
The Leaper

June blames Leap years for all his problems. What you think does he have a good reason?

SyCoMOB · Realistic
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2 Chs


"I'm Going to call role now so everyone quiet dow...n."

Said the teacher as June walked into the class.

"June your late again "did your staff forget to wake you up again".?"

Said the teacher sarcasticly.

"Yes, Im sorry for disrupting. I'll take my seat now."

Said June as he walked to his seat.

"Oh I know that name, your the guy who got dropped off in that grey van!"

Mocked a student from the front of the class.

"Haha I don't Blame you for being late i would probably even drop out if thats what i drove to school in!"

Snickered a female student next to him as June walked to the back of the class.

"I just want this year to end, atleast then i wouldn't have a reason to expect to be treated better."

Muttered June under his breath.

"Is There a June Rios in this class?"

Asked a lady as she walked into the class. She was wearing glasses and had brown hair cut to her shoulders, she was wearing a black jacket with a little picture of shark jaws on the collar.

"Yea, Thats me."

Said June quietly as he hesitantly raised his hand.

"Hey, I heard today is your birthday. Is it true?"

Asked the woman.

"Yea but how did you know

Answered June hesitantly.

"Its obvious silly, you want a gift, ill give you anything you want."

Said the woman. June noticed her face was blurry.

"Well if i can have anything then... Can i see your face!"

Said June with a smile.

"Thats a good look, I like it. You'll get to see my face soon enough but for now stay like that don't let anyone or anything get you down."

Said the lady with her hand extended.

"Come now lets go celebrate."

June reached out his hand to grab hers.

"Hey wake up! You just gonna nap in class all day or something?"

Said the student who mocked him earlier in class.

"W...W...When... did i..."

June began to stutter as the student grabbed him up out of his chair and started to pull him to the bathroom.

"So if today is your birthday then that makes you... Four years old doesnt it?"

"Oh so were older than him"

"He's just a little kid!"

Said the students as two more of Junes classmates came out from stalls where they had been hiding.

"How did you...?"

Start June but he was quickly cut off by a punch thrown at him by one of the two than came out of the stall.

"If your gonna ask how i knew then its because you were so peacefully sleeping and happen to say it out loud."

"Yea and we asked the teacher so you cant deny it either."

"Man thats too bad your only four, Oh i got it each of us get four hits for each hand and leg we have. Yea that works doesnt it "Birthday boy".?"

Then the three students started punching and kicking June until he passed out.

"Look he's out cold."

"Hahaha Then you wanna give him one more for good luck ?"

Said the second student as the third kicked June in the face.

"May you have many more!"

Yelled the students as they left the restroom laughing.

June woke up covered in blood not remembering how he got there.

"Ugh, this was a new shirt too."

June crawled into the last stall and started to cry.

"Why does this always happen to me i dont get it! I Dont get it! I... dont get it. I just want to be happy."

As june was crying the bathroom door slammed open.

"JUNE! JUNE is that you in there?"

Cried a woman as she knocked on the stall door.

"Yea its me."

Answered June in a calm voice while he wiped the tears and blood from his face.

"Whats up..."

He was about to ask as he opened the door but sudennly lost all train of thought when he saw the shark on her blue shirt, the brown hair cut to her shoulders and the glasses on a face he didn't recognize.

June didn't know who the lady was but for some reason a picture of an extended hand and the words -

"Come now lets celebrate."

- popped into his head. June burst into tears without knowing why and hugged the woman.

"Geez you forget me every time June,"

Said the woman as she wrapped her arms around him.

"Its ok now im hear you dont need to be so down. Well first, lets get you to the nurse and then get you cleaned up."

Said the woman as she helped him to the nurses office.

"Theres not much i can do except clean his wounds. He probably needs to go to a hospital. How the heck did all this happen anyway you got a swollen left cheek, your right ankle is twisted and it looks like paint with how purple you chest is from all the bruising."

The nurse lectured on for a few minutes before letting June leave with the woman.

"So you still don't remember me?"

Asked the woman.

"No but why do i feel like we've met more than just a few times?"

June replied.

"Because we have, well i guess four years is a long time after all."

Said the woman.

"Well My name is Julia and im 22 years old currently living in sontclair alone. Hows that for an introduction?"

Asked Julia.

"Oh Im June and today is my birthday so i guess you could say im either 16 or im 4 years old. I live in a group ho..."

"Hey June do you hate leap years?"

Julia cut June off to ask.

"Yea, if my birthday wasn't on a leap year then maybe id have a normal happier life!"

Explained June.

"But then you wouldn't have me. June you dont remember me but i see you every leap year from your birthday till the end of the year, Ill be here to watch over you."

Explained Julia.

"so with that being said happy birthday June."

She exclaimed.

"Thanks so much!"

Said June with a smile.

"Now come on LETS CELEBRATE!!!"

Yelled Julia as she grabbed June's hand.