
The Last Supreme

Hey everyone, Just a quick heads up—I'm moving my novels to a new platform! https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/82053/avenger-from-another-world Thank you so much for spending time to read my work here. I really appreciate each and every one of you. Hope to see all at the other platform. Peace!

Vyne · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Price of A Weakling

"Die! You stupid ape!" 

Shan Bao slashes his broadsword downard, unleashing his attack. The air vibrates as the whirlpool of green energy bursts out from the sword, violently slashes anything on its way, and slams into the Giant scarlet arm ape.

The blow connects as a large explosive sound can be heard, producing smoke that covers the ape. 

Shan Bao was down at his knee, with his sword as a support, panting heavily from the attack he just released. 

"So that is what a silver rank skill looks like, such force!" Wu Ming's jaw is still wide open. 

"Not to mention Shan Bao used his River Chopper to unleash that skill. The ape should suffer serious damage now," Jin Fei kept his eyes peeling as he anxiously waited for the smoke to disperse.

As the smoke slowly dispersed, they saw the ape holding its arm, growling with intense hatred. Deep scar could be seen on its left arm, which has blood pouring out from it, rapidly forming a pool of blood underneath. 

"The attack did quite some damage to it, but it's still not enough to defeat it!" Jin Fei reported what he saw, he looked at Shan Bao in desperation, seeming begging him to unleash one more of that powerful attack.

"Damn it!" Vein popped out on his forehead as he forcefully stood up straight, his hand holding his broadsword wobbly. "This is already my limit. We need to work together and kill this ape now!"

Shan Bao figures that even if he can't release another of his ultimate attacks, with the wounded condition the ape is in now, by working with the others and pushing it through, they can defeat it. 

He was naive.

The growling becomes a thunderous roar as the ape ignores the pain from its injury, slamming both its arms to the ground and pounding its chest in a maddening state. Scarlet red energy courses all over its body, its red fur bristling like an angry porcupine, and its giant arms are burning ablaze with red energy, so hot that it instantly incinerates any leaves around it. 

"Oh no…oh no! Oh no! Oh no! It has entered enrage mode!" heart thumping crazily within Wu Ming as he experiences the worst possible outcome. 

"Jin Fei! Wu Ming!" Shan Bao roared, his voice barely audible over the ape's bellowing. "There is no way we can beat this thing when it is in enrage mode. Find an opening and retreat!" 

"Easy for you to say than done," Jin Fei cursed within. He and Wu Ming exchanged glances and nodded. 

The enraged ape pounds its chest one last time and leaps off, targeting the duo's position with its giant flaming arms.


Both of them rips a small pouch and slams it on the ground, creating a thick, grayish cloud that instantly engulfs the area, then leaps backward with all their might, barely dodging the powerful slam coming above. Their eyes stinging and lungs choked by the smoke, stumble towards the edge of the clearing. 

The enraged ape roars in frustration, its fiery fists smashing blindly into the smoke-filled air. 

The duo immediately runs backward, catching up with Shan Bao, who has already started running before them. 

"That's right, chase them away, go as far as you can," the bystander this entire time, Xiao Zhou pumped his fist in thrill. He was eager to see either of them fight to the death or move away from where he is hiding. 

When he saw Shan Bao and the two running into the undergrowth area where he was hiding, he hastily lowered his head down to the ground, praying that the trio won't be able to spot him.

"There you are, boy! What the hell are you doing there, let's go!" Shan Bao called out to him, causing him to freeze in place, clenching his fist in defiance.


"You're not coming?" seeing the boy didn't attempt to move, Shan Bao bellows over the ape's roars, his voice laced with a dangerous edge. 

Xiao Zhou clenches his jaw, his mind in turmoil. Shan Bao's single icy glare sends a shiver down his spine, causing him to unconsciously touch the black tortoise shell hidden under his shirt. He knew the choice Shan Bao was presenting him with, a horrifying "run with us" or a guaranteed "face the consequences." 

"Let's. Go," said Shan Bao, coming closer to him.

With a heavy heart, Xiao Zhou nods, "yes," his defiance morphing into quiet resignation. 

They scramble through the dense forest hastily as the booming roars and pounding of heavy footsteps follows behind. 

"Faster!" Shan Bao, who was the strongest in the group, runs at the front, "it will catch up to us at this rate," he runs even faster, completely ditches off his two subordinates and Xiao Zhou.

The two work their legs even harder, panting heavily as each of their steps pushes the ground with more force. 

