
The Laufeyson Bloodline System

Loki was an ordinary boy with abusive parents in prison. What happens when he becomes something stronger? He is forced to go to military school for 2 years. He learns new powers, makes friends, and discovers a sinister plot. Now, it's up to him, his friends, and (unexpected) allies to come together and stop the evil plan that could wipe out half the humanity. (Note: this story doesn't focus on the system that Loki has that much, it focuses more on the plot.)

Pheonixare_803 · Fantasy
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55 Chs

First Lessons: Beast-ology

The next morning, when Loki woke up, the screen showed that he had completed another Daily Challenge.

[Daily Challenge 2 completed: +5 Xp]

[10/50 Xp]

He stood up, stretching quietly as no one else was awake. After he had washed up and changed, he saw the Earth Ability stone. He picked up the Ability stone.

[Would you like to change Earth Ability stone into 10 Xp?]

Loki thought for a moment, then shook his head. 'No. Could I store the Earth Ability book into my Inventory please?'

[Earth Ability stone stored into Inventory]

[28 spaces remaining]


Loki spun around. Terrence was standing there. "Where is your Earth Ability stone?" "Umm..." Loki's brain scrambled for a response. "I... I sold it! For some credits!" Terrence's face fell. "Oh." "What is it?" Loki asked. "It's just that if you hadn't sold it, me or Seraphine would have happily bought it from you to make our Earth magic stronger." Loki felt bad for lying, but he couldn't totally trust Terrence with his secret just yet.

"Hey boys!" Daphne poked her head through the blanket wall that they had hung up to separate the boys from girls. "It's almost time for breakfast! Come on!"

The five of them hurried down to the dining hall. Students were already there, lining up for food. Once the five of them had gotten food, they quickly claimed a table for 5. "Ava! Touch me!" Daphne whispered. "Huh?" "If anyone attacks us, at least there will be two Electric users instead of just one." Ava quickly touched Daphne's hand, copying Daphne's Ability as Loki gulped down some water.

[Daily Challenge 1 completed: +5 Xp]

[15/50 Xp]

As they were eating, a short man came through the big double doors.

"Everyone," the man said in a squeaky voice. "Here are your timetables." Timetables flew to everyone in the room. Loki looked at his. "I have Beast-ology class today. Anyone else?" 'I have Economics, and so do the twins," Daphne said. "I have Combat class," Ava said. "Did you know that you could change your Combat class according to your Ability to better suit you?"

Terrence hummed. "That's good to know. Maybe me and Seraphine can get into the same Combat class." A bell rang, and Loki quickly left, looking for the Beast-Ology class.

Loki just managed to find his class and take a seat as the teacher walked in.

The teacher told the class, "Good morning, children. My name is Mr. Finley. Before I start the class, I would like to brief you on some school rules. First, you only have one class a day. Once that is over, you may choose to spend the rest of your free time however you like. You may even go into the marketplace nearby school." A student called out, "How do we buy anything?" Mr. Finley frowned but continued. "Everyday, not including holidays, 10 credits will be sent to your wristwatches. Now, I'd like to make it clear that credits cannot be given or taken from one another. Only the student that the wristwatch belongs to will be able to access the credits. Students are NOT allowed to take of other students wristwatches, and the wristwatch won't come off anyway."

"What about us high-levels? Surely we don't need to do the same things as those low-level trash?" It was Nishan. Loki gritted his teeth as chimes of agreement came from other higher-levels. This was how it always worked. The high-levels would bully the mid-levels, and the mid-levels, wanting to vent their anger or get the things that the high-levels asked for would bully the low-levels. Mr. Finley hummed. "There are no specific rules. If a high-level wishes to bully a low-level, by all means. The only rule is not to injure the victim fatally or kill the victim. If a low-level decides to fight a high-level," Snickers filled the room as Mr. Finley said that. "If a low-level decides to fight a high-level, go ahead. If you lose, too bad. If you win, good job. You will get a chance to test your levels again during mid-year. Now, please settle down as I would like to start my lesson."

Everyone fell silent as Mr. Finley started to explain about the history of Originals and Elves, and how Beast and Beast Worlds were found. Loki could see other students laughing, not paying attention as other low-levels stared around nervously, almost as if as afraid that the high-levels would attack them in class. He quickly grabbed some of the paper and ink that was provided and jotted down notes. Loki ignored everyone as he felt himself getting immersed in the fascinating history that Mr. Finley was explaining. Though Loki didn't know it, paying attention in class and remembering these information about beasts would come in very handy in the future.

I decided not to let bullies be able to take credits, but technically bullies can still force lower-levels into buying stuff for them. I hopr you all liked this chapter!

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