
The law can't fix everything

Iris Rossi grew up in the slums. When she joined the FBI Iris didn't know just what she was going to face. Will she take it head on or crash and burn.

Mama_Wolfblood · Urban
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3 Chs


The police and FBI were serching the city but turned up empty handed. Iris looked at the map and the different school districts. "You unbelievable bastard." She said frustration building. It was like the unsub was reading their every move. She then had an idea on what to do as risky it will be. Once they were all in the office and door closed, Iris looked at the people around her. "He didn't take a child that we are aware of. So he must be following the story some way." Hotch said what she already knew. "What if we set up a sting?" Iris asked having all eyes on her. "What you mean baby girl?" Derek asked curious. "Well he took me once before. If I appealed to the gift from his master. He believes someone controlled by his master will bring a marked one back. I strongly think he grew up with parents that followed Pegan or Satanism.  This couple with mental health....It's a perfect storm." Iris wanted to ralf alover the floor from the suggestion. "Ok so how do we do this?" Hotch asked. "NO WE ARE NOT DOING THIS! I WILL NOT ALLOW THIS TO HAPPEN AGAIN!" My father yelled standing up. "Dad It's ok I'm volunteering because it's the quickest way to get him." She said gently knowing what she was about to do. "Princessa this man took so much from you. What if you freeze up?" His voice was full of guilt and pain. "I'm a big girl I know the risk ran all the probabilities, and this is the only one that has a decent out come." She said before looking back to Hotch. "We need to get on the radio all channels. Then have Spencer say I have a gift for you my most prized follower. Spencer will then give a means to contact him. Set up a meeting place and act as if you are delivering me. He may need proof of your standing. I will need you to be a dominant if I am not compliant pull my hair make me look at you." I said looking at a very uncomfortable Spencer. "If we do this who's to say he will want more proof?" I look at him. "Hope your pistol isn't just for show." I winked at him the squirms he did was cute. Hopefully it will not get that far.

No one's pov

Everyone got to work on the plan. Iris sat looking at the wall. She was brought out of her thoughts by a hand on her shoulder. She looked up to see it was her father. "Listen I know I wasn't there for you growing up. I know you feel strong about this mission. You want this guy to pay for everything he has done to so many. Princessa I want you to be careful." David said sitting by her. "We need to get him off the streets. If it means going threw therapy after so be it. He is careful thats how he has gone undetected for so long." Iris said before looking back at the wall she knew what was coming. Two hours later the FBI got the all clear to broadcast. Spencer looked nervous but pushed it down.  Iris nods at him before speaking into the microphone. "My master Asmodeus wants to speak with you." She took his hand and placed it in her hair. He got the message and grabbed a fistful yanking her making her yelp and cry. "Who said you could speak?!" He growled. "I'm sorry master it won't happen again." Iris said while pretending to cry. "Your right it won't happen again. I will teach you get on your knees whore." He said tossing something making it sound like it was her. "Ye-Yes master Asmodeus I will do as you ask." Iris said weakly. "That's better I don't like hurting my sweets. I forgive you but I don't think the one who delivered you will. Hell your mother is probably rolling around in her grave. I am sure she raised you better. She was shot by your handler to pay a debt." Iris glares at Spencer. The phone rings. "Bitch go answer the fucking phone!" Iris cries picking it up. "Hello who is this?" She said signing Hotch to track. "Give the phone to my master." It was him she thought before shakingly handing the phone to Spencer.