
The Left One

I was left behind. After all of my hardship, after all of the sacrifice. It all supposed to ended with eternal happiness and harmony. I gained that. Yes I gained that, but why am I feel like I'm dead inside? After all of those years, how long has it been? Who cares! Why does it matter to me? I no longer have the will to continue on. That's what I thought, till the day...a new horizon came. It's not any ordinary horizon. Instead, it the horizon that will give me the reason to continue on!

Mr_TGL · Action
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9 Chs

Chapter 6 : Party part 3

" Sorry for disturbing, everyone!" said Kjell loudly.

" Why is the Leader of The Mage Knight here? And why is he in hurry?"

" Oh, Mkuel Kjell. You are allowed to state your business." said the king.

" There's an army of Fallen heading to our kingdom. They will arrive approximately at 4 am" said Kjell.

" An army of Fallen? No way, Fallen are really rare nowadays. Thus making your claim invalid." said one of the royalty.

" The Great Sage claimed that the Fallen who attacked the capital was a scout."

" The Great Sage claimed it?"

" This has to be fake"

" I'm not lying! I see it with my two naked eyes! The Fallen are coming." said Kjell.

" Maybe he is speaking the truth. He is from the Mkuel Family right?"

" Yeah, could be."

" Calm down, my citizen. There's no way my own brother would lie to me."

" Thank you, Your Majesty."

" It's true." said a woman. The owner of the voice suddenly appears out of nowhere. She is currently behind Kjell.

" The Great Sage?" Kjell surprised. The Great Sage usually try her best to avoid interaction with anybody.

" I have appraised the Fallen corpse and I was able to identify the role of the corpse owner and the role was scout." said The Great Sage. ( Do you guys know Lisa from Genshin Impact? Yeah try to manifest her as the The Great Sage )

" If the Great Sage says so, look like we have no other option but to believe. Kjell and Itari gather your people, we need the strengths from adventures and mage knight."

" As well as General, Call the Knights. We have a huge war that we need to attend."

" As you wish, Your Majesty."


I'm still hanging out. The Castle Garden is super beautiful. It's like the garden is inviting me to spend my time with it.

" When I used to be the Hero, The Nature respect me, I wonder if they still the same."

I touch the grass. I don't know, I feel like the grass want me to embrace it.

" There's one thing that is bothering me."

" I got summoned by Kusalu, and then he sent us to a kingdom."

" The problem is, this Mkuel Kingdom and the Ancient Kingdom look alike."

" They called the war as 'The Ancient War'. If it really is ancient, why does the technology still the same? The buildings, the way the kingdom is being managed."

" To simplify things, Nothing had changed. Yes, nothing had changed since Ancient Times."

" This is a mystery indeed."


" Akiri, Call all Adventure. We have a special request." said Itari

" Guildmaster, what's up with the hurry?"

" Are you not informed yet? An army of Fallen are heading to this way. They probably want to annihilate the capital."

" What? An army of Fallen?" Well, Akiri is like the other. When she heard this unbelievable news, obviously she will be surprised.

" Any more details about the quest?" ask Akiri.

" The Mkuel Family is the client of this task. One Fallen equal to 30 Gold Coins." said Itari.

" Guild Master, that's some alluring quest." said Akiri.

" I know right? I'm pretty sure, the adventures will be excited when they heard the price." said Itari.

" By the way, tell them that the Mage Knight and the Knights will also participate in the quest." said Itari.

A Fallen alone is hard to be killed. A person at least need to be in Master High stage to be able to slain a Fallen.

Most of the adventures are in Apprentices Medium Stage. They are not strong enough to be able to kill a Fallen. In the contrary, the Fallen also couldn't kill them easily.

" With the support of the Knight and Mage Knight,

I'm certain that our adventures able to defeat the Fallen." Itari monologued.


2 hours had passed. The Knights, The Mage Knights and the adventures already gathered. Right now, they are waiting for the Fallen's army arrival.

