
Twisted Hunting Vines

"So, you stayed?" Klaus asked, walking beside Miguel as they took the left path. From the waterfall where the team split, there were three routes—left, right, and center. 

The Legacy alliance took the central path, Lawrence's team went right, and Klaus's small team chose left. All of them were heading toward Willow Forest, just through different routes.

Miguel staying behind had come as a surprise to Klaus. 

"I did stay," Miguel said, his face devoid of expression.

"Why?" Klaus asked. "I thought you and Lawrence were buddies."

"I stayed because this is the team I signed up for, where you're the strategist and Anna's the leader. And Lawrence is not my buddy; we're just from the same city," Miguel answered, picking up his pace to avoid walking side by side with the annoying white-haired bastard.

Klaus watched as the brute, double-bladed axe fighter walked away with a smile on his face.