
The Last of the Gods

THIS IS A COMEDEY/ROMANCE/LGBTQ/FANTASY novel, you've been warned. (You will be scarred uwu) _____ "THESE GODD***ED FATES... STOP CENSURING MY CURSE WORDS YOU F**KERS!!!!!!" Erica screamed. How could they do that to her! Sure, she could ignore the fact that they manipulated her and had her killed by her worst enemy. And then sent her on a wild goose chase for some weird god killing magic spell so that she could kill them. But censoring her curse words?! That was where she drew the line! She'd kill them for that! She swore to herself she would! ______ okay the first 3 chapters are a bit short and are edgy, but the rest are written to be funny AND edgy :3

LilithTheMagicalHo · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Technical difficulties (with my brain)

Okay, I know I haven't released a chapter in a few days. And I have a very good reason for that. I didn't want to get up. I think I've said it before but I struggle with Severe depression, which as you can probably guess hinders me from writing sometimes. I also kinda just don't know where I want to take this story. I have a vague idea but that's it. Combine that with no motivation and we get zero chapters :P

But I'll try to get a chapter out by today or tomorrow. Promise teehee