
The Law God - Artic

- royalroad novel - summoner https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/52007/infinity-core-summoner -- "Artic" "When the chessboard closes, the king and the pawn are will be placed in the same bag." - Artic was a young student. He often struggled with his thoughts in his mind and tried to survive in the modern world. He was smart and liked to read, but he also liked to think about different things in his mind. - Artic was killed trying to help a woman who was attacked. When he opened his eyes, he was in a different land with a voice in his head. Where he was reborn in the same body, people could have divine powers or possess special powers by developing their knowledge and philosophical perspectives on issues. - We see what Artic choose for his special powers and what kind of person he will be in a new fantastical world. - https://www.webnovel.com/book/origin-night-lord_16167247606177705#review

Krizantem · Fantasy
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296 Chs

Artic - Chapter - 217 - Vihn and Marvi -

Although the servant approved it, he was a little uncomfortable with it. Because His Majesty Ludicrus was misdefined.

It couldn't be described as wrong. But to him, it was wrong.

The servant has worked for Ludicrus for more than 60 years. He was a mystic at a 6th Star Level. Not many people knew his law.

His name was Hernim. Hernim didn't want to say exactly what Ludicrus said. But if a king like him, an emperor, invites a different person to his palace, and the emperor okay with the person who was invited to decline his offer. This was not an acceptable or good move for an emperor

It meant degrading himself and the honor of his people.

For that reason, Hernim was disturbed. After a while, he came out of the throne room and started to move into his room. There was no one around. Because the planet they live in is a mystical planet, it made more sense to replace a large number of normal guards with a small number of but elite mystics.