chest, Visenya almost smacked him playfully, but demurred. Smirking at the surprise he was undoubtedly feeling. "No, that was a fair fight… and I don't intend to thump you in the bedchamber - it would be unfair."

There was a silence. "Where are you and what have you done with my wife?"

Eyes shifting to look at him, an impish smile appeared on her face. "Don't worry. I intend to thump you in a rematch tomorrow."

Egg laughed. "There's my wife."

"That's right, your wife." She poked him in the chest. "Don't forget it." In lieu of response, Aegon simply captured her lips, to which she lost herself in.

While before had been a source of lust and comfort, the kiss now was a promise. A learning experience, Egg feeling as if he was newly married and exploring his new bride… seven hells, in effect it was. He had been given a second chance with Vis, and damned if he wasn't going to take it.

Air became an issue however, and they pulled away. Her lips were swollen, and Visenya bit it shyly - he rather liked the look on her, but only when they were alone. Only I get to see her like this. It seemed like the most precious of gifts. "I hadn't realized how good a kisser you were."

"Rhae always thought so," he mentioned, only for both their faces to fall. "Rhae…"

Her name before would send Vis into a tirade, but now she merely rested her head against his chest. Letting his heartbeat soothe her. "Why did they take her from us? Why did she have to die?" Visenya's voice was mournful, a tear falling from her cheek onto his skin.

Aegon sighed, grieving too. "She didn't deserve it… she was the best of us."

"We'll avenge her." Dorne would pay, but now she simply couldn't be angry - that would come again later. "Poor Aenys, my motherless nephew."

Cupping her cheek, Aegon made Visenya look at him - touch gentle. "No, he has a mother."

His smile revealed his meaning. "Me?" She wasn't opposed to the idea, but… "I don't know how to be a mother."

"You'll be an amazing muna, one I and Rhae would be proud of." He kissed her eyelid. "Both to Aenys and our future babes."

She stared at him. "Our…"

Aegon nodded, cupping her belly. "I'd like another son and a daughter, only if you would." He wasn't ready for Vis to jump onto him, their words disappearing into teary-eyed kisses.

The servants looked as if they had seen the three-headed Targaryen dragon take flight before them. In all the time most had spent around Queen Visenya, only a few could remember seeing her in a dress. Or seeing her look so… gentle. Such was the prerogative of Queen Rhaenys, and with her dead none had imagined such a sight to return.

Walking calmly through the halls, Visenya wasn't completely unrecognizable. The dress was simple, mostly black but with a red hem and collar, the colors of her house. Her silver hair was still up in her simple braids, Dark Sister a grounding constant strapped to her side. She knew the looks she was getting but didn't care.

She wouldn't let all that had happened destroy her.

The doubles guard outside the nursery door immediately bowed as she approached. "Your Grace." Being from Dragonstone, they were absolutely loyal and professional.

Nodding at them, Visenya looked at one with recognition. "You, you were part of the relief party that found my husband and I."

He seemed in awe that the great Targaryen Queen recognized him. "Aye, your Grace. Thank the gods we arrived before the worst."

"Your name?"

"Jon Bean, my Queen."

"Do you have any children?" Given why she was here, babes were on Visenya's mind.

"Aye, a young son named Dick."

Visenya smiled. If he grows up as strong as his father, then I'll make sure he has a place in my service." The guard grinned madly, as if given the greatest of honors.

The greatest honor is being married to Egg and Rhae. Too little too late she realized the wonder of the latter… but not too late to enjoy the former. Opening the door, Visenya resolved to do just that. Starting with this.

Having expected Aenys' wetnurses, she froze when she saw her mother holding Rhaenys' son. "Muna!" She didn't expect her to be there.

Looking up from her grandson to see her daughter, Valaena smiles. The smile turned bright at something other than rage written on her face. "Dear daughter." She set the band in his crib and rose to embrace Visenya tightly. "You look quite beautiful. The dress suits you."

"Muna…" Warrior and Queen that she was, clucking compliments from her mother made her feel a six-and-ten nameday maiden. "I thought… I'd feel better while dressing less… fiercely."

She raised an eyebrow. "Is it working?"

Visenya nodded. "Aye, though not as much as being with Egg through this. I… truly I missed him even while he was beside me." It felt so much easier to open up to her mother and Visenya felt heartened by it.

The Queen Dowager quirked her eyebrow. "And are things better? In…" She let it hang.

A bright blush formed on Visenya's cheeks, quite a contrast, but with her mother looking at her like that she couldn't help it. "I'd rather not go into details."

"That's all I need to know," Valaena chuckled, kissing her girl on the cheek. "It's what you deserved."

Nodding, in a moment Visenya felt a tear fall from her lids. "Is it wrong of me? To feel happy even though Rhaenys is gone?" Now was truly the time to grieve, but she couldn't help basking in the feeling of finally having the relationship with Egg that she had always been too proud to admit she wanted - did that make her the evil demon that so many painted herself as?

Sensing the conflict inside her, Valaena hugged her again. "It's alright to cling to that which makes us truly happy during times of grief. I did that with the three of you when your kepa passed on." Pulling back, she let her hands fall on the skirt of her dress. "I am certain Rhaenys would want you and Egg to be happy. She adored the both of you."

Visenya's lips curved up. "Thank you, muna."

"Now, I am sure you didn't come her to speak to me." Valaena headed to the door. "He's been quite morose… I think Aenys knows in some manner his mother isn't coming back. Please don't let him feel alone." With that, she was gone.

Hesitantly walking to the crib, Visenya gasped at the state of Rhaenys' son. Egg's son. Aenys had the silver hair and violet eyes of the Targaryens, the epitome of ethereal beauty that made Valyrians so revered by appreciative eyes - but it wasn't what stood out to her. He was smaller than she expected, with spindly limbs and eyes filled with tears of discomfort. Weak and sickly, nowhere near the happy, strong babes that Orys had sired off Argella Baratheon.

A motherless child…

No, not motherless…

Without hesitating, Visenya reached down and scooped up Rhae's child… her child. "Hush now, little one," she whispered in Valyrian. "Muna's here."

Aenys, blinking away his quiet tears, looked up at her. The violets staring in awe at the figure before him. Was it just a loving touch, or did he know? Did the dragonblood within him know?

Visenya hoped to find out. "Your kepa and I will need to go away within a moon, but you won't be alone anymore… I promise you, little hatchling." Leaning down, Visenya pressed a kiss against his forehead. A Queen, a wife, and now a mother… hopefully to be joined by a babe of her own after this was over.

The Dragon Queen would kill to defend it all.