
The Last of my Bloodline System.

Dante99Jax · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 11. Jackpot

Before Dante walked out of the infirmary with Vic his system was once again flashing in his eyes. Upon opening his system this is what he saw.







+5,000xp for first time kill of Black Alpha Wolf

+5,000xp for first time kill of Leader Hobgoblin Rider

Total experience earned 11,200

One level up (only needed 2,200xp to level up 9,000xp remaining) 9,000xp out of 10,000xp for next level up.

Please choose one skill for first time kill of Black Alpha Wolf.

Alpha Claw lvl D( form a claw that can penetrate most defenses can be activated and deactivated at will. mana cost -10 per use.)

Alpha Pup Summon lvl D passive skill( an alpha pup that can be called out from the summoners body at will. Takes the shape of black wolf tattoo when not materialized. This pup will grow depending on the xp it earns in battle.)

Alpha Wolf Howl lvl D (an ear splitting howl that can stun and demoralize weaker creatures. -10 mana per use)

Reading these choices Dante knew what skill he wanted before he even finished readying everything. He chose the Alpha Pup Summon because of how deadly the Alpha Black Wolf had been. He knew if he hasn't of killed it first he definitely would of died in that battle.

Please choose one skill for the first time kill of Leader Hobgoblin Rider.

Beast Rider lvl D( any monster you can tame that's large enough to support you can become your personal mount. Passive skill)

Hobgoblins Rage lvl D( you are an unflinching mountain of rage nothing can stop you until you are killed. Passive skill.)

Hobgoblins Spear Charge lvl D ( mastery of spear techniques lets you channel an extra 25% power behind any spear attack. -10 mana points per use.)

Reading all these choices he couldn't help but pick the Beast Rider skill. He was wondering if once his Alpha Black Wolf grew to the correct size he could ride it and with this skill it should be possible. After picking his new skills he decided to use his 10 status points from his new level up he had received. He decided to put 5 into endurance and 5 into intelligence. Now his status looked like the following

Level 6 human (9,000 out 10,000exp)

Strength 25

Endurance 25

Agility 25

Intelligence 25

Charms 15

Luck 15

Health 150

Mana 150

Skills. Strength Booster 20% lvl F(-5 MP per use), Eye inspection Lvl F, Fireball lvl F(-5 MP per use), Goblins Regeneration lvl F (-5 MP per use. Regenerates +5 health every minute for 10 minutes.) Wolfs Speed(20% increase in agility for 5 minutes for -5MP.)

Passive Skills. Soul Devourer, Alpha Pup Summon lvl D ( 0xp out of 500xp for level up), Beast Rider Lvl D.

Dante wanted to have his stats all about the same right now because he still hasn't chose a specific fighting type yet. He was quite happy with his new skills and his stats at the moment. He quickly closed his system and before he could start walking normally with Vic he felt a searing pain on his chest. He peeked under his shirt quickly and saw a small black wolf pup tattoo on his pectoral. The pain was over as soon as it has begun.

He hurriedly followed after Vic before he noticed his behavior. Vic noticed Dante slowing down for a few seconds but didn't say anything as he thought maybe Dante was still recovering a little. They both made their way to the cafeteria while chatting and joking around about how lucky they had both been in the last fight. They made it to the cafeteria hurriedly grabbed their trays and got lunch along with some extra food. The extra food Dante got cost him 500 credits which meant he only had 500 credits left but he didn't complain. Upon sitting down Timmithy and Lillith both walked up with their trays and asked if they could sit with them. Dante replied " yeah no problem, glad to see we all made it out okay today. For a second there I thought I punched out my express ticket to the underworld." They all chuckled at his joke clearly trying to lighten the mood.

Lillith and Timmithy explained what they both had missed out on the other class they had this morning. It was mainly a discussion on different monster tiers and what to expect from them. It was a lot more in depth then what instructor Raul had told them this morning. Other then that discussion they really hadn't missed much yet, but the two knew they didn't have to go to class for the rest of day and offered to take notes on anything else important. After their discussion and eating lunch the two boys Dante and Vic made their way toward the school market area.

The first place Vic took Dante was somewhere where he could sell all of his cores. A lady at a market stall greeted them courteously and asked what brought them here today. Instead of answering her question Dante grabbed his bag and emptied it on the table. Only after his bag was empty did he explain " 30 low tier cores and 2 middle tier cores. I would like to sell all of them if possible." She nodded her head and replied " I can do 1,000 credits each for the low tier cores and 5,000 a piece for the two middle cores for a total of 40,000 credits. Does that sound agreeable?" Dante looked at Victor for help because he didn't know what the price should be. Victor caught his look and gave him a nod to tell him that price was normal. Dante then replied " yes ma'am I can agree with that." The woman replied " please call me Chelsea and if I can help you with anything else in the future please come to see me. Please let me see your phone to transfer the credits immediately." With that they both wished her a good day and left.

Dante could not believe his eyes he never imagined he could have 40,500 credits within his first two days at school. Knowing that he was quite lucky Raul let him keep all of his cores instead of turning in half. Dante didn't know when he would have credits like this again so he wanted to look at armor. Dante asked Vic to lead him to some equipment stalls and they were soon already there.

