
The Laufeyson Bloodline System

Loki was an ordinary boy with abusive parents in prison. What happens when he becomes something stronger? He is forced to go to military school for 2 years. He learns new powers, makes friends, and discovers a sinister plot. Now, it's up to him, his friends, and (unexpected) allies to come together and stop the evil plan that could wipe out half the humanity. (Note: this story doesn't focus on the system that Loki has that much, it focuses more on the plot.)

Pheonixare_803 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
55 Chs


{10 years later}

"Hey, Loki! Fancy meeting you here!" Loki turned his head to see Daphne skipping up towards him. "Hey, Daphne!" He greeted her with a small smile. "Here to get some coffee too?"

"Duh. If it wasn't for this miracle drink, I'd be dead right now, with all the work I have."

Daphne was currently one of the most successful guild managers on Earth. Her guild was named 'Flagranti', and the moment she had finished military school, she immediately used her savings (she'd been saving most of the money that her parents had sent her) and started training a small group of people.

Eventually, that group grew into a large guild. Being a powerful Original and a skilled swordswoman, her guild rose to the top quite fast. She had gotten permission from the government to do her own raids, as long as the government wasn't obliged to compensate for any deaths that happened on her raids, and she had to pay a monthly tax of 400 mana crystals. This also meant that if their raid parties happened to meet when raiding the same world, they could fight for the other parties' spoils (though Daphne's raids were the ones that usually claimed the other's spoils).

"What about you? How's life as the CEO of the biggest trading company on Earth?" Daphne smiled. "You know, if it wasn't for you, my guild would never have started."

After Loki had passed Level 10, his Store had unlocked. Loki realized that he could buy anything in the world from his Store (except for mana crystals or beasts corpses/blood), and as long as he had the payment, no matter if it was in his Inventory, a bank, his wallet, he could purchase items from Store. Daphne had bought the first few weapons for her guild from Loki.

He and Daphne had struck a deal that she didn't have to pay the entire price at once. She would pay with the amount she had first, and once she starts making some money, she'd pay back the money she owed with interest. Once Loki had started making a profit from selling the weapons to Daphne, he started a small trading store at a busy marketplace. He would either buy things to sell at his store or pawn them in a pawnshop. Soon enough, thanks to his Store, he started making a lot of money. By then, Daphne's guild had grown quite a bit, and he became her supplier for weapons and armor.

When it was heard that he was the supplier of a decent guild, more people started buying from him, until he started a trading business. With his Store, it really was no trouble at all to get whatever was ordered from his company. His company expanded quickly, and because of his endless supplies that were always good quality, his business became the most successful one on Earth. Loki had never revealed himself to be a Laufeyson.

"You know it's really my system," Loki laughed. "If it wasn't for that, we'd still be nothing."

"If it wasn't for your system, I would probably be wedded to Mr. Sor and all of you would be dead," Daphne deadpanned.

"Talking about that, what happened to your parents, uncle, and aunt?"

"Father, Mother, Aunt, and Uncle were all given the death sentence," Daphne sipped her coffee. "Ada as well. Most of The Snakes were given life imprisonment, but some people, who were just errand boys or girls who didn't know or were blackmailed into The Snakes were let go with a warning or served a short time in prison." Daphne sighed. "But enough of them, they're out of our lives now. How's Terrence?"

"He's happy," Loki hummed. "I never knew he liked arithmetic so much. He's having fun being an accountant, especially since we get so many orders, he has a lot of numbers to count. He does complain of not being able to visit Seraphine enough."

"Seraphine's happy, too," Daphne smiled. "She likes being a teacher. I never thought she'd be one, but she said that it's because she remembered what it was liked to be bullied while teachers turned a blind eye. She wanted lower levels to be able to be protected as well."

"That's Seraphine for you. What about your cousins? They've sent me a couple of postcards."

"They travel around worlds now," Daphne answered. "Saltavore goes around collecting different samples of blood while Nishan usually kills any other nearby monster. They're an efficient duo."

Loki reached out and tapped his paper coffee cup against Daphne's. "Governments hate that I can supply anything to people, and often try to badmouth me. The funny thing is, they're just making themselves look like fools to the people."

"You mean more of a fool," Daphne corrected. "Well, we've already taken Earth by storm, what with your business and my guild. Let's change up the worlds stupid heirachy and shake things up. What do you say?"

Loki grinned. "The world is in for a ride."

After all, they were only 27. They were still young. This wasn't the end; it was the beginning of a new era, where equality was a possible hope.

Hey guys! This is the end of 'The Laufeyson Bloodline System'! I hope you enjoyed this story! 'Flagranti' means 'passionate' in Latin. This is my first story ever, and I felt really proud of seeing my own work. I hope that you'll let me know what you liked and didn't like in my story through comments and reviews. Also, I've posted some chapters on a new story called 'Reincarnated with a System?!'. If you could check it out, I'd appreciate it a lot! Au revoir!

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