
The Lazy Angel is a Dungeon Master

Hm? Wait, eh? What?! I'm now assigned on a mission so that I would be a dungeon master? Hold on, why?! That's such a painful task to do! Let someone else do it! In the first place, why me? What..? Only I can be the dungeon master? Stare into my eyes. Are you kidding me? No? Ugh, fine. There's no way I could argue against an archangel when I'm a mere angel. Alright, you win. I'll do it. So... my job is to serve as the boss of my dungeon and that naturally includes bashing up anyone who arrives at the boss room instead of reincarnating souls. But I'm getting tired of this anyway, so why not ask someone else to serve as the boss? Then, I would only have administration stuff to do! Hurray! I'm such a genius! But what if I could make a contract with an intelligent being and let them do the administration stuff too? Heheh... I'm such a genius! Oh, and also screw you, Lord Raphael. I still haven't forgiven you yet for pushing this job down onto me. ----

Amusement · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

Page 16

"To start things off, I should mention that this story takes place around three thousand years ago." Hestia said. 

That's not too long ago. I think I can still find them. Unless they were a human. That would be a little more difficult, but I could still just check the reincarnation records and find their soul. "That's fine. You can continue." 

"Very well then. I shall continue." 

Hestia told me about a young-looking and beautiful female human with purple hair, unique white star-shaped pupils and a bright, cheerful, playful personality like summer. She came to her home (this island) mysteriously one day and without any warning—unlike me. 

The mysterious female suddenly appeared and challenged her to a fight, which she lost, and the female then healed her and left. Before leaving, she made this place how it is currently, with all the flora and fauna present being created by this mysterious female. Then, as soon as she was finished, she suddenly left. 

Thus, Hestia didn't have the opportunity to learn her name, but her image remains in her memory to this day. 

It seems like that Hestia really... admires this mysterious female. And based on the description alone, I think I know who she's talking about. The person is—Maria Laine. The Echelon of Creation. 

Now, Maria's image within the Realms isn't the best, especially within the Underworld and Overworld, where we, along with the demons are responsible for the Cycle of Reincarnation, and she... well, to put it simply, creates a lot of chaos or overtime for those working in Reincarnation or Soul Guiding. 

She's extremely powerful though, as her power is Creation—the ability to create anything she could imagine or want. As for why her title is "the Echelon of Creation", well, I should explain something else first. 

Within the Five Realms—the Overworld, Underworld, Middle World, Spirit Realm and the Void Realm, there's something known as "Wills". These Wills are the manifestation of absolute power and the concept of what they represent. There are seven Wills—Fate, Time, Space, Life, Death, Destruction and Creation. 

Thus, the "Will of Creation" is the concept of Creation itself, and it is the manifestation of absolute power. These Wills choose a person or being to act as a host so they can manifest the power of whatever Will they have. So technically, people who are the host of a Will are not human, but rather the materialisation of that Will. 

And guess what? Maria is the Will of Creation, so she's the literal concept of "Creation" and that means she's too overpowered and we can't do anything about that. It's not fair. 

I'll give you some examples of her most troublesome acts. First, we got an event nicknamed "The Anger Management Event", and that was when Maria got super pissed off due to something and decided to CASUALLY destroy the entire planet she was on. That event alone caused me to work over FIFTY THOUSAND YEARS OVERTIME. You see? This is why her image and reputation are not so great within the Overworld and Underworld. 

Anyhow, since she's the Will of Creation, we gave her the title of "Echelon" along with her respective Will—Creation. And so, she became Maria Laine, the Echelon of Creation. 

Six other individuals also hold the Echelon title as they are manifestations of the other six Wills. Since Wills represent the highest form of power, let's take Creation for example, the Will of Creation, Maria, can grant or revoke someone's power of Creation, as well as customise their level of talent for that particular power. 

And since many angels or demons rely on the Will of Creation due to their respective jobs, you can see why we don't want to anger Maria. As for the other Echelons... I don't know anyone else apart from Maria's counterpart, Vataliya Rya Sanya, the Will of Destruction. 

He's a little more calm and the complete opposite of Maria. He mainly works with angels within the World Management, a sector that Maria is also affiliated with, but she doesn't show up eighty per cent of the time. Apart from that, I don't know anything about him... a good thing in my opinion. 

I heard rumours about the other Echelons and from those rumours, they sure are scary. There's one about the Echelon of Fate about him sacrificing everything to ensure victory. His own life, loved ones, wealth or things like relationships. 

I don't even know how he's still alive. He's like a broken puppet I guess. I don't know how to describe him apart from that. 

Anyway, yes, Maria = bad. Don't get involved with her NO MATTER THE COST! 

"Ah. I wish I could see her once more... I wasn't even able to catch her name. I wonder what could it be. Something romantic like Violet, like the beautiful flower she is, or Aurora like the beautiful auroras up in the far north. I wonder what it is~!" 

"Her name's Maria. Maria Laine. She's a very... interesting person..." I answered Hestia. I was about to say "chaotic" person but I was able to say something nicer. Great job, me!

"Maria, is it? Oh, what a beautiful name! The star of the sea, the beloved child, what an extraordinary name befitting for a person like her." Hestia's cheeks blushed a tiny tint of rosy pink as she said Maria over and over again. Did I meet someone with a screw loose? 

And, no, believe me, you don't. The "Star of the Sea" is not a person you would like to get involved with. I know it from personal experience, Hestia. But I'm not going to say it aloud just incase Maria pops up out of nowhere (wink wink).