
The Last of the Fae

The final book in a three-piece series, Kora has overcome many obstacles since being returned to life after 1500 years as a stone statue. Will she be able to take revenge for the Fae, save Deirdre and the lives of those she loves?

ash6584 · Fantasy
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Chapter 6

Kora and Ben lounged in bed, the sun's rays dancing through the windows. They heard Shadow stretching lazily from the floor. Kora snuggled up to Ben's side and teased his nipple with her finger. He caught her hand and kissed her fingertips.

"Do you think Ikalla and Ian worked things out?" Ben murmured. Kora smiled and giggled.

"The kitchen cat says that he went to her rooms and never left." Ben turned to look down at her, a small smile curving his mouth.

"Should we get dressed and call for breakfast? We don't want to be late to say goodbye to Ludis and the King before they leave for their honeymoon." Ben teased, and they both got up to bathe.

Ikalla woke to arms around her, and it took her a moment to realize what had happened. She could hear Ian's soft breathing, and her heart squeezed. What did this mean? Are they together, not? Would Ian backtrack and regret last night? She wanted to shake herself of the anxiety but was afraid to move and wake Ian up. She wasn't ready to face him yet. Carefully, she slid out of bed to go to her washroom. Closing the door, she began to run hot water for a bath. Stepping into the water, she felt the warmth ease the small aches of her body. She knew she didn't look different, but she felt different. Pushing all the negative emotions from her mind, she closed her eyes and ran her hands over her own body. She felt the ache between her thighs, soothed by the water. Her breasts also ached, but the water was easing that as well. She felt… whole. Smiling, she recalled the memories of last night and sunk low into the water. Her hair billowed around her, and she submerged herself. She had not known how wonderful it could be to share a bed with a man before. No, it couldn't always be that way – could it? It had to have been because of this man. He had been so passionate and his reaction to her body had her knees weak all over again just thinking about it. She felt powerful, but soft and feminine. Coming up for air, she slowly made her way to the side of the large tub to grab the soap for her body and hair. She washed it methodically and pondered. What did this mean for her now? She thought of her responsibilities and sighed. Unfortunately, this was just a pleasant distraction. She would be leaving the capital soon to focus on the monsters that had been cropping up everywhere. It had been nice with the wedding, to forget the outside world for a while. But everything was always moving, always changing. Ikalla knew that Ian would come around to discussing this when he was ready, and it was no use fretting over it. Royce had said so himself, that when Ian was ready- he would come through on his own. She was wondering why last night, when she heard the door open. Ian walked in, naked and Ikalla flushed red. She shouldn't be embarrassed after what they had shared, but he was so handsome, like chiseled stone. He seemed so relaxed in his own skin, and he slowly made his way into the water. Her hair was floating everywhere, but he parted it and reached for her, pulling her close and kissing her forehead, eyes and lips. She felt the awkwardness fade away and relaxed against him. She didn't want to speak and ruin the moment.

"You're not going to ask me about last night?" Ian murmured against her hair. She smiled and shook her head.

"If you want to talk about these things Ian, then it is you who will initiate the conversation." Ikalla turned, reaching for soap so she could wash Ian's body. He watched her, his face unreadable.

"Most women wouldn't stop chattering once I walked in here." Ian pointed out. He seemed guarded. Ikalla remained relaxed, running the soap over his chest and shoulders.

"1. I am not most women. 2. I am sure you would be hard pressed to name one woman that woke up to you in their bed, instead of you sneaking out before they woke up." Ian's eyes crinkled and he laughed at that. She motioned for him to turn, and he did so obediently, so she could wash his back. Closing his eyes and enjoying the feel of her hands on his body, he absently wrapped strands of her floating hair around his fingers.

"I never should have tried to ignore what I felt for you Ikalla. I truly am sorry I hurt you. I didn't realize I was hurting myself until I saw you with Sam last night." Ian said softly. His eyes were still closed, and Ikalla said nothing, her hands going under the water to wash his buttocks and legs. He felt himself growing hard at her movements and he turned, grabbing her hands. She looked up at him, confused.

