
The law can't fix everything

Iris Rossi grew up in the slums. When she joined the FBI Iris didn't know just what she was going to face. Will she take it head on or crash and burn.

Mama_Wolfblood · Urban
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3 Chs


Landing in BWI we make a fast track for the station. The smell of the city never gets old to me. Been in one hell whole been in them all. "Its a shame we can't sight see. I hear charm city is beautiful with historic landmarks and rich with history." I said looking out the window of the cruiser. "I take it you enjoy history." David said sitting next to me. "I originally wanted to be a historian. *laugh* Mom would call me her little book worm. She always knew where I was if she couldn't see me. I was normally in the small book nook in the house. She said that a mind will get me farther in life. It will open up doors for me that she never could." I said smiling thinking of the times she would surprise me with a book or a trip to the Museum. "You have a lot of respect for your mother." Hotch she making me look at him. "My mother is the reason I wanted to work for the FBI. I want to prevent a child from feel my pain. Lets get back to the task at hand." Wanting to get back on track and get this sick bastard off the street. When we arrived Hotch was greeted by a police chief. Aaron introduced all of us and we got to work. When I entered the room the white bord was covered with the faces of little girls no younger than nine. "Those sweet angels I know what he did to you." I said placing my right hand over my branded scar. "What does she mean by she knows." Officer Green asked Hotch. "My agent believes she was one of his victims." Aaron said "Bit she is alive." He said before I turned to face him. "I have a brand scar in the same spot they were branded. He used to let his victims go probably got off on the emotional pain he delt. Now I don't think its enough for him. I think him watching the family's suffer and possibly disband....That is his new high." I said before looking back at the bord. "So you know this guy? Do you have a name or remember what he looked like?" The Officer asked making me turn to face him again. "All I remember is his voice." I said before turning back to the bord. The Officer tried to speak again. "Look the more time you spend here questioning us, That is less time we have to find this guy and potential living victims. So unless you want the blood of those children on your hands, tell us what you know about the families." I said my blood starting to simmer of this low level punk. Once he left Aaron lectures me about how I am to speak. "No offense to you sir but playing nice isn't going to solve anything." I said before sitting down going over what we know. "So the children are found one week apart. The bodies are dumped at night. A phone call is made in the morning. I have reason to believe that the caller is our unsub. The only way to know for sure is Iris. I need you to listen to the recording. Prentiss and Morgan you go to the Sterling, Subaro, Siggnarelo, and Hobkin families get some insight on the children's routines. JJ control the reporters. David with Reid and scope the schools look for something out of place. You have you assigned tasks lets move." Everyone cleared out leaving Hotch and I. I looked at him nervous not sure why but I was. My heart was going a mile per minute. I felt like a rabbit staring down the muzzle of a hungry fox. "I know you are scared of this individual, He is your boogeyman and may others. We need you just as the children he may have needs you. I promise you I am right here with you." He was calm and made sense. "Ok play the tape." I said as Garcia comes on a screen. " 911 whats your emergency?" The female dispatcher came threw. "The body of Selena Siggnarelo is in Federal Hill park under the oak tree in front of the pond." I scream falling off the chair. Hotch caught me setting me down easy. I couldn't ever forget that gruff voice. "Safe to say that is the slime ball we are looking for." Garcia said before explaining she tried tracking the call only it was cloaked. Hotch told her to keep looking and hung up. "Iris I need you to stay with me. You shutting down won't help anyone. I know you want to but you can't not now." He said helping me up. "Hotch he was most likely looking down at her making the call. " I said hot tears streaming down my cheeks. "Leaves were Rustling in the background. When was this call took?" I asked He said Sunday that would only mean he takes children on a Monday. "He will take a child today Hotch. Sarah Hobkin's body was found yesterday morning. Sunday after a phone call to dispatch. What im about to say is sick ,but a child needs to go missing for us to find him." I said before standing up. I call Garcia. "Oracle of Quantico. Speak if you deign to hear truth." I laughed "I love your energy Mon Ami" She chuckles "Yes please talk dirty to me." She retorts "Maybe later I'll get you alone. Right now I need you to look up Rape and kidnappings cases in Reading Pennsylvania." I said before the thundering sound of a keyboard filled my ear. "Ok your going to give me spastics." She said "look at Mondays and found on Sunday. The guy that is doing this has don it before." I said "I found yours and fifty other cases." I think for a moment. "Garcia cast a net I think he might be a mover doesn't stay in an area for to long." I said looking at the clock its 2:15 schools will be letting out soon. "I will do what I can , and hit you back when I find something." She said before hanging up. This is not going to be easy but nothing worth doing ever is.