

After spending most of his life growing up in the city. Leon decides to travel down to his country's home to attend the burial of his grandfather at the town of Muskvile. Little did he know that the town has a history of sorcery and magic. The world began to change for Leon when he came across a hidden box guided by some magical creatures beneath the basement of his grandfather's study.

JoshuaAmaefule · Fantasy
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17 Chs


Thursday morning was a little bit chilly, there was a heavy rain fall through the night to the early hours. Leon didn't get to experience a hard time sleeping or nightmares this time around. He slept very well and sound with Jane holding him tighly as if she could find her way inside his body. He stretched his hand to grab his phone. It was already 6:25 am, he has to wake up this sleeping princess, early morning rain can be so deceptive , he thought.

He starts to give her a kiss on her cheek untill her eyelids began to lift upwards gradually.

Morning Angel. The whole world is waiting for you to rise. Hope you slept fine my sweetheart? Leon asked, still placing soft kisses on her cheek.

Jane carefully opened her eyes and closed them again, grabbing very tightly to the blanket. This only makes Leon smile with a soft laughter.

Babe, come on.... you don't have much time. It is already half past six, you will be late for work love. I promise if you wake up now I will make you something really good for breakfast.

You promise? She asked, with her eyes still closed. Not moving an inch on the bed.

I cross my heart love, I promise ok. Alright get up and get ready to take your shower. Let me go and prepare your breakfast.

Jane struggled to drag herself out of the bed and heads straight to the bathroom. She wished it was on a sunday, her body felt so heavy after long sex they had before the rain started last night. Moreover Leon will be travelling this morning to Muskvile, and would she had let him travel without having him. Jane enjoyed the hot shower as it runs from her head down to her toe. She smiled to herself when she realises how strong her nipples are. This man is really spoiling me with love, well who wouldn't want such spoiling she said, giggling to herself.

Leon was done with preparing breakfast by the time Jane finished dressing up for work. They both had egg sauce and toasted bread together, one of Jane's favourite meal.

Mmm.. darling you are so amazing! I enjoyed the breakfast. Thank you so much! She said, giving him a kiss.

You are welcome sweetheart. Here I packaged something for lunchtime. Hope you will like it?

Awww! You are such a blessing to me. Offcourse I will like it love ..... Alright, I have to go honey. Call me before you leave for Muskvile. And don't forget to switch off all the lights and appliances. Okay. Bye! Love you!

After Jane left for work, Leon quickly tidy up the kitchen and goes into the bathroom for a hot bath. To catch the first bus to Muskvile, he need to be at the station early. He hurriedly took his bath and prepares to leave. Jane advised him to add some few light clothes so that he wouldn't need to do any laundry for the few days he will be spending, and he thinks it a good idea. Before leaving the house, Leon call Jane to inform her that he is about to leave for the station.

Hello sweetheart... How are you catching up with work...

Yeah babe......work is pretty good, honey.

Hope you are fine love... I am all set about to leave for the station.

I am fine love.....Is ok babe, wishing you a safe trip Muskvile, I will check on you to know how you doing , and dont forget to call Dad once you get to the station... I love you! Bye!

Love you too sweetheart! Bye!

By the time Leon reached the station it was already 9:35 am, and he was lucky to meet the first bus. He walked quickly into the main hall to book his ticket. There were few people on cue before him but they are just four of them. Leo looked at the passengers he will be boarding the same bus with. An elderly man with another elderly woman together. Leon concluded that they could be husband and wife. He watched them admiringly, how the woman cling to his arm. Is this how him and Jane would be like in years to come when they are old and gray, alot was running through Leon's head.

Then the third passenger, Leon couldn't see her face but from her stature, he could tell that she could be about the same age with Jane.

The fourth passenger looks more of above fifty, he reminds him of his father. That was when Leon remembered that he has not called his father. He brought out his phone and dialled his Dad. Informing him that he is at the station and on cue to buy his ticket. His was happy to hear that and was expecting him down at Muskvile safely.

Its is now Leon's turn to purchase his ticket. Leon finally got to see the lady passenger face clearly. She is remarkably beautiful like Jane. She will put up a good contest with Jane if they put both of them on vote, but offcourse he will pick his Jane over her. For Leon, she is just a beautifule stranger with shape like Jane.

Leon paid for his ticket and strolled out to get a bottle water from a grocery store nearby. Following behind him closely was the lady passenger. She brushed Leon by the shoulder as she was trying get into the store and apologise instantly.

I am very sorry. I didn't mean to. I was concentrating where I was going. My bad, the lady said to Leon with regretful face.

Is okay. You don't have to be too apologetic, we all get carried away somefime, replied Leon.

Thank you. Are you travelling to Muskvile, she asked.

Yeah! I am travelling to Muskvile Leon answered.

Me too! Its been quite a long time since I visited Muskvile. My Dad said, last time he took us for holidays at Muskvile, I was about six years old, she said trying to keep the conversation going.