
The Lazy Angel is a Dungeon Master

Hm? Wait, eh? What?! I'm now assigned on a mission so that I would be a dungeon master? Hold on, why?! That's such a painful task to do! Let someone else do it! In the first place, why me? What..? Only I can be the dungeon master? Stare into my eyes. Are you kidding me? No? Ugh, fine. There's no way I could argue against an archangel when I'm a mere angel. Alright, you win. I'll do it. So... my job is to serve as the boss of my dungeon and that naturally includes bashing up anyone who arrives at the boss room instead of reincarnating souls. But I'm getting tired of this anyway, so why not ask someone else to serve as the boss? Then, I would only have administration stuff to do! Hurray! I'm such a genius! But what if I could make a contract with an intelligent being and let them do the administration stuff too? Heheh... I'm such a genius! Oh, and also screw you, Lord Raphael. I still haven't forgiven you yet for pushing this job down onto me. ----

Amusement · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

Page 8

I successfully pulled out the sword from the rock on my third try. It was lodged quite soundly in there even though a mere fraction of the blade was actually in the rock. 

I had to admit, as useless as the (holy?) sword was, I cannot deny its beauty. As I was admiring the sheer beauty of the blade, the area around me suddenly shook. Loose rocks were now flying around the small room where the sword once was, and there was this faint and deep laughter in the distant background. 

I thought that I had unsealed something, and I went ahead and checked. By using my energy sight, I could tell that the sword I was holding in my hand contained a vast amount of energy and within that vast amount of energy, there was a small amount of divinity—also known as divine energy. 

And sure enough, there was also another source of energy that was steadily rising. By the current rate it was going, it would rival or even exceed the energy of the (holy?) sword before long. What's even more exciting, it also had some small traces of divine energy. 

Rather than feeling fear, I was almost jumping in joy. I thought I found a useless sword, but it turns out I had also just discovered an ancient creature sealed by the sword! Hm. No wonder why it was so hard to pull out. 

I believe the most likely option would be a powerful Fiend, the most common subspecies of demons, but I'll take a vampire as well. No, wait, actually, I'll take anything at this point. As long they're intelligent and "cooperative". 

A few moments passed until I noticed that the sealed monster's energy levels had already exceeded the sword's energy amount and it kept on rising. It continued rising and rising and it seemed like it won't stop. 

I got on a ledge and sat down. I placed the sword next to me and just waited for the sealed being to appear. I also made my wings disappear for the time being and fidgeted with my halo as I waited. 

Yes, I can play around with my halo. I don't play or fidget with it all the time as it's frowned upon in the Overworld, but since I'm in the Middle World now, no one can see me right now so it's fine. 

Hm? What is a halo? Oh, it's nothing much. Just something that all angels have. They must be circular, but other than that, you can customise it to whatever you like, just like a piece of clothing. Apart from its intended symbolic nature, it's more of a fashionable thing now. 

I don't care about how my one looks though. Simple is the best. I would believe most other angels would disagree with me on that, and if you tell me I'm wrong, then I'm more than willing to throw hands to differ. 

Ahem! I got distracted. My bad. 

I kept on waiting for the sealed being to materialise but even after fifteen minutes, nothing. I do have this feeling that someone is watching me so perhaps it's the sealed being just waiting for me to run away or...? 

Well, let's test this theory out. I leapt down from the tall ledge sticking out of the wall and by using the divine power of erasing again, I flew back to the entrance of the dungeon. 

When I landed, the ground shook even more. Then, immediately afterwards, it stopped. It was followed by a crude evil laughter that went something like 'ha-ha-ha-ha!' but in a deep voice. 

I had to roll my eyes due to how lame it was, and going back to the lowest floor, a tall and well-dressed man was present. He had a black suit and a red tie and his long..? white (or silver) hair went well with his suit. 

It was unboutably a vampire. I was still observing him from a distance and I should have just introduced myself instead of watching his next move. All he did was pose and say some very cringe lines. 

I'll give an example or two. 

"Five thousand years have passed, but I have returned. The world has forgotten my deeds and left them unsolved due to the passing of time, but not anymore. I, Valentyn Kiefer have returned and this world shall relive its darkest days! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!" 

Yeah... that was really cringy. Even if you pay me a large sum of value, I'm still not going to say it. Even though I'm lazy, I'm still an angel and that naturally means that I still have my pride as an angel. My standards should be much higher than that guy's. 

But he has been sealed for five thousand years? That's not a long time actually. I wonder why he's making such a large fuss about that. That's half of the time I've spent working on my last shift as a Reincarnation Angel.

I wondered why he was acting like that, so I went ahead to revealed myself to the vampire with a greeting. He jumped and hastily turned around to face me. 

I didn't expect him to jump from surprise from my greeting though, so that was unexpected. Maybe this one's a bust? 

"Ehhh... ahem! You, a mere mortal dare to stand to the king?" he shouted at me. I blocked my ears with my hands as his voice was a little too loud for my comfort zone, and the vampire seemed to be greatly offended by my action. 

"You-! You-! How dare you!" he added. His tone of voice and appearance made him seem like a powerful and arrogant figure, but from the little things I'd seen from him, wasn't he just a fraud? 

Fraud as in personality-wise. He's undoubtedly powerful, but he's just trying to act tough to suit his appearance. He must be a young one then. Most older vampires wouldn't be this childish with their actions or words. 

I would probably say he's around a century old. Maybe plus or minus three decades, but definitely around the hundred-year mark. My biggest concern is that would I be considered a groomer by other angels if I take him under my wing or not. 

But he's the only choice I have for now. I'll go explore the remaining two sources of energy a bit later, however, they could either be a hit or miss like this one so I wouldn't like to gamble my chances of recruiting a servant. 

This young vampire should be able to write and read this world's languages so he would be convenient as a negotiator if I get interested in anything in this world. I had to confirm this though, so I first tried to ask him what was his name but I instead asked him, "Name?" which by this point was a habit deeply engraved into my vocal box. 

The vampire looked at me confusingly, probably due to my direct question, but he still answered. His name was Valentyn Kiefer, quite a short one for a vampire, but he's still young and probably doesn't have any titles yet, so that may be the reason why. 

"And you are?" he asked me. 

"Blanoir. Angel." I replied. 

When he heard the 'angel' part, he almost burst into laughter. I could tell he was trying to hold it in, and back then, I wanted to give that face of his a good punch or kick. 

He stopped a bit later, and regained his formal "altitude". "My apologies, "angel", I just haven't heard that term for a long time and I couldn't help it. Please forgive me." he said. 

I was like 'yeah, yeah, I get it', and then we clashed fists and became best of friends!

What? That wasn't funny nor was it enough context? Well listen here you litt-

Apologies. Valentyn forced me to change this bit. 

Uhhh... so I casually said that he was going to become my servant from now on and he got mad at me. That is fair though, I can expect anyone's reaction to that statement is to be mad at the person who said it—me in this case, and confront it. 

And this "confrontation" was a fight. I taught him a lesson and he decided to serve under me. (In other words; I beat his ass so soundly that he came crawling to me afterwards.) 

I'll get into the details later, and from that fight, I also gathered some valuable battle data from this fight, which I will also go into detail later. 

But first, welcome to the crew, Valentyn Kiefer! Glad to have you here.