
The Lawless Zhao Couple

'Never above you, never below you, always beside you.' ................ "Get out!" " Yes, sir."Long Xia said as she headed for the door. "Not you, Xia. It's them am telling to leave, not you."Zhao Haoran said as he looked at everyone else in the room gesturing for them with his eyes to get the hell out of there. Zhuo Li and Yang Liu followed the rest out but not before giving Long Xia a wink. Once the two were left alone, Long Xia felt as if the room became smaller as she remained standing in front of this powerful male god. "Have a seat."Zhao Haoran offered. Long Xia sat down and fisted her hands on her laps, under the table due to anxiousness. The silence dragged on and this made her more anxious and she finally decided to break the silence. "Is there something you want from me, sir?" "Yes. I want you to be my wife."He answered straight fowardly surprising her to the core. ........ What will happen when two powerful people are bonded in sudden matrimonial union? Cities will be destroyed, their rivals will beg for their lives and they will conquer their world with love, trust and ruthlessness. Long Xia, later Zhao Xia, daughter of a very distinguished family in Japan and wife of the most powerful man in China, is suddenly targeted by a mafia lord, for revenge. However, the man only knows her as Katana, the woman known in the underworld for her prowess in wielding a katana. Here is a twist; this mafia lord is married to Zhao Xia's bestfriend, Yang Liu. What will happen to to their relationship,when chaos thrives? In the end, who will Yang Liu choose? Her husband or her best friend? Another twist is that, there's an even greater enemy waiting quietly in the shadows. After his laid out plans are executed to perfection, he will strike when they all least expect it. *****Book cover does not belong to me. Credit goes to the owner .******

jenna_j · Urban
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42 Chs


This chapter is dedicated to Titania23 :)


After arriving home, Zhao Xia immediately received a call from Jun.

"Yes, what did you find?"

"The gangs are being supported by a source from Japan. It's hard to find who specifically it is, though. I have traced some money being wired into some of the phones of the gang members. However, when I trace it back to the owner of the bank account, it's just a dead end. Now I think the only way to find out about whoever planned the attack, is to get the information from the gang members that you captured."

"Okay, thank you Jun. You have tried your best." She hang up and sighed.

"What is it?" Zhao Haoran asked as he led her to their bedroom.

"I was trying to find out who is behind that gang rebel that happened that night."

"My team is working on it. We will find him or her soon enough."


Meanwhile somewhere in Japan:

"Sir, we have managed to block the hacker. "

"Good."He said as he looked at the computers nearby. Suddenly, another red light appeared on all of the computer screens.

"Do all you can to stop them. If a single information is leaked out, I will be sure that you won't see another day."

"Y...yes, sir." He replied as his fingers flew across the keyboard. The boss got out of the technical room and headed to the kitchen to get water, only to find his little wife on her phone, seated on one of the kitchen high stools, drinking coffee.

Since her back was facing him, he crept closer without her noticing and suddenly hugged her from behind, surprising the woman.

"Oh my god, Kai, you scared me." She said as she placed a hand on her chest.


Back in China:

After their shower, Zhao Xia and Zhao Haoran were in bed, with Zhao Haoran massaging her sore feet, while she laid flat on the bed looking at the ceiling.

"You know, after all this sh*t is over, we can have a vacation somewhere." She suddenly said.

"Yes, we can go wherever you want but in stead of a vacation, we can have our honeymoon first."

Zhao Xia looked at him before chuckling. "Okay, honeymoon it is. "

With that she suddenly sat up and straddled Zhao Haoran, surprising him to the core. She wound her arms around his neck and he automatically wound his around her waist. She bent down and pressed an intimate kiss on his lips. What was supposed to be a short intimate kiss, suddenly turned into a long ferocious kiss.

Once they parted to get much needed air, Zhao Xia felt something hard poking her down there. Her cheeks flushed red and she looked at her husband. She was met with his fiery intense gaze.

"Umm... Haoran, I think that your....."

Her words were cut off when he suddenly swooped in and caught her lips in another fiery breathless kiss.

"You don't how much you affect me sweetheart." He said breathlessly once they parted again.

His lips trailed down and skimmed her jawline, pressing short hot kisses on it. He moved to her neck and pressed open mouthed kisses, Zhao Xia was sure he would leave some marks on it . She let out an unintentional moan as she tightened her hold on his shoulders.

Zhao Haoran suddenly stopped his sweet torture, earning a low mumble of disapproval from his wife. He looked at her and said.

"Before I lose my last straw of sanity, we should stop."


"I want to make love with you when all this charade is over so that nothing, not even our thoughts, can distract us."

"Oh...okay. But can we cuddle like this for some time?" She asked.

In response, Zhao Haoran brought her much closer to him and rested his head on the intersection between her neck and shoulder, breathing in her natural intoxicating scent.

After about ten minutes, Zhao Haoran placed his already sleeping wife slowly on the mattress, careful not to wake her up.

He covered her with the quilt and headed to the bathroom, ready to take a cold shower.

The next morning, Zhao Xia woke up early in time to see her husband getting out of the bathroom, a towel covering his lower body.

"Hot damn!" She said loudly earning a hearty chuckle from her husband. He moved closer to her and pressed a kiss on her forehead. His masculine pleasant scent filled her nostrils.

"Good morning, sweetheart."

"Good morning." She replied as she gave him a sweet smile.

"It's the first time you've woken up this early."

"Oh...I have a meeting later with some of my investors."

She got up and headed towards their walk in closet, her husband in tow. She headed towards his side of the closet and chose a dark blue three piece suit for him, a watch, a black tie and black lace ups.

"Well, that's a first." He said as she brought the clothes to him.

"I have always wanted to do this."

He took the clothes from her hands and she left for the bathroom. Once she finished her shower, she walked to their closet only to find a light blue full women's suit, a white pull neck and a pair of black pumps laid out on the couch for her.

She let out a chuckle before preparing for the day. When she descended the stairs, she found her husband in the dining room waiting for her. She joined him and they had breakfast together while discussing some various topics.

Once done, Zhao Xia gave her husband a morning kiss before leaving the mansion with her two bodyguards.

When she arrived at the main branch of her group of hotels, she was surprised to see men in black everywhere. Her bodyguards moved closer to her to protect in case they decided to attack. She looked around and saw some familiar faces. Weren't those people her father's men? So her father was here.

"Guys , relax, I know them." She addressed K and Ace.

When they relaxed, she headed towards her office and opened the door to find her father, seated comfortably on her swivel office chair.

"Do you always arrive this late at your office?"

"It's 8:30 in the morning, dad."She said nonchalantly as she took a seat across from him.