


In a well-lit room, furnished and decorated elegantly with a cozy bed at a corner laid a middle-aged woman probably in her late sixties. As she relaxed on the bed, she held a huge thick book which she was deeply engrossed in. She was so engrossed in reading therefore she didn't notice when it started raining cats and dogs, she didn't even flinch at the loud and booming sound of thunder until the door to her room suddenly flew open.

"Gamma!", yelled a little girl who stood at the doorway, she looked like she was probably around the age of nine or ten. She had purple eyes and long luxurious locks of silver that reached below her knees, these features were quite like the woman on the bed. Hearing the little girl's voice the woman on the bed raised her head gently and looked at the child at the doorway. As she did this lightning struck once more frightening the little girl causing her to shut the door with a bang while screaming as she ran then flew on the bed where the woman laid.

"gamma I'm scared", she said as she shook in the arms of the older woman who discarded the book she was reading somewhere on the bed as she tried to calm down the little one.

"scared of lightening are we", the older woman said as she stroked the little girl softly as she trembled in her arms. A loud boom of thunder struck causing the little girl to squeeze the waist of the older woman as she jolted in fear. The older woman let out a chuckle at the little girl's distress.

"relax little one and let this old lady tell you a story", the little girl peeked at the older woman then she said in a little timid voice.

"a story", she said timidly.

"Yes little one so snuggle in", the older woman said as she made room for the little girl to nestle in properly by her side.

"a long time ago the supernatural realm and the mortal realm were once one. Everyone was nice to one another and there was peace and harmony".

"just like a big family", the little girl asked as her interest piqued as she started to relax.

"well I guess you could say something like that", the older woman replied as she tilted her head while making a goofy face which earned a chuckle from the little girl.

"what happened gamma", the little girl asked now interested in the story as she sat crossed legged on the bed.

"well peace didn't last for long because the humans became greedy. They hunted down the supernatural because of their special parts then they used these parts for powerful potions".

"what were these special parts gamma", the little girl asked as she bounced up and down on the bed feeling quite excited as all previous feelings of fear had gone down.

"hmm let's see, like a flandke's wings, zampa's fangs, gagnor's heart, Valkyrie's skull, nyixtis flesh, gnaik's beard, Sirenas scales, Takien's eyes, daimone's tongue, dragoi's claw, hexix's tail and worst of all a faekrai's spirit bead".

"what is a spirit bead?", the little girl asked curiously deeply engrossed in the story.

"it's a life source which is common to the faekrai's. when a faekrai finds its mate it gives its mate its spirit bead to absorb to complete the mating rites. When the faekrai's were hunted for their spirit bead their mates were targeted and the bead was ripped out of their bodies right in front of the faekrai"

"but gamma I thought faekrai's were the most powerful supernaturals, why couldn't they protect their mates", the little girl asked as she scrunched up her face in confusion.

"well humans were very crafty, so they created weapons of monstrosity which subdued the faekrai's enabling them to carry out their evil acts", the older woman answered as she made dramatic hand gestures.

"humans are meanies", the little girl said as she threw her fists in the air while puffing her cheeks until they turned red.

"well anyways the humans kept on killing the supernatural, so one day the leaders of each supernatural creature gathered, and a decision was made. In the eve of a full eclipse, when the sun and the moon became one every takien known to mankind gathered and created a huge formation which separated the two realms from each other forever and a boundary was placed at a particular spot called the gate", the woman said as she stroked the child which was now snuggling by her side while trying to stifle a yawn.

"the supernatural are safe now aren't they gamma?", she asked as she let out a yawn and smacked her lips together as she drifted into dreamland.

"yes, they are, sleep tight my little Ryu", the older woman said as the lights went off. The night was cool, an aftereffect of the storm as the little town of takiens slept in peace.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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