
Chapter 16: Wine from a thousand years ago

In a private room in the outer building of the city of Hangzhou, on the edge of West Lake, a dashing old man is toasting a middle-aged man in white, Sitting next to him was a fat, bald man with large sunglasses.

This old man is the ancient writing expert: Mr. he. The man in white is Wenbin Zha, and the fat man is Leader Wang.

"I've heard Leader Wang talk about your magical powers for a long time, and the old man has always wanted to see a real person. At first sight today, he really has a style of wind and immortal dao and bone. He is worthy of being a God and man. I propose a toast to the real person. " He gulped down the Maotai that he brought with him, smiling at the other side of the check Wenbin, indicating that he has finished drinking.

Wenbin Zha said hello and smiled at Leader Wang, "teacher he is flattered, the trail is not long, do not dare to show off in front of the elders, this glass of wine should be I respect the elders" is also a mouthful of the wine in the glass, but also wiped a mouth, shouted: "good wine."

Teacher, He smiled and went on doing it, greeted everyone to eat first.

Leader Wang picked up the food and ate it, then stared at the cup with a smile and said, "Wenbin, I am really blessed by you today." Do you know the origin of this wine? "

Wenbin Zha looked at the two smiling people, shook his head, and said, "Could this wine be a normal drink?"

down his chopsticks and told Wenbin Zha about an archaeological activity that year

The story goes back to when he was excavated by grave robbers in a Han dynasty tomb in Guizhou. He led an archaeological team in a rescue excavation. But in this has been made in pieces, the side of the interior found a lot of jars, jar mouth seal is still good, has been completely covered by soil. They moved out a total of more than 100 large pots, which were supposed to be sent to the museum for cleaning, but in the process of moving, accidentally broke one of them. A smell of wine overflowing, on the spot, there are a few people who are not drunk at the scene.

Teacher, He put a finger in his mouth and took a bite. I found it was wine. There was wine in this jar. When I returned to the museum that night, I carefully sealed a seal, and the aroma of wine filled the room immediately. Not to mention a sip, it makes people feel floating. Desire. This is a wine from 2000 years ago. Through technical appraisal, most of these jars have less than one-third of the liquid left, which is considered the best part of the wine.

Later, the wine was confiscated by the Chinese government. Perhaps some leaders of the country have had the honour to drink it. Teacher, He is also a wine lover and has hidden a jar privately. When the relevant government departments came to count, they found one missing. I have also checked, but no results can be found. He was charged with dereliction of duty, and he was demoted to Zhejiang, which was still weak at the time, and became a museum administrator.

The Teacher, he, was not willing to take a sip of the wine from more than 2000 years ago, and he was afraid that the leader would find out. Today, when Wenbin Zha came, he was open-minded. He took out this national treasure-level Chinese liquor to entertain him, which shows the respect for Wenbin Zha.

After hearing this, Wenbin Zha was surprised to see the cup in his hand. He Lao also wanted to pour another cup for him. Wenbin Zha couldn't refuse. Two cups of wine fell into his stomach. Three ordinary people with a functional capacity for wine actually fell drunk on the table, the waiter closed the restaurant only to find that the table guests are intoxicated as mud, you can see the strength of this wine.

After hearing the story, Wenbin Zha looked at the cup in his hand in surprise. Teacher, He wanted to pour him another drink, but Wenbin Zha could not refuse, and two glasses of wine went down his stomach. Three people who usually drink well actually passed out on the table. The waiter only found that the guests at this table were very drunk after closing, which shows the intensity of this wine.

This Teacher He is not only an archaeologist but also a metaphysician. When he arrived at Teacher He's house, Wenbin Zha found that the layout in his home was designed according to the Fengshui of the Book of changes, and he could not help but give him an extra endorsement.

The topic of the trio shifted to that paragraph. Teacher, He took out the hand-drawn copy of the text, pointed to the symbol on it and said that this should be the text of ancient Yunnan, and the record was a strange book. As for where the Book is, it is not clearly written in the text.

Wenbin Zha asked Teacher He and Leader Wang if they had found any unique Taoist relics in other places. Teacher, He shook his head and said that such things are incomprehensible to laymen. Even if it is seen through archaeology, it is likely to be treated as an ordinary cultural relic. First of all, the religion that came to China was already quite complicated, and secondly, during China's Cultural Revolution, too many things were destroyed. Many ancestors have been cut off since they were handed down to our generation. If you want to find this book, I'm afraid you have to rely on fate.

