
Lucian's true self part two

Everyone had now gathered around the sleeping Lucian who who looked like the dream he was having was nowhere near close to being a happy and peaceful drema

Lucian had been stirring,grunting and even shouting on some occasions. Upon further inspection tears could be seen flowing from his eyes. This emotional and vulnerable form of Lucian was one they never thought they would never be able to see.

Acier could barely keep her emotions in check as she watched it. Bernard was finding it hard to believe that the person Infront of him was the very same person who had beaten the crap out of him not too long ago.

Matilda and Scarlett though they did know much about him felt really bad seeing him like this and couldn't help but wish they could comfort him or make the person responsible for this pay double what Lucian was feeling.

Rafa always knew Lucian was a kid with huge traumatic experiences and hence the main reason for his coldness and his doubting personality.

Everyone was deep in thought and in the midst of their sadnesses when they saw a pair of silver eyes belonging to their silver haired friend open.

Lucian upon noticing everyone around him and seeing that they had seen him in this state, couldn't keep his swelling emotions in check and broke down right I'm front of them.

Seeing this surprisingly and unsurprisingly,

Acier had knelt by him trying to control the negative energy in him or get rid of it because if that negative energy she saw in their fight was big the negative energy he had at this moment was massive and far bigger than the past one she saw and this one looked to be engulfing Lucian.

'This isn't good'

"(Hosts desire to get revenge is very high now

"(Title: Draco's Wrath unlocked)"

"(This title doubles all the users stats when fighting someone who played directly or indirectly I'm your clans death. 0/150)"

Lucian didn't pay attention to this at the moment because right now all the painful memories had come back to him at full force and he was just as powerless as he was back then.

"(Host is drowning in despair)"

"(Hosts rage is growing,")

"(Host can now add the power of this rage to an ability of his choice)"

Acier was still holding Lucian when red and black lightning running around his sleeves ripping through ttlhe sleeves.

"Acier get out of there" Rafa shouted.

"I'm not leaving" Acier said and clung on to Lucian tighter. Lucian heard a voice that seemed to crying and upon opening his Eyes he could see Acier holding him tightly. Lucian at first wanted to push her away but he was enjoying the warm embrace and it seemed to take some off his sadness and his cold heart was being warmed again this time by this purple haired girl he just met.

Calm down Lucian, Acier said while hugging him tightly. Her power was activating without her noticing it and the chaos could be felt entering Lucian

"(Chaos has been unleashed into your body

The chaos is absorbing your negative energy and converting them into system points.")

"(Congratulations, host has gained 18578046 system points")