
The Law God - Artic

- royalroad novel - summoner https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/52007/infinity-core-summoner -- "Artic" "When the chessboard closes, the king and the pawn are will be placed in the same bag." - Artic was a young student. He often struggled with his thoughts in his mind and tried to survive in the modern world. He was smart and liked to read, but he also liked to think about different things in his mind. - Artic was killed trying to help a woman who was attacked. When he opened his eyes, he was in a different land with a voice in his head. Where he was reborn in the same body, people could have divine powers or possess special powers by developing their knowledge and philosophical perspectives on issues. - We see what Artic choose for his special powers and what kind of person he will be in a new fantastical world. - https://www.webnovel.com/book/origin-night-lord_16167247606177705#review

Krizantem · Fantasy
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296 Chs

Artic - Chapter 150 - New Shop - Power Levels

The young man Artic and Miga arrived at the door of the shop in 10 minutes. a young man named Miga gave 5 Copper Coins to the horse-drawn carriage driver who brought them in.

Artic was watching the front of the shop where he came from. It had a really good look. It was also 10 meters wide and people were constantly passing by. It made him feel a little better.

After Miga paid for the driver of the carriage, he approached Artic and began to speak in a respectful tone.

"My lord, follow me."

Artic confirmed with his head and began to follow a boy named Miga. The door was built quite firmly. The store didn't have any glass. It just added a bigger mystery to the shop.