
The Lecherous Heroine

Souta Akihito, a teenage boy who once lived as a gamer, died from a horrible event. As he opened his eyes, behold a priest lending his hand to the young boy. The young boy without hesitation, thinking the priest was legitimately going to send him to a place where he won't be a virgin, turned out wrong.

YoanTobing3 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Transformed into a woman

"Citizens of Elzyia! We're fucked!"

A meteor was about to crash down on Elzyia, and with her buttcheeks tightened and rocking her lungs tight to scream, she proposed to her and their doom.

Before this happened, let's play it back and see how this eventually occurred.

Souta Akihito lived a survival life of hell in Japan, although he didn't care about his existence at the time and it was shorter than when his dad was with him. He was a skinny teenage guy who wasn't motivated to exercise. He also didn't have any muscles to begin with. People always characterized him as lazy, and his hair could be seen as being unkempt.

He came to the conclusion that he was pointless and that he shouldn't exist only to die young.

However, he didn't request to be created, yet here he was.

It all began when he was walking down with his hands occupied, carrying shopping bags. 

He lived alone; his dad divorced his mother, and she left him afterwards, thinking he was to blame. And there was a bastardly old man who raised his damn life in labor. Still, being experienced at work kept him ready for the worst.

He viewed his phone as he was waiting for the traffic lights to turn green. Then, he noticed a little girl crossing the road hurriedly without checking right and left. The truck was going to hit her, so he dropped his shopping bags and became the hero to save her life.

The next thing he knew, the truck hit his right foot, and he could almost see my life flashing before my eyes.

His heart was pounding so hard that he almost peed his pants. 

"Be careful next time." They stood up together and advised her not to do it again.

"Thank you, mister." She left after she bowed and expressed her gratitude.

Meanwhile, it took him a while to notice he survived the legendary truck of death in the anime and manga he read and watched.

He walked straight back to get my shopping bags, or else he would starve to death.

When he attempted to get back, another truck tried to run him over. He dodged the truck, fascinatingly unharmed. He did not get what was happening with my life. As if death followed him.

Two of his closest deaths in a row, and all of them were trucks. Either the creator was messing with him or messing with his plot story.

The night was out, and he finally made it back home. No trucks, no deaths, and still no bitches.

Safe and sound, he got back to his laptop, preparing for his ritualistic act of lechery in the name of the demon of lust, equipped with a box of tissues and lotion. We all know where this was going, so let's skip that part.

Two hours later, he finished and came. He felt refreshed, and all the thoughts that weigh him down ultimately faded.

Although he always thought of himself as a sore loser, pathetic, and a pervert, he didn't care. At least he got to enjoy living. Though, he strangely wished he was a woman, to see if his fate was different. Even though, most likely he would be treated the same, however, their bodily sensation kept me wondering.

He wiped his little pregnant maker with tissues, but then he started feeling uneasy. The sticky liquid did not stop coming. He cleaned it with five tissues, and it still carried on. He panicked with pleasure. 

His body started aching after 10 minutes of nonstop wiping. The whole floor was filled with the musky smell, and he still didn't stop coming. Little did he realize, his body became so frail when he looked at his hand, which was becoming skinnier and skinnier.

7 minutes later, he died from cumming too hard. It disappointed poor Souta since it was from his hand instead of a hot chick.

Souta Akihito, a 17-year-old boy, died at an early age, was a virgin, and passed away after ejaculation.

Ever since then, the world has become so dark. Souta was found lying down, pondering.

"How the fuck did I die of excessive orgasm?"

He orgasmed once, but to his surprise, his devil junior didn't stop shooting without his consent.

And then it began. From the dark endless void, came a priest clad in white alb.

"Who are you?" Souta asked.

"I'm here to pick you up from your world, hero."

His confused gaze stared at him blankly while eventually understanding the situation.

"I've tried countless times to get to you, simply by taking over death's job so you can be summoned forth to save our world. So, with my deepest apologies for killing you from over-ejaculation." The priest bowed.

"SO IT WAS YOU!" As he conceded to be the cause of his death, he yelled hard with his fist clenching.

Of all the deaths, he died from an orgasm. And he was certain that old bastard was laughing hard at my grave (note: he actually did).

"Apologies for interrupting your- Ahem... activity. But our world is in sole danger. Our enemy is Blah Blah Blah"

He paid no attention to what he said. Predictably, he knew it all because it will always starts with their world being in danger. He couldn't care less.

While being bricked up and drooling, he began fantasizing. Hot nuns, elves, and monster girls—all of them were coming true. It was like he was having a big, wet dream.

In addition to that, he was now a hero, and the goal of fulfilling his dream made it easier. Have sex with elves. However, it wasn't just that, as he listed 69 types of women to mate with. sounded lecherous, but he didn't give a crap; not in his world anymore. Then again, he was hoping to see a priestess instead of an old man coming by to pick him up. 

"Now, I will send you to the world you must save. And transform you into a woman as you long wished."

"Say what now?" His daydream was bothered after hearing what the old priest said.

"See you and good luck, young hero!"

With a snap of his fingers, he was spawned and morphed into a chick.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Screaming at the top of his lungs, his voice changed, his body, and his face. At the same time, he felt grateful and disappointed.