Behind the two was Xiao Zhou, who was desperately catching up with their speed, the speed of a grown men, and also the running speed of a Wu Zhe. 

If it wasn't for his strong physique and daily routine working on the boat, Xiao Zhou would have ended up in the belly of the ape a long time ago. 


Shan Bao's voice could be heard in front, with the tone of excitement. 


When the rest of the people arrived where he was, they were amazed as well.

A towering stone gate, so tall that it equals to the height of three giant scarlet arm apes. Its surface was crafted from a smooth, gray stone that reflected the fading sunlight with a solemn grace, with intricate carvings adorning on it. 

Two colossal statues stood besides the gates, the figure of a fighting buddha, with coiling dragons, meticulously sculpted in bas-relief, snaking their way around it, clad in flowing robes etched with intricate symbols, and sword and halberd on their hand, the Buddhas stood with their legs slightly apart, their hands raised in a posture of warding off evil. 

"This is it!" Shan Bao trembles in excitement as he slowly approaches the gate, "we found it!"

"The tomb of the legendary emperor," Jin Fei inspected the imposing statues in admiration. 

Wu Ming dances in a craze and pumps his fists, "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" He jumps his way to the gate, trying to push the gate open. The towering stone gate did not budge at all.

Shan Bao looked at the sand bowl that was at the base of the gate, "So it was true then…" murmured as he was retracing his memories.

He glanced at Wu Ming and Jin Fei, and they nodded simultaneously, which then placed their glance on Xiao Zhou, who had just arrived at the scene, panting heavily for air. 

"Come here, boy," Shan Bao beckons.

When Xiao Zhou got close to him, he places his hand on Xiao Zhou's shoulder, applying pressure on him, which causes him to stagger for a moment.

"See that bowl of sand?" he pointed at the stone crave stand with a stone bowl on top of it. The bowl is filled with brown sand.

"I need you to place your hand into it, you can do that much for us, right?" Shan Bao flashes a sinister grin.

Without waiting for Xiao Zhou to agree, Shan Bao pushes his back, moving him towards the sand bowl.

Million thoughts run across in Xiao Zhou's mind, all of them telling him that it is a bad idea to put his hand into this suspicious bowl of sand.

Yet, under Shan Bao's threatening smile and the gaze of the other two impatient Wu Zhe, he had no choice.

With a heavy sigh, he complied, placing his hand cautiously in the sand. 

Sensing nothing other than just sands the tickles around his arm, a wave of relief washed over him. But before he could celebrate, a sense of dread returned. 

He felt a sensation of tightening, and before he knew it, his hand became trapped. He yanked at it, but it wouldn't budge. 

At the same time, the massive stone which remained still no matter how hard Wu Ming pushes, suddenly groaned open, a wave of chilling air rushing out and swirling around the group. As if swallowed by a yawning maw, the darkness within offered no hint of what lay beyond. 

Excitement coursing through his veins, Wu Ming didn't waste a second. With a whoop, he dashed through the opening, disappearing into the abyss. 

Shan Bao, his eyes narrowed with a sinister glint, barked an order at Jin Fei. "Follow him!"

"Understood!" Jin Fei followed suit, also disappearing into the dark unknown behind the gate. 

Shan Bao shifts his gaze to Xiao Zhou, who's heart pounded like a trapped bird. He threw his entire weight against his arm, sweat streaming down his face. 

"A little punishment, for running away not one, but two times from us. I was going to be nice with you, but you just don't receive my kindness," a laugh of mockery followed suit. 

Shan Bao looks at the boy once more, "try to catch up to us this time," and he runs inside the gate, leaving Xiao Zhou alone and the monstrous roaring of the ape that is getting closer to them.

Finally, with a sickening pop, his hand jerked free from the sand bowl. Relief washed over him for a moment, he wasted no time to run towards the gate, sprinting to reach top speed. 

The stone gate was closing, slowly, and just enough time for him to cover the distance.

Just as he lunged for the closing space, a powerful kick came from within the gate, which landed on his body, pushing him far away from the gate, and sending him sprawling onto the cold stone ground. 

He looked up, his vision blurry with tears of frustration and fear, to see Wu Ming smirking down at him. "Get lost, kid," Wu Ming spat, his voice laced with disdain. "We don't need you slowing us down anymore." The gate slammed shut with a deafening thud, leaving the boy behind, along with the approaching giant scarlet arm ape.