
The Last of my Bloodline System.

Dante99Jax · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 13. Two Skills and the Bully’s revenge.

As soon as he left the classroom Dante opened up his system. (Mission complete one level up rewarded. Left over experience carried over to next level. 9,000out of 20,000 exp.

Two skills can learned by absorbing the two books on your hand. Would you like to absorb them? Dante quickly hit yes. Then he used the 10 status points he had from his level up. He put 5 into strength and 5 into agility. Now his status looked like this.

Level 7 human (9,000 xp out of 20,000 xp)

Strength 30

Endurance 25

Agility 30

Intelligence 25

Charms 15

Luck 15

Health 160

Mana 160

( Dante removed his equipment and stored it into his bag before he had left class)

Skills. Strength Booster 20% lvl F(-5MP per use. Lasts 5 minutes), Eye Inspection lvl D, Fireball lvl F(-5MP per use), Goblins Regeneration lvl F(-5MP per use. Every minute restores 5 HP for a total of 10 minutes.), Wolfs Speed 20% agility boost lvl F( -5MP per use. Lasts 5 minutes.), Alpha Claw lvl D(-10 MP per use can be activated and deactivated at will. Can penetrate most defenses.), Lightning Bolt lvl D(-10 MP per use. A compressed lightning bolt that can be thrown at enemies and has a chance to stun.)

Passive Skills. Soul Devourer, Alpha Pup Summon lvl D, Beast Rider lvl D

Seeing all his progress Dante couldn't help but smile to himself. He made his way to his next class in quite a good mood. Little did he know a group of 4 Second years and 2 third years were watching him walk to close discussing how to deal with him. When Dante made it to class and sat in his seat next to Vic the teacher begun her lessons. This class was over monsters and dungeons. Most the stuff she was telling the students Timmithy and Lillith has explained yesterday over notes. Apparently there wasn't much difference between low tiers. Besides intelligence levels all low tier monsters could be killed by basically anything.

Before the teacher had finished the lecture the bell rung signaling the end of class. She excused the students and they all rushed out. Vic and Dante chatted about the things the had learned in combat class and monster and dungeon theory class. Before long they had made it to the cafeteria grabbing their trays and sitting down at a table. Timmithy and Lillith weren't far behind. They sat down and made sure Dante and Vic had understood class today. Dante replied "thankfully we did because of your guys notes." They all chuckled while finishing their food and went their separate ways for the final class of the day.

Vic and Dante had different classes for the last part of the day being actual schooling classes like math, English, and science. These classes rotated everyday to have a more relaxed ending to the day. While Dante was making his way down a hallway he turned the corner almost to his class. As soon as he made it around the corner he got hit with a skill from a group of boys. Before he hit the ground he saw two people he recognized Ivan and Frank the bully's. He saw 4 other boys he didn't recognize at all. The one who hit him with the spell was a third year and he also had another third year beside him. The third year chuckled and spoke " I never get tired of this paralysis skill. We have to hurry it only lasts 3-5 minutes on a human."

With that being said they threw a hood on him and carried him away. The group of boys ran through the hallways as fast as they could while carrying Dante. They didn't stop until they got to the warehouse with the portals leading to the dungeons. Dante knew he was in trouble when he heard the humming of the portals they made a very distinct sound. Before they threw him into a portal though Frank and Ivan threw him on the ground and started beating him. Each punch and kick they threw at him caused -5HP after 10 hits from each of the boys all over his body he was only left with 60HP out of his original 160HP. When they were done they ripped the mask off his face and told him" this is what you get when you mess with our group. I hope saving that scum was worth your own life" With that a third year picked him up and dragged him with one hand around his throat. He walked to a black portal in the corner of the room. The other third year spoke when he saw this " are you sure Cody? He will definitely die if you throw him in there. I know your family is powerful but can they save you from the military once this happens?" Cody sneered and threw him through that portal.

No one had ever explained a black portal to him before so he had no idea what to expect when he was thrown in. He activated his goblins regeneration skill as soon as he could. He was expecting a dungeon like he had been in last time but this was different he seemed to be on a different planet or something all together. All he could see when he looked around was tall trees. He decided to wait until his health had fully recovered before moving anywhere. After the 10 minutes were up he had to activate goblins regeneration one more time to get his health back to max.

Back in the school as soon as Dante had been thrown through the portal an alarm went off and locked the portal warehouse down. The bully's seeing this weren't to worried about this. Cody was their leader and he had a powerful family backing from the Lionhearts. They had the strongest fire ability's on Earth with the family head being one of the 6 strongest people in the US. Soon the military soldiers had showed up along with the principal and instructor Raul. The principal had seen everything on the cameras they had installed but couldn't act against this family. Raul on the other hand didn't care he walked up and slapped each student as hard as he could without killing them. One slap was all it took for the second years knocking them out cold. The two third years took everything they had to stay awake after one blow.

Cody on the other hand was angered by this and spouted off. " How dare you, do you know who you have hit?! I am a member of the Lionheart family. My dads brother is the head of the family. I don't know who you think you are but you're dead." Raul hearing this laughed as loud as he could and responded. " Good if you're from the Lionheart family I guarantee you've heard of the Bloody General Raul. I have fought with your dads brother in many battles. Wait until he founds out you just tried to kill my new pupil I've had under my watch. You better hope Dante somehow makes his way out of there alive or else." Upon hearing the name Raul actually goes by Cody paled. He had indeed heard stories of the Bloody General and when the head of the family spoke of him he had only said never to make this person mad. Cody's father was a weak member of the family and even Cody had surpassed his father already.

The principal is the one who spoke next. " the black portal here is more then a dungeon. It's one of the first world portals we had discovered. The world is called Katabasis because it's like a descent to the underworld. The monsters there are brutal. We tried to set up a couple different outposts here all with functional portals. Sadly this world is mostly covered in night for 3/4ths of the year. Not only does it have creatures related to vampires, it also has werewolves, elves, orcs, and undead creatures of all origins. There has been cases of a human turning into a monster there. Most of the time they are still Atleast half human if they manage to come back. They usually keep some of their human mindset. The only time they aren't out is when they quarterly day cycle is happening. When the day cycle starts they hide underground and don't come out. Unfortunately the night cycle just started a month ago.

Raul upon hearing this sighed and spoke " I remember this planet. I remember millions of people dying trying to set up bases only for the Major 6 and I to come in and clean up. Even though we couldn't kill all of the monsters we thinned them out and managed to save some of the humans. The half humans we saved have longer life spans and certain skills related to the monsters they we're affected by. Take these 6 boys to the brig until I speak to the head of the Lionheart family. I will not let this go unpunished, and if he manages to survive I will make sure your family compensates him and gives an official apology or I will personally take your head Cody." Cody upon hearing this gulped and knew Raul wasn't bluffing. He knew he was in a world of trouble whenever George Lionheart the head of the family found out. He might personally kill him for offending Raul.