
The Last X

Chen Yu lost his life of luxury, pleasure, and thrills, was forced to live as a thousand tragically minor characters, to die a thousand tragically minor deaths. Now he only needs to successfully complete ten last missions to escape the system's control. Done with playing bit parts, he can finally crush the golden fingers, chomp the thick thighs, crumple the plot armor and outshine the proud children of heaven.

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105 Chs


Feng Kuo was satisfied that Jun's family at least recognized their relationship, so he didn't make a fuss when his pet indicated he should go away.

As soon as the intruder left, Ren Yijun's family surrounded Chen Yu for an interrogation. Yang Shu in particular worried that her son was being forced, because she was familiar with Feng Kuo's intense personality. After Yijun insisted that he was willing, however, describing how pampered he was and how much they loved each other, the suspicious women had no choice but to accept it for now.

Several days later, they were further convinced at Ren Anjing's funeral.

Chen Yu was standing with his family, accepting condolences, when he noticed Feng Kuo's compelling presence, amplified by his custom-made suit, luxurious car, and entourage of guards. Of course, Chen Yu perfectly understood his lover's reason for arriving so ostentatiously—Feng Kuo couldn't miss this chance to impress on the everyone that Ren Yijun was already claimed, and by a powerful man at that.

As he passed, the crowd cautiously made way for him, their eyes glued to his figure. In front of the curious stares, Feng Kuo strode straight to Chen Yu, held him tightly, and naturally pecked his lips. While Chen Yu rolled his eyes inside, he nevertheless allowed the display of ownership, blushing slightly and embracing him back.

After all, who knew what ploys this snake would come up with if he didn't acknowledge their relationship here?

A collective gasp sounded.

Young Master Ren liked men? And his family appeared indignant, not astonished...The guests nearly exploded with the desire to gossip, but, cowed by this man's momentum, they restrained themselves to whispering their speculations. Although they didn't dare ask how the young master of Ren Jia was affiliated with the head of the sex trade, it clearly extended beyond friendship.

Some distance away, Ren Xiang sat in his wheelchair bound head to foot in bandages, barely able to make out what people were saying. Concealed by the gauze, his face sank. This Feng Kuo must have been the backer Ren Yijun had used to introduce him and his father to that loan shark. With a patron like that, no matter how much he hated Ren Yijun for reducing him to this state and oppressing his father to death, he wouldn't have a chance at revenge.

Thinking of Ren Anjing, tears pooled in his empty eye sockets. His father had undeniably sacrificed him, but he had still raised him for more than thirty years. Now, all he had left was his distant mother.

Even when that woman had visited him in the hospital for the first time yesterday to inform him about the funeral, she'd outspokenly expressed her horror at his appearance. Ren Anjing had apparently told her merely that their son had been in an accident, so she hadn't expected his condition to be this dreadful. Disgusted, she scarcely stayed for a few minutes, insisting before she rushed to depart that he cover up and attend the service from a hidden spot in order to prevent people from asking unpleasant questions.

If Ren Xiang had thought he was inured to his mother's indifference, this conversation showed him that he'd been futilely holding some hope.

What Ren Xiang didn't know was that seeing the degree of assistance he needed in his daily life, his mother had begun worrying about how to pay for his hospital bills. While it was true that her paternal family had once been so wealthy that Ren Anjing had deemed her worth marrying, in the past few decades, they'd steadily declined. Ren Anjing had definitely heard of their difficulties, but he hadn't ever shared his assets with her, deepening her dislike of him and their son.

In any case, these days, her family was hardly better off than average households. They certainly weren't rich enough to pour money into supporting a crippled child. Once the funeral was over, she'd have to search for a more affordable arrangement, unless her husband had left some funds behind.

In the main hall, everyone was buzzing about them, but Ren Yijun and Feng Kuo themselves remained collected, continuing to greet the attendees. Despite the murderous glares directed at him from Jun's family, Feng Kuo kept one arm around his pet and shamelessly acted as if he was completely Ren Jia's person.

Meanwhile, although Chen Yu was fully aware of the silent conflict being waged behind his back, he didn't interfere, focused on going through the motions so that he could hurry back to rest his sore waist.

But as he was distractedly shaking hands with some people he hadn't met before, Chen Yu came across a CEO Wu. The pot-bellied old man wouldn't have been noteworthy, except that he was the same person who had abused Ren Yijun in the original plot, even forcing him to have sex with someone who was infected with a fatal STI.

Studying his new toy, Chen Yu grinned viciously.

What good timing, he'd finished off his other targets and almost forgot that this playmate was waiting for him.

