
The last user of Black Panther spirit

Lorraine Neil, the last user of Black Panther spirit. She has cream coloured hair to her waist and has an extraordinary spirit. is the warrior who is the trigger to the first war. She got kidnap by the villain and be his puppet for a year. "Let go of her!! You bastard!!" "My, my. But, she belongs to me, kiddo" "I, Lorraine Neil will responsible for this!!"

hajarr_jaafar · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Suspicious person

"Why your body like this?"

"What do you mean?"

"Your mana flowing like a string."


"You need to cultivate a high-level lake, Lorraine."

"Marie... If I go, can't you please don't tell William that I go for cultivating?"



I teleport myself to the high-level water that I know. It's pretty... The colour of the water is purple. It's rare to see it. I inhale a lot of breath and dip myself in the water.

[Flashback Lorraine]

"Hahahahaha! So weak!!"

I step on the head. They beg my supremacy like an idiot. Do you think I will forgive you?! You kill my mother right in front of my eyes!! You better die instead of making a mess of me! Huh? My hand looked pale. I lay down on the ground looking at the crescent moon.


I sat up. There's a loud echo in my head. It's almost like it's gonna explode at any moment! The loud echo makes my tears drop. Suddenly, I fell that I just woke up from a deep sleep. I stand and look around. There's a fire here and there. 'What... have I done!!??'


I turned after hearing a laugh. Once, I turned all became black. 'Huh? Why all became black?' There's only a mirror in front of me. There's me' with black panther ears and tail. 'Who? Why her face like me?'

"Don't recognize yourself? Hahahaha"

Why her voice also likes mine?! I touch the mirror and the mirror falls.


My hand bleeding. Slowly, my views turn into black.

[End Flashback]


Huff! Huff! Puff! 'Why all of my memories, must that?!' I walk out of the lake stumbly. I set a fire to warm myself. The view for tonight is quite lovely.'Brr... so cold'

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

After this, we need to climb this high mountain and cultivate it at the next level lake down the mountain. Geh... I really lack stamina. I usually use magic so I can fly but.. Urgh... I'm in the middle of cultivating.

1 hour later...

"Finally, I on the top of the mountain"

I sit on the ground. All of my muscles cram! Huh? Who's that? A man with long hair standing at a big stone. Since he wears a beaver hat, so I don't see his face clearly. His hair colour warm grey. He wearing a black cloak, black heels, black gloves...

"You there."

"Huh? Do you talking with me?"

"Are there people here than you?"

"... No"

"Come here."

I a bit anxious but I walked slowly towards her. I want to see his face but, he wearing a mask, which makes that I only see his mouth and nose.

"Pick that for me."

What the hell?! You have your two-hand yet you ask me to help?!! So suspicious! I look down to see what exactly he wanna me pick up. A book? I pick up his book and hand it to him.


"Why, young lady?"

When his hand reach for the book, I can see his tattoo on his hand... Dragon Tattoo?! Aren't The TRanciey FAmily the one who inherits Dragon Spirit? The last user is Soel De Tranciey and after that... Dragon Spirit is forbidden against law!

"No... Nothing, Gotta go!"

I run to down the mountain as fast as I can. ' After cultivating I need to tell Sir James!!'

"Master sorry for being late!"

"It's okay... Because of that, I found my target."

"You mean..."

"Yes, my lost long target fufufu❤️"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Ah, so tired."

Lorraine lay down after running down from the hill. Hah... I should sleep, tomorrow I need to cultivate another lake. Lorraine turned herself. Dragon Tatto...


"What should we do, Master?

"Now... We just wait."

The man with a mask smirk and cover himself with the girl in the black haze.