
108. Dripping Blood

The old man felt that Mack improved a lot already, but seeing he was still focused and absorbed in the training, he resolved to wait and see.


Mack gave another punch, and the eyes in the puppet showed 801 points of damage.

Mack body was level five already, so he could easily get to the 500 points range if he used any kind of technique, but to reach 801 points, that required a lot of refinement.

'I don't think this kid will improve much more now.'

Thought Harlack, because he knew the limits of a level five body, 


Just as Harlack expected, the eyes on the puppet now showed 800, instead of 801. Mack reached his limit.

Harlack stood up from the chair and took slow steps in direction of Mack, at each step, Mack gave another punch at the puppet. But no progress was made anymore.

A few steps from Mack, Harlack grabbed the two swords on the ground, and threw to Mack,

[Now do the same with the swords].