
The leading actor always has ulterior motives towards me.

Shen Yi, also known as Wei Long, was a movie star in the 1970s who achieved worldwide popularity. However, he disappeared without a trace and seemed to have never existed in history. One day, Rong Qian came across a 30-year-old photo of herself and Shen Yi together, which led her on a time-traveling journey to save him. For Rong Qian, she only traveled back a few days each time, but for Shen Yi, he had to wait for many years just to see her again. During his long wait for her, Shen Yi, who was elegant and refined in public, could often be found biting his finger and calculating the days until he could meet her again. He would often sigh with sorrow and say, "Ah, love across time and space is even harder than long-distance relationships. My Ah Qian, I miss you so much."

kite_baby · Urban
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8 Chs

8 Can you teach me?

After returning to the room safely, Rong asked him, "Who was that just now?"

"My mother."

Rong Qian is not surprised. She just guessed that he looks a little like his mother, but more like his father. Rong Qian has seen the adult Shen Yi and knows what his father looks like without guessing.

However, Rongqian felt a little strange. Since it was his mother, why didn't she come to see him once these two days?

According to Rong Qian, when Shen Yi was six years old, he emigrated with his family. His father was a business tycoon and rich man. Shen Yi was supposed to be a son of a rich family. He was supposed to be pampered and loved.

But after two days of contact, Rong Qian didn't feel it.

The environment here is too oppressive, lifeless and lifeless. His daily arrangement is not what a normal person can bear. I feel that he is trapped in a cage, constrained and without any freedom.

Rong Qian brushed his hair and casually asked, "Do you and your mother get along well?"

He lowered his head for a long time before saying, "She was raped by a man and gave birth to me. Every time she sees my face, she just wants to strangle me."

When Rong Qian wiped her hair, she looked at him in amazement. Only one thought flashed in her heart. What had he experienced?

In the middle of the night, Rong Qian lay on the sofa, unable to sleep, and simply stared at the ceiling in a daze.

After getting along with this little Shen Yi these two days, Rong Qian found that he had a slight autistic tendency. He was silent, didn't talk much, and didn't laugh. This made Rong Qian think of Shen Yi as an adult. He was elegant, elegant, gentle and modest.

It's really hard to imagine how Shen Yi has changed since he grew up?

With this in mind, Rong Qian sat up and walked to the bed. Looking at Shen Yi who was already asleep, his eyebrows were slightly wrinkled and his hands were holding the quilt tightly. It seemed that he had a nightmare, and he slept very restlessly.

Although she did not know what he had experienced at a young age, she could see that his past was incomplete.

Rong Qian felt that she should do something, otherwise he would become what he would become in the long run...

At six o'clock in the morning, Shen Yi woke up on time. As soon as he opened his eyes, he looked at the sofa first. When he found that Rong Qian was not there, he panicked and sat up suddenly!

Then he heard a voice from behind the sofa, "58, 59, 60..."

Shen Yi walked over and saw Rong Qian lying on the ground doing push-ups. Shen Yi frowned and asked her, "What are you doing?"

"Do push-ups. I haven't exercised in the past two days. My bones are hard." Rong Qian stood up after finishing the last one and said to him while stretching: "You also come to do it with me. Don't just focus on learning, but also exercise your body. Do you know about morality, intelligence, physique and beauty?"

He looked pale and said, "I don't want to do it."

"I know you haven't exercised much at the first sight. Look at your body. You are weak and sick. Don't hate sweating. It's cool to sweat!" Rong Qian couldn't refuse him and pulled him to exercise. So he was sweating all over in the morning.

Shen Yi was so tired that she sat down on the ground, gasping for breath. As soon as she looked up, she could see that Rong Qian was boxing and kicking people with high legs. You can see that her boxing skills were very good.

Shen Yi asked her, "Are you good at fighting?"

"Of course, elder sister, I can fight, fight and fight. Only when I become strong can I protect the people around me." Rong Qian looked proud.

