
Chapter 463


Eun Hyung also added with a smile, "What's wrong, Donnie? Chun Young becomes serious-minded and does a good job when accomplishing his given task. You know how much he takes care of himself after he debuted as a model."

"Except once when he fought with Yi Ruda," said Jooin.

Beside him, Eun Jiho smirked and uttered, "True, he doesn't even move an inch during the PE class as if he's standing still and meditating silently."

"Isn't it because he's just annoyed ?"

Sharing those conversations, Jooin and Eun Jiho giggled at each other. I was already being concerned about Yoo Chun Young, but they didn't seem to look that worried...

Eun Hyung, also sending a pitying glance at the two boys, diverted his eyes back onto me.

"Donnie, he'll be good," said Eun Hyung.

However, I still couldn't loosen up the strained look on my face.

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