
The Law of Love: Craving her touch

...."Mam, you can see him now, his in room 34." Your heart stops. You can see him. You practically jump up from your seat and almost run to him, leaving Michelle behind. You get to his door and stops. You pace up and down, wondering what you would say to him if you see him. He's your boss but it feels different now. You're more than just boss and employee. You're friends and more.... ...you step closer and closer until you finally are able to hold him. You hug him tight. You don't let him go. He fights you off, until he can't anymore, until all his defenses is down. He cries, sobbing and screaming...

Mrssmithwriter · Fantasy
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53 Chs

I Love You

"Oh? I'm intrigued and listening?"

"I was wondering if you could help Jack out with some of the legal things around the office? It'll be after hours and he'll compensate you for your work?"

"Oh honey, I can't. The office asked me to handle an immigrant case for them in Texas. I'm leaving tomorrow night..."

"What??? and when were you going to tell me about that??"

"Well, you're not around anymore..." You playfully slap her arm. "No...I was going to tell you tomorrow morning, cause I figured you would be spending the night at Jack's again?"

"Yeah, probably can't blame you for that and yes, I'm spending the night at Jack's again. I'll probably spend a lot of nights there from now on. He's getting weaker."

"Oh girl, it's very sad. How are you holding up?"

"Oh, I take it a day at a time and try not to think too much about the future but I'm very much enjoying every moment I spend with him."