
The Lazy Angel is a Dungeon Master

Hm? Wait, eh? What?! I'm now assigned on a mission so that I would be a dungeon master? Hold on, why?! That's such a painful task to do! Let someone else do it! In the first place, why me? What..? Only I can be the dungeon master? Stare into my eyes. Are you kidding me? No? Ugh, fine. There's no way I could argue against an archangel when I'm a mere angel. Alright, you win. I'll do it. So... my job is to serve as the boss of my dungeon and that naturally includes bashing up anyone who arrives at the boss room instead of reincarnating souls. But I'm getting tired of this anyway, so why not ask someone else to serve as the boss? Then, I would only have administration stuff to do! Hurray! I'm such a genius! But what if I could make a contract with an intelligent being and let them do the administration stuff too? Heheh... I'm such a genius! Oh, and also screw you, Lord Raphael. I still haven't forgiven you yet for pushing this job down onto me. ----

Amusement · Fantasy
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28 Chs

Page 18

I started to treat myself to some snacks that Mr. Greg had provided us as Hestia pieced together what she wanted to say. The snacks were some fried vegetables, kind of like potato chips. They weren't bad, but I can't say they suit my tastes either. 

I think they need some more salt on them. The little burnt pieces here and there do provide different flavours and textures so that helped eliminate the blandness of the snack. Although, the crunch is quite addicting. 

I continued to munch on them even while Hestia explained the System. To my relief, the System wasn't some kind of tool unbeknownst to angels (otherwise, as per the Angel's Handbook of Rules, I must destroy all of the data, knowledge or the thing itself as it is an angel's job to do that), but rather a very simplified version of the World Management's System to make an order for developing a planet or anything else. 

I don't know how such a thing got handed to the likes of Hestia, mere Large Lizard, but I think—just maybe, Maria has something to do with this. I mean she is affiliated with the World Management sector along with Vitaliya but if she isn't the main reason, then I have no clues on how they got ahold of something that's used in the Overworld. 

Maybe I should question her a little bit...

"—So, within Monsters Page, you would buy and summon monsters ranging from the lowly goblin or the mighty and powerful-" 

"Excuse me, Hestia, do you mind answering this little question of mine?" I asked her. 

Even though she was cut off mid-sentence, she didn't mind at all. "Of course! As your senior, I am responsible for ensuring my juniors understand everything about a dungeon master's job!" she proudly exerted. 

"Thanks for the encouragement, Hestia. Well then, how did you acquire this System? Since I don't have it." my voice was now quite serious and Hestia must've noticed my change in tone since she glared at me for a second before returning to her normal self. 

I might have to give up recruiting Hestia if she violates any Sections or Articles of the Angel's Handbook of Rules. For any violations in Section 1 (the most serious cases and stuff), I would have to eliminate her immediately. Then, after contacting World Management, they would extract information from her soul and destroy the source of the System. 

If my theory about Maria playing a role in this was right, even being the Will of Creation or the Echelon of Creation, she still would be punished in some sort of way for violating Section 1 Article 1: Data Breaches, the most serious case within the Angel's Handbooks of Rules. However... I doubt the punishment would be that heavy since she's incredibly hard to deal with. 

I just I'll prepare my plan in secret just in case as she explains how she attained this System. 

"That's a surprise," Hestia commented on my question, "Well, I don't know. I simply cannot answer your question. To the best of my ability, I would sum it up as a 'sudden acquirement of knowledge' that contained what is a Guide, how to make contracts with them and about the System itself as well." 

That wasn't the answer I was expecting... since they simply acquire knowledge, however, that knowledge does contain things about the "System", thus, it's under my obligation to submit a request for an investigation on this topic to the World Management guys. 

I'll do that later, and thankfully, Hestia is still up for grabs. Thank goodness. I'm very relieved. However, I'm beginning to form a list of suspects who might've developed the System and spread it across multiple worlds in this particular universe. 

"Oh, I see," I replied in my casual tone. "It's fine if you cannot give me an in-depth description of the System, but I understand your point. Now, this might be quite rude of me, but do you want to help me with my dungeon? I would like to have a senior guide me through the complexities of this job." 

Now I'm trying to get Hestia to join me. Since she called herself a senior to me, I could use that as an excuse to bring her to my dungeon where my Authority could work from there. I'm thinking maybe around ten minutes before the presence of my Authority would dominate her mind and then I would have full control of her. 

I am not forcing them to join me since it's up to the person themself to choose if they want to join me or not, and in the end, it would be only a short thousand years. And no, I was not lying about having a senior would be good. I'm pretty confident having Hestia around would be extremely beneficial to my dungeon's difficulty and defence. 

Hestia laughed at my words. She placed her cup down and looked at me dead in the eyes. Her presence now could make any normal human shake uncontrollably, but I wasn't phased. This "attack" might have been her trying to intimidate me into revealing my intentions before she had to step in.

When I did not seem phased by her intimidation, she spoke, 

"You're all good!" she said with a large smile on her face. "I wanted to see if you had the capabilities to stand up to my intimidation. So when are we going?" 

I spent too much time reading "The Slothful Villainous Noble" lately. It's a nice story.

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