Leader Wang suggested going to the museum to check the archives, see if there are similar words appear, he nodded.

On those few days, Wenbin Zha lived in his hometown. This he Lao was also pleased. There was only one wife in the family. The son and daughter had already started a family and set up a business outside. Therefore, once Wenbin Zha came, the family was also vivacious, he studied the history of Taoism with Wenbin Zha night after night. Leader Wang also left work on time every day to report to he's hometown. The three of them chatted happily. His wife gave them a few stir-fried dishes from their hometown. The three of them drank and talked.

The carefree days continued until a week later.

This Ho Lao's wife is surnamed Wang, and Mrs Wang has seven brothers and sisters and is the fifth in line. This year, she is also sixty-five. On weekdays, she is in good health and does not see any problems. A week after Wenbin Zha arrived, Mrs Wang's old father, the News of his passing

The father of Mrs Wang was already 90 years old, and it was normal for her to die. After all, when she was old, she died usually, so he took Mrs Wang back to her hometown for mourning. This Wenbin Zha lived in someone else's house for a week, and every day he greeted him with good wine and meat. He was also embarrassed, so he thought of following him over to have a look. Doing a little magic for the old man can be regarded as rewarding Teacher He.

Leader Wang wanted to be friends with Teacher He, so he naturally followed him. Four people set out on the same day and went to the small village in Zhejiang Province.

Mrs Wang's hometown is also in the mountains, a small village with a population of no more than a hundred households. By the time we got to Master Wang's house, Mrs Wang was about to faint from crying. Lady Wang held her father's body and cried loudly. When the old man died in the countryside, the more his children cried, the more respectful he became. Coupled with Mrs Wang's tearing heart and lungs, everyone around him naturally began to cry.

This Teacher He put on a piece of incense and burned paper money. He introduced the two people he had brought to his nephew and said that this was a Taoist. He came here to have a look. The nephew's name was Xin Wang. When Xin Wang heard that there was a Taoist priest, he thought that the family was preparing someone to invite a Taoist priest, so the uncle found one. Naturally, he was polite to Wenbin Zha, delivering cigarettes and tribute tea. Please ask Wenbin Zha to do a magic job for him. Wenbin Zha nodded, turned around and went to the wing. He changed his clothes and came out.

Those who come to visit will have a look. Such a Taoist priest like an immortal appeared. The eyes of nature turned up. On weekdays, there is a dead man in the village who also invites Taoist priests. But most of them are old people. Do you really understand this young Taoist priest? There are doubts in everyone's mind.

Wenbin Zha did not explain either. I asked Mr Wang when he was born and listed some zodiac signs. Tell these zodiac people not to stay here, for fear of accidents. I asked for the standard yellow paper and incense candles, and I did a ritual for Master Wang.

The climax of this ritual naturally is the cross fairy bridge mentioned earlier. This is a top priority. The fairy bridge over which Wenbin Zha passed usually was passed in one go, without an accident happening. He also went to see the treasure cave that Wang Lao-ye had dug for himself before he died, thinking everything was all right, he wrote out a list for Xin Wang.

What is this list? It is the hour of Ramadan. This person makes seven after death, also known as Ramadan. That is after a person dies or goes to a funeral, he immediately sets up a tomb for the Lord of wood from the "first seven", weeping daily, offering sacrifices in the morning and evening, performing a ritual service every seven days, offering a Ramadan offer, go to"77 the"forty-nine days to remove the spirit.

This seven tribute must be an even number, because one for Yang, double for Yin, so we have always invited guests to order dishes, it is best to order singular.

Wenbin Zha counted out the good days, pasted the time of Zhai Qi and the names of the people who needed to do it on the wall of Wang's living room, finished all this, and when Wang was buried, the party returned to the provincial capital with Xin Wang 's thanks and made an appointment, they come back together in the first seven.

The seventh day after this man's death, commonly known as the first seven days, is also called the night of the resurrection. That is to say, if the deceased has any unfinished business, he will be escorted back by the ghosts to meet his relatives on Earth; or he will bring back to Earth a group of new friends he has just met in the underworld, on the other side of the family set a banquet, let the dead entertain friends. But there is a point that everything with yellow colour, have to put away, because yellow colour is the colour of God, if seen, the dead naturally did not dare to go back home