
The Last Wolf

The first mistake lead to the death of my brothers and my fellow soldiers, the shining cities of the God Emperor's now turned to nothing but ruins of past glory, yet this is after months of constant fighting. I am Lieutenant Titerus Vain I have served my Legion the Sons of Horus for almost two centuries and bestowed many honours for countless battles and victories, my Captain is Garviel Loken a legend among the legion and I am proud to be by his side. Our mission is to travel to Istvaan III and reclaim it from any traitorous elements, how ever Loken order me to stay on board the vengeful sprite and wait to reinforce them if necessary, though I could tell his mind was else were and this worried me. I will be posting chapters every Friday and depending on my work schedule I will try to post one to two chapters a week. Hello there, this is my first time writing a novel ever, lets see how it goes. This is another TAG this is R18 please keep that in mind when reading and their is swearing in this novel and much worse. Enjoy This is an unofficial story and I don't own any of Warhammer 40k names, characters or any of the places that are in the universe. All credit goes to Games Workshop(Please Games Workshop Gods don't kill my novel) if the owner of the cover doesn't wish me to use it tell me. Thanks

Prometheus996 · War
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39 Chs

The Past hurts

A floating fortress surrounded by storms and razor-sharp spires of crystals. After pondering how we should infiltrate this death trap of surprises, "I have an idea that you are not going to like." If the chance of death was not high enough I feel this idea will add to my chances. "What is your idea that you're so certain I won't like?" Iacobus shares his thoughts, staring into the storm from hell. "We are going to use one of those supercharged crystals to enhance my powers and penetrate the storm and make you ride the storm." Oh boy, I can see the White Scars and Space Wolves enjoying this but I'd rather stay as I am, not a pile of ashes on the ground to be swept away. I could feel Iacobus steering right through the eyes of my helmet, sensing my thoughts on wanting to be the test dummy of quick lighting transportation. "Let's gather what we need for this to work, we will talk more about what we do after." I started to walk forward, getting a better view of the landscape, seeing the ground shift and move like an ocean, then turn solid. This place is filled with an illusion where everything I know has turned around and is going to slap me in the face.

We spent several hours climbing crystals to reach the outer edge of the storm, still many kilometres away from the centre." At last the highest spire." We reached a crystal spire that stood higher than the rest, which we hoped wouldn't interfere with transporting me. Iacobus began drawing symbols on the crystal to help store the psyker magic of the lightning and also reinforce itself from collapsing from the charge. I took a few steps towards the edge, hearing the brittle cracking sounds of the crystal under my immense weight the ground itself would rise and fall in seconds, then change, becoming frozen like ice but I could still feel the heat like a raging sun, I took a few steps back remembering what Iacobus said about how he would explain what is going to happen. " Ah Titerus, come here and please stand to my right, we are almost done." I walk towards him hearing the crystal crack under me and stood beside him facing this mighty storm of rage and horrific power. "What else do we have to do to complete our preparations? So that you can explain to me what is going to happen." I started to rotate my shoulders preparing to fight a demon of monstrous power, unlike the herald I fought and killed he was on the verge of becoming a Great Unclean one still having a few weaknesses, but if I am not careful this lord of change will kill me. Iacobus just finished carving into the crystal with his claw, "All done, we just need to wait for the lightning to hit you." My thoughts caught on to what he said last, hearing the lightning surging before it struck.

Iacobus turned to face me with a serious expression "You will go alone. I have to make sure we cover our tracks and make sure that their attention is not on you when you go to face the demon. Good luck my friend, may we meet on the other side of this battle." Iacobus raised his giant paw like a hand. "Good luck to you brother" I shook his paw, feeling a grin on my face. It feels good not to be alone. "Oh, one last thing this may hurt a lot." Iacobus started to step back from me, I could hear the surges becoming more frequent until the last second. "Shit..."

The last thing I heard was the lightning hit me, my armour glowed a tinge of orange with steam coming off, and the readouts through my systems almost overloaded. I took a knee to recover, I can't believe that worked, I should be ash right now thanks to my armour, "Thank the Emperor'' I raised my head, steam hissing as my armour relieved the pressure, my auspexs (scans) say I have arrived in the middle of the storm and no life signs, stood up again raising my bolter, I am getting the feeling that the welcome party has arrived. Shadow moved through the dense fog, unlike at the castle and church this fog felt very different like an illusion, using my auspexs and keen eyesight trying to peer through the still fog waiting for the shadow, come on and move or attack, there you are, I unloaded a hail of rounds into the shadow hitting something metallic. I began to move towards where I hit the shadow with every step being slow and quiet trying to not give away my position to anyone else. The fog cleared like the vacuum of space, and a golden door was left behind, I stepped closer to the huge double golden doors, depicting a fleet of ships leaving a world towards the stars, another showed space marines waging war and cheers of victory and glory. All these parts of history are from mine, the first one was when I left my home and became a scout for the Luna Wolves, and the next one shows me about a century later when I became a champion of my legion mastering many forms of combat and weapons, the last one to appear showed me kneeling at the body of the legions standard bearer, he was a dear friend that I miss. I let myself remember my past and all my pain.

I stood there, silent, letting the moment sink in and honouring those from my past. Thunderous foots approached me from behind heavier than a space marine I turned to face the man who dear sneak up on me, but shock took over, the man in front of me is Ezekyle Abaddon the first company Captain of the Sons of Horus dressed in terminator armour, he stood just a bit taller than me, his armour far stronger than normal space marine armour including mine but not by much. "Are you okay Titerus you look like you have seen a ghost. but that doesn't matter follow me." I followed him, still not sure what is happening but still keeping my guard up ready to bear my fangs.

We walked for about twenty minutes and came to a room with a symbol of the moon above shining onto the floor, another surprise was to see Tarik Torgaddon Captain of the seconded company, Horus Aximand or otherwise known as "Little Horus the Captain of the fifth company" and my Captain, Garviel Loken it was nice to see old friends, each of them stood in silence watching over me. "Kneel Lieutenant Titerus." I did as I was told and knelt before them. "I Ezekyle Abaddon of the first company have orders from the Warmaster Horus Lupercal to invite you Lieutenant Titerus Vain to become a member of the Mournival (advisors to the Warmaster). This Is the highest honour I could ever imagine receiving, "Thank you Captain but there's one thing I must do." I look up and stare into his eyes. "What do you need to do? This is a great honour even more so for you a Lieutenant." I brought my hand behind me and showed a grenade. "For you to choke on this!" I pull the pin and nothingness. I tried to open my eyes, then heard a deep growl that gave psyker energy that came in waves, with every sound my mind and soul felt like it was about to shatter "You have somehow passed the test next time will not be so easy." I start to feel my body again steering at the golden doors "I hate illusions."


One down one to go. I hope you enjoy the new chapter another one may come sooner.

Hi there please let me know your thoughts and don't forget to write a review of what you think, enjoy.

Prometheus996creators' thoughts