Next to him, Feng Kuo caught Jun concentrating on someone for a couple minutes and then smiling. Ready to snuff out whoever was at the receiving end of that look, he followed the direction of his gaze. However, all he found there was an ugly old man. Surely...his pet wasn't attracted to that type? Still, thinking about it, Jun had agreed to date him, a man who was fifteen years older than him...

Just in case, Feng Kuo kneaded the back of Jun's neck and inconspicuously nibbled on his ear to divert his attention. As intended, Chen Yu abandoned that loathsome man to shoot a scolding glare at him. Unfortunately, there was an error in translation. What Chen Yu intended to be a fierce glower was, in Feng Kuo's eyes, transformed into a provocative invitation, so that he had to stick close behind Jun's body to hide his excitement. Feng Kuo suddenly felt that they should test out the private facilities at this place.

Feeling his lover nudging the hot, stiff length against his hips, Chen Yu wanted to facepalm. What could possibly be so arousing at a funeral?

With such subtle changes in everyone's outlook, the service finally ended.

Unlike Ren Daquan's wake, the relatives immediately gathered in the funeral home's conference room for a lawyer to read out Ren Anjing's will. Some people inquired where Ren Xiang was, but when his mother simply claimed that he was recovering in the hospital, no one asked anything else, turning their thoughts toward who would receive what.

Ren Anjing's widow was especially impatient. After all, Ren Anjing had been the general manager of Ren Development Group for decades and even briefly reached the position of CEO. The company shares might go to Ren Xiang, surely he had passed on some worthwhile savings to her.

In this anticipatory atmosphere, the lawyer bravely listed out the dismal state of affairs. Everything had been mortgaged, from cars to jewelry, and all the funds in Ren Anjing's accounts had been withdrawn to cover his debts. Additionally, in order to prevent his son from becoming responsible for Ren Development Group's deficits, he had signed over ownership of his shares to the loan shark.

The whole room was silent. A few people were disappointed, others gleeful, but the overwhelming reaction was shock.

Evidently, Ren Anjing had only been a paper tiger. Recalling the rumors of how Ren Anjing had suppressed his nephew to seize the family business, the way they looked at Ren Anjing's widow became strange. He'd done such a despicable thing yet left behind nothing but losses, how incapable must he have been? If that wasn't the issue, he must have been engaging in some unsavory habits to accumulate so much debt.

The corners of Chen Yu's lips curled. It seemed there wasn't much else to do here.

The very next morning, he allowed a copy of Ren Development Group's financial records to be publicized, along with a comment pointing out how it was a sinking ship. At the same time, he announced news of Ren City Development's plans to join with Feng conglomerate and establish a modern red-light district, as encouraged by the government.

Intelligent journalists quickly investigated and reported the situation.

Ren City Development had originally been a subsidiary of Ren Development Group, but it had been discreetly bought out by Ren Yijun. Surprisingly, the well-known deals that Ren Yijun had closed before resigning as CEO had been carried out in Ren City Development's name. More significant was that the parent company had funneled most of its profits to the subsidiary and borne all the costs incurred until Ren City Development went independent and Ren Development Group was handed over to Ren Anjing.

Anyone with common sense could connect the dots. Those who had condemned Ren Yijun's poor abilities were forced to shut their mouths and suffer the sting on their faces.

Naturally, if laymen could recognize Ren Yijun's tactics, businesspeople could as well. Company executives criticized his ruthlessness, but they had to admit that they admired his cunning. Furthermore, none of them were willing to easily cross someone who could plan and carry out such a manipulative strategy without a hint, then expose it at an effective time.

The story spread like wildfire. When Ren Anjing's widow inevitably discovered what had happened, she very rightly suspected that Ren Yujin was the reason her husband had been left penniless. She made some noise as Chen Yu had expected, going so far as to hold a press conference, but her accusations only met with derision.

Even Ren Yijun's harshest detractors didn't champion her cause. Business wasn't about charity, nor had Ren Yijun acted illegally. Besides, no one could justify calling him someone who forgot favors and violated justice, because the people in the upper circles knew that Ren Anjing had provoked him first. Not to mention, those investors who had strongly supported Ren Daquan and his son had each been offered prestigious positions in Ren City Development.

In this way, public opinion of Ren Yijun was mixed. The young man gained a reputation for being talented but cold-blooded. Most importantly, he was someone to avoid offending, especially considering the identity of his partner.

While Chen Yu didn't care what others said about him, Feng Kuo was delighted at this turn of events. For one thing, their names were now inextricably linked together in everyone's minds. For another, fear of this couple should ward off some pesky flies.

Of course, that was if Chen Yu cooperated.