
the lazy dungeon master

Prologue In the midst of an expansive white room with basically nothing in it, I, Keima Masuda, was checking my dungeon map. “...Hey. Why’s there only one room and one hallway in this dungeon? I’m not even gonna count the entrance.” “My dungeon’s all about beating down intruders with monsters! I heard that’s the best thing to do!” I don’t know who told her that, but the girl who just brushed aside her waist-length golden blonde hair and grinned with her hands on her hips was my partner, Rokuko. I had just become the Dungeon Master of this dungeon a few minutes ago, making both it and this girl my responsibility. The girl, by the way, was the physical avatar of the Dungeon Core. Which does in fact mean that she, not I, made this terrible dungeon that ended as soon as you entered it. And of course... the heart of this dungeon—the Dungeon Core—was placed in the sole existing room. But the map I was looking at also showed eight red dots in that room. The word “Bandit” was displayed above each one as supplementary information. “O-Oh, I get it! These, uh... these bandits are monsters protecting your dungeon, right?” “Ah, no! Those are the intruders!” Rokuko said something unbelievable with a broad smile on her face. Yeah... yep. They do look like enemies on the map. I don’t know what I was expecting. As far as I could tell from the map, the bandits seemed to be surrounding the Dungeon Core. ...And I was in the Master Room, located right within the Dungeon Core. The Master Room was an odd, pure white expanse without any walls or even a floor. It was about as wide as a gymnasium, leading me to believe that it might have also served as a storeroom. If I were to take even a single step out of this bizarro world, I would be surrounded by all of the bandits. The Dungeon Core itself was about the size of a basketball, so how could a gym-sized room fit inside of it? ...It would probably be a waste of time toeven think about it. “So, Keima. Would you mind killing all of these bandits for me?” Without blinking an eye, my partner asked me to do something pretty crazy. Honestly, I kind of just want to cradle my head and groan... But it’s still too early to give up. Dungeon Masters can expend Dungeon Points (DP) to make rooms, set traps, and summon monsters. Although the only thing you could do once the core room was invaded by intruders was summon monsters, you still had a fighting chance at survival as long as you had DP on your side. Or at least, that’s what I thought before I realized the grim truth. “...Uh, it looks like we’ve only got 9 DP left. What can we do with that?” “Hm? That’s not even enough to summon a goblin. Those cost 20 DP.” “Still, you need to do something about this.” My last hope, vanquished. “It cost me a whole 1000 DP to summon you, Keima. Don’t expect me to have any left over after that.” “Oh wow, [I] cost you that much DP? Huh. Nice...” Without DP, you can’t set traps and you can’t summon monsters. In short, this dungeon had no meandering hallways, no traps, no monsters, no stash of DP... and its singular room had been conquered by bandits. This dungeon’s already completely friggin’ screwed.

Fantasy_sharer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

day 7 chapter 7

Day 7

In the end, we didn't do anything for two days after expanding the

dungeon. The bandits seemed to have taken some time off too, judging by

how about half of them had been hanging out in the dungeon drinking and

sleeping for the past two days. I had thought that bandits spent all day every

day plundering, but I guess not. Maybe they just don't work when their boss

is away for a few days? Either way, I didn't mind. Them hanging around

inside the dungeon meant we got a little more DP each day.

When the boss of the bandits eventually came back, he had seven new

thugs with him. I wondered where he got them and how strong they were...

but judging from how much DP they were earning us, "thugs" was the right

word for them. Each one of them earned us about 10-15 DP a day, so the

seven of them combined boosted our daily profits by 70-105 DP. Not to

mention, there was a young adventurer with them that they had probably

kidnapped on the way back.

Yeah, too bad he's not a girl, since he's all tied up. That ball-gag

especially would be pretty hot on a gi— My pervy thoughts were interrupted

by the bandits suddenly stabbing the adventurer repeatedly with their swords.

Holy crap. These guys are scary. I watched the dungeon absorb the blood

flowing onto the floor in a daze, and soon enough the slaughter was over.

"Oooh! Wow, that earned us a lot of DP. Around 300 DP, just from that

one guy."

"...We can summon fifteen of those goblins you love so much with that."

Aaah, right. That was a live sacrifice to us, the dungeon. That's the kind

of enthusiasm I like to see. I should reward them somehow...

And so, since they went out of their way to bring back a sacrifice, I

decided to reward them with a [Sharp Iron Sword (150 DP)]. 530 DP left,

huh? I really wanna save up more than that.

"Hey, it looks like they wanted us to expand the rooms again." I checked

the dungeon monitor and saw the boss of the bandits looking at the iron

sword and grumbling to himself. Talk about ungrateful. I didn't have to give

you that sword, y'know?

"Haaah. If they wanted more rooms, they really shoulda said that first.

We're not mind readers."

"What are you going to do? Give them another room anyway?"

"I don't want to use that much DP right now... Oh, I've got an idea."

# Bandit's Perspective

I went to town and sold all the stuff I stole. Though, I didn't actually go

into town. I went to the slums built right up close to the wall surrounding the


Naturally, things ain't so bad around here that a bandit like me can get

into the actual town... without paying a bribe, that is. Oh, and if yer

wonderin' about the steel helmet that dungeon gave me, I decided not to sell

it. Somethin' good might happen if I treat the first gift it gave me real well.

Anyway. I got seven new lackeys from the slums. Town thugs, bandits

like me, runaway slaves... They were all a bunch of lowlifes like that. We

stumbled upon a bratty adventurer walking down the road himself, so we

knocked him down and brought him back to the base. Heheh. Things really

go to shit once you get too far away from town. Rookies shouldn't be

traveling near the mountains alone.

Once we got back, I went out of my way to kill the brat inside of the

dungeon so it'll give us another new room. The seven new guys couldn't

believe it when the corpse started to sink into the ground, heh. Better not tell

anyone about this, punks, unless you wanna end up the same way.

"Boss, a treasure chest appeared!"

"Got it... wait, what? A sword?"

The only thing inside the chest was a sword. An iron sword. It's much

better than the sword I've been using. But I don't want a new sword right

now. I want a new room. Things'll be tighter now that we've got seven new

guys. Though, we managed before with a single room by having six people

stay inside while two people went outside to stand guard, so we can manage

now with three rooms... but it'll still be tight. I want a new room as soon as


Another chest appears while I'm in the middle of grumbling about that.

"Huh? What's the deal this time?" I open the chest and see a letter written on

the bottom: "If you want me to make another room, dig some of it out

yourself"... with three new pickaxes on top of it.

# Keima's Perspective

I gave them some pickaxes so they could help dig out the room, but they

just got mad.

But why? The less rock that's in the way, the less DP it costs to make a

room, so them mining the walls a bit themselves would really help out.

"I dunno, I think it makes sense that they would get mad. I'd get mad too,

you know?"

"Yeah, you're right. I guess I knew this would happen."

"You knew this would happen...? Keima, you gave them the pickaxes

knowing they'd get mad?"

Weeeell, I was thinking that they'd work harder to bring sacrifices if they

got mad at me for not giving them an extra room, but yeah.