

Sith, in their long history, we're many things. Warriors, unparalleled in their brutality. Conquerors, who controlled half of a galaxy. Scholars, who ventured into esoteric arts of the force no one had dared to before. A race, an empire, an order, a brotherhood, a creed, and a duo. One thing the Sith weren't though, and never were, was built for longevity. The Pureblood Sith learned this lesson harshly, leaving their grand legacy to three people.

Hego Damask, Muun, banker, and Sith Lord.

Sheev Palpatine, Human, Ambitious, and Sith Apprentice.

Kaitosh of The Massassi, last of his race, stranded.


Kai wandered through the decrepit, crumbling halls and pathways of his long unused temple home. He felt the power, deep in the walls, dampened by the fact that all life had fled the cursed place. He hated his home, at times, for that very power.

He walked carrying a canteen and a large jug, knowing he would need it soon, judging by the billowing black clouds drifting towards the temple at worrying speed. He walked to a moisture farmer set up just outside the temple entrance for his own convenience, he figured he might as well since there wasn't really anyone else to cater to anymore.

Walking up to the machine in only slightly better repair than the temple behind him, he opened the small tap and started filling his canteen. Kai observed blankly as the murky water rushed into the metal chamber that kept him alive during the horrible storms that wracked Yavin's surface. Once his canteen was filled, the jug was next.

In his boredom, he turned to his favorite hobby on his kith-damned hellhole of a planet, seeing if he was still alone as a living being on the temple grounds. Absently, he reached out, searching. Kai didn't remember when he started doing this, though he did remember he started to ward off the decay in his abilities over time, little use being dangerous for someone as connected to the force as a pureblood Sith.

"Well I'll be damned, we have a visitor."

Kai turned around to watch a jungle rat scurry past him, fleeing from the instinctual equivalent to a foghorn in the ear canal that was the dark side presence of the temple. Most things ran from the temple, he'd found. The things that didn't run, rancors and the like, tended to be changed by it. Kai was sure the temple would be overrun by mutated abominations of dark, twisted magic if he wasn't there to remove the threat.

"Ha. Would've made the old kithspawn so happy to know his horribleness stayed stubborn for millennia after he was put down."

Said kithspawn was one Exar Kun, the dumbass who left himself in a glorified coffin for 1000 years.

Kai had to constantly ward off the influence of the long dead man, beat back the creeping tendrils of his power. It wasn't a difficult task but it was enough to know that Kai probably shouldn't let other people near the damn thing.

Not that there were other people anyway. The Massassi had managed to hold out after the resurgence of Revan, a group of 1000 Massassi warriors left on a dying moon with no support from outsiders, much like the original Massassi that landed with Naga Sadow. They made it 10 generations before the only options were incest or extinction…they chose extinction. The excess men and unworthy had been purged immediately upon the realization the Sith were abandoned, dwindling the population to about 400 of each gender. This was not many.

The Sith had discovered that they could have extremely powerful children at the temple where Exar Kun lay…but were soon horrified when the entire population discovered they were no longer capable of producing more than a single child.

The second generation was thus half the size of the first.

The third was a third of the size of the second.

The seventh numbered only 20 members.

The 10th generation numbered only one.

"Pathetic.", Kai murmured under his breath as he brought the now full jug of filthy water back into the temple.


The wind howled outside, seemingly angry that it could not breach the stone structure in its way, vengeful in its tumultuous attack. Kai gave up on sleep when the storm hit the temple, it was a bad one and that meant he needed to stay awake to make sure nothing dangerous took to the temple for safety. Exhaustion was not a good excuse to die by Rancor.

Lightning cracked in the sky, torrential rain pounded the archaic stone walls. Inside the temple was freezing, it would be unbearable without use of the force.

Kai suddenly became very alert as he felt the force spike, then scream at him to move. He leaped from his bed into the hall, just as the room exploded in a horrible display of destruction and chaos. Once the stone settled, Kai could see the remnants of what appeared to be a…ship engine.

The force screamed at him again and he sprinted down the hall, and the body of a ship crushed the temple above him.

"What the hell!"

Kai kept running, going to the far edge of the level he was on and looking up at the sky above him. Through the rain, he could make out a large spaceship hurtling towards him, flaming and scattered into hundreds of pieces. Debris rained upon him, just as angry and vengeful as the raging storm that pedaled its journey.

Kai leaped off his floor, traveling down to the lower levels where he hopefully wouldn't be crushed by the remnants of the Star cruiser that decides to break his home.


Hours later, climbing through rumble and debris, Kai made it out to see a clearing that had once been his home. He took a second to take it all in, brushing off bits of rumble on his shoulders and chest. Standing tall, he surveyed the land.

The temple had collapsed under the weight of a starship, Kai didn't know enough about the vessels in general to recognize it as anything other than that. He guessed it would be a tenth of a kilometer, maybe a little more, if it was intact.

Gathering the force, he ventured forward into the unknown.




Ask me literally anything and I'll do my best to respond. Updates should be more regular, this is a much easier fic to write than my others.

Kai is based off of a Sith Berserker from SWTOR, he will possess the respective abilities.