

Long ago there was a man who created a legion. The legion's power source was rings that had elemental powers. This is the story of the legion called "The Order of the Rings."

"Now next is Jake" the headmaster said. My name is Jake sky, and I'm over 10,000 years old, but I look like a 12-year-old. Today is the ring ceremony where you can see what ring you'll get, and on that day everything changed. "so, Jake let's see what ring you'll get" he said. "hmmm wait, your ring is the destruction ring" he said shockingly.  

"WOW! Did you see the look on his face" Kiba said? Kiba is one of my best friends, and one of my rivals. "Yea I did" I said. So, in the Order of the Rings there are squads. I'm the leader of an elite squad. "Hey, you want to go train" Kiba asked? "OH no you don't you got a lot of work to do "Tamaki said!  

Oh, yea my sister Tamaki she always what us to do our work. "why, we don't need to" I said. "because I said so" Tamaki said.  "well you are not the leader" I said. "fine guess I'll just have to beat you up to make you do your work" Tamaki said.

Oh, great time to run! "wait for me" Kiba said! "GET BACK HERE" Tamaki said! "all of you are pathetic" Lucas said. And there is Lucas, he always by bugs. There are also Rex, and Callum.  "wait Jake why is your ring glowing" Kiba said? "wait it's glowing black" I said?  

"now is the time for the prophecies to come true" someone said. "who's there" I said! "brace yourself we are going to the past to show you what really happened, and who the real enemy is" someone said. Next thing I know I was in the past at the battle that took place years ago. "wait is this the place where the battle against the people who were planning to kill us happened" I said? "no, you got it all wrong, those people were peaceful villagers, look" someone said. Then it showed me a vison of the villager's everyday life. "wait they aren't planning to kill us, they are just living their lives peacefully.  

"yes, but look" it said. "wait it's the headmaster" I said? Then the headmaster said, "KILL THEM ALL, BURN IT TO THE GROUND, AND FIND THE RING!" Then I realized that the true enemy is the headmaster. "he killed those innocent people, HE WILL NOT LIVE FOR THIS!" "well if you insist on killing him, THEN I'LL HELP YOU, after all I am your ring" Jake's ring said. "wait you are, well that's surprising, if we are going to take out the headmaster, we need more people, and I know where to find some.  

Then I woke up. "was it all a dream?" "no, it wasn't a dream" Jake's ring said. "HOLY WHAT THE HECK! SO, IT WASN'T A DREAM" I said! Then I got up and went outside.  "Ok so, how do I use this ring?" "you are so hopeless" "HEY I'M TRYING MY BEST!" "ok you don't have to yell I'm right here." "ball your hand up and act like you are going to push someone."  

"ok. HAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Then all I could see was a giant black ball. "ok, then I act like I'm going to push someone." Then the ring said "yes, just act like your going to push someone." Then I pushed my hand forward. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Then the black ball begins to move to where my hand was pointing to.

now we need a way to meet the others and tell them what I saw.

After I got to our house, I went to see what ring everybody has. Kiba had the lightning ring, Tamaki had the nature ring, Lucas had the bug ring, Callum had the wind ring, and Rex had the dinosaur ring. After that we discuss how we were going to attack. "ok, so what are we going to do" I said. "well we could just knock everyone out and go after the headmaster" Kiba said. "no, we could just ask them nicely" Tamaki said. "that will never work" Lucas said.  

Then I thought about something. "wait guys, we could just sneak our way in." "yea we probably can sneak our way in" Tamaki said. Finally, Tamaki agreed to my plans she always say no to my plans. "well what are we waiting for, lets go sneak our way in" Kiba said.

Now all we must do is hope this goes right. "ok, ready and go" "we need to hurry up and get over there" I said. "ok. HEY EVERYBODY PICK UP THE PACE" Tamaki said! "GOT IT" everyone said! We are almost there, and when we get there, we will end the headmaster for all the horrible crimes he did, and the innocent people he killed. Because I won't rest until I do.  

Were here we made it to the palace. "hurry get inside quick" I said! "ok, were coming" they said. Now we made it inside. "ok, he must be on the top floor" I said. "ok we need to hurry and get to the top floor" I said. Now were on the top floor. "hurry were almost there" I said. "the headmaster is behind these doors hurry!" Then we opened the doors and went through the doors. Then the headmaster said, "nice to see you Jake, I'm so glad you can make it, by the look in your eyes I can tell you figured out the true about what happened all those years ago?"

"yes, now prepare to die!" I ran to him, and got ready to use my finisher move, but then. "trap them!" someone said. Then we started to get trapped in our rings. "now your trapped, and now you will be sent to a different world." The person said. "I WILL NOT LEAVE EMPTY HANDED!" Then I reached over and grabbed the ring of creation before I was sucked in the ring.