
Prologue and Chapter 1

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He arrives in his Maybach and she drives a worn out Ford to work, they work together, smile and shake hands when they greet each other every day of their lives, but their hearts hold the greatest animosity ever known to man. They both have certain similarities. One is to make the most of the lives they have. YOLO! Concept you see. Both have families which they live far from. Both are hard working individuals. Both are self-made, and that's all that matters to them.

She was one of the staff in the department of philosophy and he was the head of that department. Well, even though he was the head of that department, didn't seem like he was truly philosophical in his thoughts. He was a materialistic being, even though they shared similarities, they were not the same.

They both wanted to make the most of their lives. Atticus King, wanted to live the today and enjoy all that he and his investments in the stock market earned. Aileen Olivia wanted to make the most of her life to enjoy the benefits of the hereafter. One lived a culture of money, party and ladies while the other lived a life of sacrifice, prayers and chastity. He quit living with his parents since they were always bickering him to change his ways, she was forced by fate to move out of her house to make her mark. He and she work hard in their line of business, there is no denying that fact, yet he seemed to find his kind of fun with the students at his workplace, while she tried to bring the same students from hormone driven thoughts to the sane world. They both are self-made, one made himself to prove to his parents that he was better without them, the other made herself to make the people who gave her a life proud of themselves.

Such are the differences of life!!!


"Good morning, Aileen", Atticus leaned over the desk in the classroom, and stared at her back,"aren't you a tad bit early for work today." He said jumping over the desk.

She stopped writing on the board and turned to see him, sitting on the desk. Puffing his chest out with the front three buttons open and rolled sleeves. Wearing a perfect white shirt which highlighted his five O clock shadow, and grey trousers, complimented by the Omega watch and mud brown brogues. She resisted the urge to roll her eyes on the way he carried himself like a student instead of a teacher and said, " Morning to you too Mr King. Just preparing the things before the class arrives. You know how students are these days, as soon as I turn my back, they start their stuff." She sighed.

He chuckled, "You take things and the syllabus way too seriously." He checked her out when she was arranging her books on the desk beside him. Lemon yellow shirt and white floor length skirt with brown belt, chocolate brown hair tied in a neat ponytail, spotless face, rectangular glasses covering her eyes. He sighed internally, she could get to him just with that simplicity, but will never accept his offer. Why can't she be like the other women? Why cover every inch of that beautiful self she has? She can be as frustrating as beautiful, but no doubt the man who has her, is in for a super awesome blessing.

"The kids do not realise, it's their parent's hard earned money they are spending on this college. I'm not surprised that you can't relate to this, being from a well to do family, but I can." She could feel his intense gaze on her, "and if you please will, get down from the desk. The class will start in the next 30 minutes from now and I need to prepare."

He hopped off the bench and asked, "so your topic for today is The Tripartite Theory of the Soul? How boring!"

"The matter begins to be difficult when you ask whether we do all these things with the same thing or whether there are three things and we do one thing with one and one with another-learn with one part of ourselves, feel anger with another, and with yet a third desire the pleasures of nutrition and generation and their kind, or whether it is with the entire soul that we function in each case when we set in motion."

"Make it interesting, ask the students to elaborate the understanding of this principle. Try being a bit jovial, philosophy can bug all of us at some point of time, and I won't let you disagree to that" He said pointing a finger at her.

She leaned on her hands over the desk and smiled, "sometimes, yes. As in like how does this matter to us in real lives, unless we all were emotional fools and had no intellect at all."

"See, you are no exception to that. Anyway, I have some work too, few reports to prepare and I knew you will be early so I came to meet you."

She folded her hands over her chest and looked at him, if it was what he seeks with other women, she was ready to give him a piece of her mind.

"No, No Aileen. I came here to apologise for yesterday..."

"Okay, you do not have explain... Simone already apologised, I don't think either of you owe me an apology. What you were doing is your personal business, so let's end the topic here. If you have anything else to advise me, please continue or we are done."

It hurt him, she just straightforward said she did not want his apology. Any female would take his apology and try to enter his life, but here this woman is throwing everything back on his face as nothing matters. Well, yesterday when she walked in this same room after college hours to collect her books she had forgotten, she had walked in on him taking Simone on a ride, and she averted her gaze as if seeing the most disgusting thing ever and had muttered, 'at least have some shame to keep your personal business outside the college premises.' He thought she was hurt and secretly admired him, but now she was looking at him as though gazing his dark soul and saying, I'm least bothered about your existence. She certainly would've thrown him out if he weren't her boss. They worked at the Edmund College of Arts in South Carolina, in a small town called Williamsburg.

"So we're done here" he said and left.