Shen Yi is thoughtful. No one has ever said such words to him, and no one will make him strong and healthy. But at this moment, when hearing Rong Qian's words, he has an idea to change.

"Then you..."

"What?" Seeing that he wanted to speak, Rong Qian withdrew her fist and waited for him to continue.

Shen Yi bravely looked into her eyes and said, "Can you teach me?"

"Yes!" Rong Qian was very frank. Quan Dang accepted an apprentice, just to pass the time, not too boring.

After that, in addition to the presence of a tutor, Rong Qian ran to accompany him in the time of no one else.

Rong Qian played a few games of Go with him, and lost to him every time. When he lost, he would throw his weight around. But people are addicted to food, and the more you lose, the more you want to play! Later, Shen Yi deliberately lost to her, and Rong Qian was also happy and proud all day.

Shen Yi is really puzzled. What's so happy about winning a primary school student? Moreover, it was he who deliberately let the water go.

But it is undeniable that Shen Yi will feel better when she looks happy, and gradually gets used to talking and laughing around him.

Let this room that he wanted to escape from become less scary.

One month has passed since her stay.

In this month, Rong Qian was not idle. In the middle of the night, she would sneak up and get familiar with her environment. After that, she had basically understood everything.

Strictly speaking, this is a manor, but there are not many people. There are seven or eight maids, one gardener and two cooks. As for the housekeeper, she has gone far away and will not come back!

Rong Qian learned that Shen Yi and his mother were the two people who really lived here.

This feeling is very strange, just like they are taken care of by rich people. They live here all day and cannot see the light.

Rong Qian actually wants to know. Last time, he said that her mother was raped by a man before giving birth to him. What's the matter? But he didn't want to say, and would not force him.

It was unintentionally that Rong Qian heard that Filita was gossiping with several maids and mentioned Shen Yi's mother, which also let Rong Qian know who the man was.

He is Shen Yi's father, Shen Chi.

Shen Yi's mother, Yan Qingyao, is a southern woman, born in a scholarly family, but most of her beauties have a rough fate. Yan Qingyao's turning point in life is to study abroad.

It is also very vulgar to say that Yan Qingyao fell in love with a man while studying abroad. It happened that the man also liked her. However, the man was not Shen Chi.

But another man named Xu Zhiwei.

Shen Chi snatched Yan Qingyao from Xu Zhiwei in the way of "snatching". Unlike Xu Zhiwei, who was gentle and gentle, Shen Chi did things by all means.

No one wants to rob him of the people or things he likes. He is too anxious. He would rather destroy them than let others get them!

Shen Chi used this method to make Yan Qingyao pregnant with his child and forced her to marry him.

Yan Qingyao has no love for Shen Chi, only hate. She escaped many times, and was captured by Shen Chi every time. Reality is not a romantic novel. Every time Yan Qingyao ran away, she was raped by Shen Chi and was beaten to vomit blood.

Shen Yi grew up in this environment.

He watched his mother being raped, and his mother pinched his neck. Why didn't he die?

Yan Qingyao always looked at Shen Yi with disgust.

She was full of hatred towards him. Seeing his face more and more like Shen Chi, she went crazy and often screamed hysterically. She was mentally ill.

These are summarized from a few words, but such kind of confession cannot be regarded as evidence, and the possibility of adulteration with false circumstances cannot be ruled out.

In other words, whether this story is true or not remains to be investigated.

As a criminal policeman, she could not make a final conclusion with a few words, but whether the truth is true or not, Shen Yi is the biggest victim of this incident.

Does she want to say that Yan Qingyao is poor? Poor, but is she innocent? I'm afraid she can't tell.

The harm she gave has already been carried out on her son. From this point alone, she can feel sorry for her, but she won't sympathize with her.

Rong Qian thought she would continue to live like this with Shen Yi every day until butler Fu came back. There would be no accident, but this morning, Shen Yi told her that the man came back.

Rong Qian didn't respond at first, "Who is back?"

"Shen Chi, my father."

Rong Qian is stunned. Is Shen late?