" Oi, Room Lover. Are you done gathering your people?"

" Yeah, I'm done. How about ya?.

" Me too. Right now, they are waiting for order."

" That's great." said Kjell.

" Room lover. Don't you think it's time?"

" Time for what?" Kjell confusedly said.

" It's time to choose a war commander. This time The Great Sage are going to compete with us." said Itari.

" Oh right, A commander. Would be better if we have Former Hero Soka to lead us." said Kjell

" Don't ever think about it. He refuses to help. he just a fricking scum, he should at least help this kingdom. We are friend, right?"

" We cannot blame him. He told us that he no longer possess the title of Hero." said Kjell

" Even though, he still has the ability to defeat the entire Fallen army." said Itari.

" Mkuel Kjell and Huak Itari, stop beating around the bush. It's considered as rude to make The Great Sage waiting for us." said General. (Huak Itari is Itari's full name)

" Oh, you are right, Master General. Thanks for the reminder." said Kjell.

" No problems." General left.

" Listen up, We forced him to be friend with us. He accepts it because we threatend him. If we force him to help us on this war won't that be the same as exposing his real identity?"

Those words make Itari lost his words. Everything that his friend, Mkuel Kjell said was undoubtedly true.

" I'm going first."


" Thank you for coming, everyone." said The Great Sage.

" The pleasure is ours. We didn't expecting that The Great Sage will participate in this war." said Itari.

" Nice bluff, Guild Master." said The Great Sage.

" I'm certain, that everyone know the purpose of our little meeting today so who got a suggestion?"

" I think General is befitting with the responsibility. His experiences in war is vast, he even beat me in that criteria." said Kjell.

" I agree with, Mkuel Kjell. I think General is befitting with the responsibility. I got my own army to lead. You know, the noisy adventure." said Itari.

" I have no problems with the suggestion. However, I got my own army that I need to personally lead. Which is the Knights." said General.

" Uhm, if that's the case. Then, I think I'm the most suitable person to become the commander." said The Great Sage.

" Mister Great Sage, are you certain? It would be a great help. I'm pretty sure that both General and Mkuel Kjell will agree by trusting you the war commander responsibility." said Itari.

" That is truly a brilliant suggestion from The Great Sage." said Mkuel Kjell

" No problem, here either." said General.

" The only problem is..." Itari, Kjell and General voices are becoming one

" You are a woman." but for this sentence. Only Itari said it.

" Is that a problem, Itari?"

" No no, that is not a major problem. In the Mkuel Kingdom's history, every commander is a man. Never a woman. Don't you think that people will get confused?" said Itari.

" Will the people look down on me,General and Kjell because we let a woman takeover the responsibility?"

" Itari, that is enough." Kjell stopped Itari from continuing.

" I personally does not care on how people look at me." said Kjell.

" If they got a problem, I will chop their head off." said General.

" *sigh* You guys win. I will allow The Great Sage to become the war commander." said Itari.

" Thank you guildmaster."

" Are we done? Can I go now?" ask Itari.

" Not yet, I have one things to say."

" What is it?" ask Itari.

" This day might be our last day." said The Great Sage.

" You mean we might die?" said Kjell.

" Yeah, we are going to die. As well as the Kingdom."

" We have no chance to win. Our defeat are absolute."

" You are joking right?" said Kjell.

" I'm not. They outnumbered us, not only that. In terms of strength, they are much stronger than us." said The Great Sage.

" Even if the 4 kingdoms joint force. The casualties are going to be insane." said The Great Sage.

" I understood. No need to go any further." said General. He stood up and leave the tent.

" If that so, then we got no other choice. We are going to fight until the last moment." said Kjell.


" Kuuya and Ritami." General is calling them. Without hesitation, Kuuya and Ritami come closer.

" Yes, General." They bow. In the Knights code, when you are in war, you have to bow every time you met someone who is higher ranking than you.