Upon walking up to the stalls he remembered his skill Eye Inspection and turned it on. Most of the stalls were selling what he considered trash. Low tier armor with only one status bonus and most of them didn't even have that. All the equipment there was being made by students though so he didn't expect much. He had made his way around most of the market before he had another notification from the system. ( skill Eye Inspection has been used enough to lvl up from F skill to a lvl D.)

Upon seeing this he looked at a piece of equipment he had already looked at before and now not only could he see the tier, status bonus, but now he could see the name of the person who made the equipment. Scratching his head he didn't know how useful this was right now but he was sure it would have it's own uses later. He reached a stall in the back of the market corner and started to inspect the equipment here and got a surprise.

Every piece of equipment there had a bonus on it and sometimes pieces would even have two or two status bonuses. This was the most he had seen all day but somehow they were all gathered here. One thing that confused him was that they all had the same name and it was already one he knew Leo Ronaldo. He found what appeared to be a pair, one fur chest armor piece and fur chausses (armor pants). They both had a similar appearance and description. ( Mutated Brown Bear Fur Chest Armor Strength +10 Health +50) (Mutated Brown Bear Chausses Agility +10 Endurance +20) he grabbed both of these and was about to walk up too the stall vendor when a black hood also caught his eye. (Mutated Black Wolf Hood Luck +10 +50 mana.) seeing this Dante couldn't help but mutter " I've hit the jackpot here".

Upon grabbing all of this and walking up to the vendor the younger man sighed knowing this interaction probably would go poorly. Dante however was grinning whenever he asked the vendor " how much for these 3 pieces of equipment?" The Vendor couldn't help but sigh when he answered " sir I'm sorry to tell you but these even though they are low tier rank are 10,000 a piece. Our stubborn blacksmith won't lower the price even though we can't sell any items. He claims the stat bonuses he forged with them are worth it though. Although not many people can appraise stuff like that."

Dante thought for a minute and replied " I will agree to this price if you can bring me the blacksmith to talk too." Nodding quickly the vendor replied" it may take me a few minutes but I will be back with him shortly." Dante and Vic waited but Vic couldn't help but say something to him " Dante I know you mean to buy these but the price on these pieces are very high. If you wish to have these appraised to see what stat bonuses they offer that will be costly. Not people have that skill to be honest." Dante told him " I can see that these pieces here at this stall are better then everything else being sold here. I'm willing to pay more for quality items. Also I have no need for them to be appraised." This answer puzzled Vic but he decided not to say anything more.

A few minutes later Leo walked up with the vendor who worked his stall. He remembered the two from the testing center the day before. Before he even completely reached them he spoke. " if you're trying to bargain with me it's not going to happen." Dante shook his head from side to side and replied. " No you have the wrong idea I indeed wish to buy these and I won't haggle with you. I just wanted to speak with the person who crafted all this equipment. Everything you sell here at this stall is much better then anything else being sold here at the market. I just had one question to be honest. Why don't you make anything above the low tier?"

Hearing Dante's reply Leo's chest jutted out a bit and looked at the vendor while saying. " I'm glad someone can finally tell quality work when they see it. The reason I haven't been able to make anything above low tier is because I haven't sold much of anything due to the price of my equipment. The school will only allow us to use low tier cores to start off with. The rest we have to do ourselves and it's hard to get anything above low tier starting off because the cores get much more expensive as you go up." Hearing this Dante posed a question. " What if I could help you get higher tier cores?"

Hearing these words was music to Leo's ears and his eyes sparkled with a fiery intensity while replying. " Then I could knock off half the price for one. Number two I could make you the best equipment around. Thirdly I could tailor it to your specific needs with specific cores." Hearing this Dante nodded before replying " I assume the other half of the price is your time and labor? Also how are you so proficient in the status bonus? No one here even holds a candle to how much of a status boost your equipment gives."

Hearing Dante's questions made Leo raise an eyebrow before replying. " First off yes the time and labor make up half my price. I can't tell you my secret but I can tell you that I come from a line of blacksmiths that have perfected the status bonus through a certain use of mana usage. Also you can see my status bonuses can't you? That's why you wished to speak with me."

Dante chuckled before replying " you are correct I can indeed see the status bonuses. It is also the reason I wanted to meet with you and talk. If you can indeed do this with higher tiered cores then you will have a reoccurring customer in me. As soon as I have a big haul of cores I will be coming to see you personally. Can we exchange numbers before I buy these pieces and depart?"

Leo was thrilled to finally meet someone who could appreciate his works. He agreed to exchange numbers and told Dante to contact him whenever he had work for him or if he had cores he wanted to get rid of. After talking a little bit more Dante finally paid the vendor for his 3 pieces of equipment. Watching 30,000 credits disappear while leaving him with a remaining 10,500. He felt satisfied with his purchase while walking off with Victor.

While they were walking off Victor said something to him. " You seem to have a bunch of skills. Being able to appraise an item is a sought after skill. Not only that but you are pretty good fighter at close combat and you seem to have a fire spell with decent control. Have you been holding out until you got here at Exousia?" Dante only then realized he had shown a little too much growth too quickly. He quickly replied " haha you got me Vic , but don't hold it against me. I did grow up in an orphanage with no backing. I've slowly been training up my skills by myself waiting for this moment for years." Vic nodded his head and didn't say anything else they walked back to the dorms together in peace.