
the launtic mage

DaoistiHrROT · Action
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8 Chs

father's a launtic too

Here ,Ms prime you take the child he resembles you A lot haha

Yes sister his facial features are almost same as yours but his eyes they are a bit different.

Yes Sarena you are right they are red .

Does anyone care to tell me just what is happening hereee and why am I getting floan around the room damn oh oh looks at this womens melons it won't hurt to touch the will it ho ho ho .... Huh what happened why do I have a baby hand wha.t

.... Even my voice isn't come out the f..k .

Attention count prime is coming now who is this move where is my wife uh Marisa did you face any difficulty while giving birth.

No honey I did not . Hum ok good doctor

Uh yes count report. Yes the child was birthed around 1:25 pm and was not breathing. WHA WHAT DID YOU SAY he isn't breathing. Calm down count he is okay now I don't know he just came back alive when we lost all hope at 1:40 he is healthy and has no problems .

Hum ok let me see now my little prince the hier of prime household.

Damn now a weird breaded man is stare at me .

Soooooo my Lil prince is here allelellee my baby ....'_' what are you all doing here still move out .


Now my little baby do you like papa say papa .

Someone tell this launtic to stop rubbing his beard on my face.

Honey, he is a new baby he can't speak yet

I now you don't need to tell me how yeah I am gonna give a party to my all subjects wororoeoroorroro

Sheees that launtic of a father finally left huh man now I am hella tired with even doing anything.

Now Lil prime aren't you hungry why not drink some of mama's milk .

Just what is happening in my like and I am still grinning

3 months later

now I am able to walk a little and I've come to know about quite a lot of things like who am I apparently i have been given the name of my previous life rektaver which meant the one who dances with blood in battlefield but I don't know what it means here .

I am the first child of the count prime ghrana head . Ghrana means a family, clan etc .

Our ghrana rules over the northern part of the kindom which is no longer present because all nobles, barons ,counts,dukes and both archdukes started a roit and killed the king 17 years ago because king was being influenced by demon (it'll be briefly explained later) and that's how shattered alliance formed territory wars happen within the alliance but the permission is granted by the alliance elder to start.

And sooo my father who is the head of the prime ghrana is mordret prime who stand 6.4 foot talk with cleanly groomed Black coloured beard and black hair with small pony tail , brown eyes and fair skin stands strong as the 7th strongest entity in the alliance who is a methic stage mage (will be explained later)

And as for my mother Sarena prime who is form the ghrana of arch Duke Dimitri's 2nd daughter with blue hair, white skin , plump red lips and a trained lean shaped body

Stands strong as a legendary stage mage .

She ranks 19th in the alliance.

And this nanny who stays with me alllll the time doesn't even leave me for even 1 second is 5 year old damn just how come she became a nanny at the age of 5 she has Black hair and deep pink eyes and when father introduced her to mother he said she is at common stage '_' damn .

Today for sure I am gonna see her meat hole yosh hehehhwehhe .

Mr pime young master is grinning creepyly at me again.

Damn she is a noisey one .

Oh bring him to me he must be hungry.

Her you go rekt drink mama's milk.

Now man i am frustrated but all I can do Is

Wahhhhahh ehahhhhhh wahhhh

Oh my baby what happened does milk doesn't taste good today .

Shut up let me goo whahahhehahhah whahhhhaaa .

Ms should I take him to me prime oh yes please do maybe he'll feel good with his father .

What no nonono don't nooo damn let me go take me anywhere but not to that launtic whahwhhahwha whahhahaaaa.

A man could be seen running towards a baby like a wild bear with face of a devil while distroying the well built garden and throwing all dust around.

Ohhh what happened to my baby why are you crying come to papa.

Noooooo not this launtic save meeee savemememeeeeeeee

2years later

at the prime estate a 2 yr old boy could be seen siting in a liabiray with a large book in his hand

Name shukera pedia