"You really have no idea what you do to me do you?" Ian searched her gaze and noted the genuine confusion. He took her hand and pressed her palm to his member under the water. He saw her cheeks grow red and he got harder, gods why was she so beautiful? Her skin glowed, that soft golden-brown tone. He could kiss every inch of her body and want to do it over and over. Her curly hair was everywhere. Ikalla's amber eyes turned up as she smiled slowly, and wrapped her hand around him, moving slowly. He grinned back at her, the sexual tension rising between them.

"Ian, I have never been with a man until last night. I only know what my friends have told me about relationships. I do not want to rush things, and I do not want you to feel cornered. I don't know how to do this." She looked down, and he could feel that innocent hesitation. His heart melted. How could she have never experienced love before? He froze at the thought. Looking down at her head he pulled her close and hugged her, his heart thudding in his chest. Gods, he loved her. This strong independent brave woman. She was a warrior, her strength and morals unmatched. She looked up at him when he didn't say anything for a long time, and he closed his eyes to hide the turmoil that turned within him. Ian had never felt close enough to anyone. Just in these passed 2 years he had gained friends he would die for, and now there was Ikalla. He never believed a man capable of the things he had done would ever deserve love, let alone this love. She was so innocent in so many things between a man and woman. She didn't know how deep the knife of love could cut someone, the wounds that it could create. How could he ever give her what she needed when he couldn't even love himself? He felt her hands cupping his face, and he looked down at her. She was smiling softly.

"We don't have to decide anything today. Let's go have breakfast and wish Ludis and Malik a happy honeymoon, yes?" He nodded and knew she could see the fear in his eyes. He didn't want to hurt her, and he vowed right then and there that he would do anything and everything necessary to protect Ikalla's heart. He kissed her slowly, and they went to get dressed.

Everyone met in the side dining chamber that had been added to the King and Queens rooms. Breakfast had already been laid out, with Royce and Stella present. Kora walked over to sit next to Stella, whispering what she knew of last night's events while Royce listened in. It seemed so silly, he thought. Like chattering hens. He laughed at the thought of two of the most powerful people in the kingdom gossiping like old women. Ben, reading his thoughts shrugged and smiled, buttering a roll as Royce offered him a few strips of bacon. Ikalla came through the main door, followed by Ian, and her face turned so red that Kora burst out laughing. She pulled her friend to her side as Ian sat on the other side of Royce. The men shared a look, while Kora and Stella talked about their plans for departure, Kora never letting Ikalla's hand go. Ben raised his coffee cup to Ian, who scowled at him. Picking up a roll, he threw it at Ben who caught It effortlessly and tossed it to Malik who had just walked in with Ludis. The group began to cheer for the newly weds and they smiled.

"Ludis you are positively glowing. I am still just over the moon for you guys." Stella exclaimed.

"Thanks for meeting here with us so early you guys, we really appreciate all of you." Ludis beamed. She was indeed glowing, happiness seemed to pour out of her and color the whole room. The friends discussed the couple's honeymoon plans, and Kora sat, smiling softly while she looked around the table at her family. So, this was what a normal life was like? She saw Ian had casually worked his way around the table to hold Ikalla's hand where no one could see, and Royce brushing Stella's bang out of her eyes as she argued with him about alternate routes. Malik was feeding Ludis pieces of sausage and egg while she sat in his lap and was laughing at him, batting his hand away. Shadow was picking up the dropped bits of egg from Maliks poor attempts to feed his new wife, and her eyes connected with Ben. She felt he saw what she did, and her heart swelled. She honestly couldn't have been happier if she tried. Just then an urgent banging sounded from the door, and a voice shouted through it. It was Rickard. He was breathing heavily and his clothes were dirty. Wherever he had come from he had been riding hard.

"Your majesties, beg my pardon. There's been a dragon sighting. On Mount Haven."