
The Last Wisdom

morax_san · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The Prophecy Unfolds

Once, a bloody war erupted, destined to endure a millennium, tearing through the fabric of existence among the three realms. The heavens, under the dominion of angels; the earth, governed by superhumans; and the underworld, ruled by devils, each led by their esteemed royal families—the Silvas, the Leons, and the Wisdoms.

The Silvas, recognized by the intricate wing-shaped marks adorning their arms, emanated a silver brilliance. Meanwhile, the Leons bore the golden mark of a lion on their neck, resonating with their majestic rule over the earthly domain. The Wisdoms, cloaked in a dark, bloody aura, carried the emblem of a broken sword on their backs, symbolizing their ominous reign over the underworld.

The tides of war shifted dramatically when the hitherto triumphant devils began to falter. Unprecedented alliances between the heavens and earth emerged, driven by a common goal—eradicate the Wisdom family. A prophecy, foretold by an ancient and powerful seer, proclaimed the birth of a child within the Wisdom lineage destined to wield unparalleled authority over the three realms.

The heavens and earth, driven by the prophecy, joined forces to overpower the Wisdom family, stripping them of their might by harnessing the combined power of two realms. Convinced of their triumph, they believed they had averted the impending threat. Little did they know that the child of prophecy remained, hidden within the Wisdom family.

Before the royal onslaught from hell, the child's mother, foreseeing the impending doom, sent him to the earth realm for protection. In a twist of fate, the child found refuge with a commoner dwelling in the wilderness. Despite discovering the demonic mark on the child, the commoner embraced him as his own, raising him with love and care. Unbeknownst to his wife, who noticed the demonic mark upon the child's arrival, they both chose to accept him into their lives, naming him Alex Xantra, after their own surname.