" Please run. Run when you guys have the chance to do so." said General.

" General, What are you talking about? We are the proud Knights! We are not going to run." said Kuuya.

" I know, Kuuya. However, our defeat is absolute. There's no way we going to defeat those Fallen. Not only that, the kingdom also not going to see tommorow." said General.

" General, are you saying that the kingdom will fall?" ask Ritami.

" Yes, the kingdom won't see tommorow's horizon." said General.

" We understand, General. However, we are not going to run. It doesn't matter how the situation look like." said Kuuya.

" Kuuya, forgot your knights pride. We are talking about your life." said General.

" You guys are still virgin. I feel bad for virgin that die early." said General.

Kuuya and Ritami blushes.

" General, what the heck are you talking about?" said Kuuya.

" What's wrong with being a virgin?" said Ritami.

" Your questions don't even related to my statement, Ritami." said General.

" I'm just saying that you guys are still too young to die. You guys haven't lived your life until it fullness yet." said General.

" General, I don't know what are you talking about. We are knights and we wish to serves the kingdom and the organisation even we have to put our life in the line." said Kuuya.

" Fine, you guys won." said General.

" Thank you general for letting us to accomplish our wish." said Ritami.

" Don't mention it." said General.


" Listen up, People of the Mkuel Kingdom. The enemy are approaching us and their goal is to invade the capital city!" shout The Great Sage.

" What the hell?"

" The Great Sage? Why the hell is she suddenly makes an announcement?"

" The enemy are close! Be prepare!" said The Great Sage.

" Enemy? I don't see any."

" Oh mighty Gaia. Please grant us the weak, the ability to see in the dark night. Night Sight!"

This ability is called Night Sight and it allow the target to see in the dark.

" What the heck, the enemy are super close!"

" She wasn't lying!"

" Please notify your superior that the enemy is nearby." said The Great Sage.


" Kjell-sama."

" Don't worry, I already know what's up."

" What's your order, Kjell-sama?"

" Tell every troop to be on the standby." said Kjell

" Understood, Kjell-sama."


" Guild Master, Guild Master."

" Yes... Akiri... I'm sleeping right now... can't you see?"

" Guild Master, the enemy is here." said Akiri.

" The enemy?" Itari wake up immediately.

" Yes, the enemy is here." ( I searched it. Both 'are' and 'is' are acceptable )

" Be prepared." said Itari.


" Kuuya! Kuuya!" shout Ritami.

" Yes, Ritami? What's up? You look worried." said Kuuya.

" I am worried! I don't see General." said Ritami

" You don't see General? Isn't he supposed to be inside of his tent?"

" I already checked, he isn't there. What should we do?" said Ritami.

" You command the Knights. I will look for General." said Kuuya.

" Understood," said Ritami.

" Where the fuck is General at?" said Kuuya. He starts to scout the surrounding area looking for General.

He approaches the city wall as he saw something that doesn't belong to the wall. For a solid 4 minutes runs, he finally arrives at the city hall.

And dear god, how surprised he is.

" General?!"

Kuuya couldn't believe it. In front of him is General's body. Blood is everywhere. General was stabbed in the heart.

" General!!!!" Kuuya writhing in sadness. His only mentor left him.

" I wanted to die with you in the battlefield, not here!" shout Kuuya.

Kuuya is quite far away from the camp. Nobody heard him. Nobody can see him since the darkness are not allowing creature on earth to see properly.


" Kusalu-sama, our plan is going smoothly. All army that you dispatched, already arrived at their last checkpoint. Waiting for order." said a goddess.

Kusalu summoned a screen in front of him. He wants to observe the chaos with his own two eyes.

" Hahahahaahah."

" This time they will vanished for sure! How dare them, opposed my words? Opposed my actions?"

" Even those people no longer exists. Their descendants have to pay the price!"

" Don't blame me, you trashy human. Blame your ancestors!"

" And now! Michelle, let the party begin!"