
Chapter 4 - Her

As I walked out into te crowd of other werewolves I instinctively try to hide myself behind my handsome mate cause I was scared of the other werewolves that stared at me with content and hatred. At the back some of the females started to curse at me for they have tried for years to get the Alpha to even spare a glance at them and here I come along. A stranger from unknown origin who on top of everything was raped by the alpha during my heat and also bonded with him, then he tells me that I'm actually his fated mate yeah it sounds to good to be true and I also believe this. Their is no way this could all be true and I was right. As I walked passed all these hateful wolves I felt a cold chill at the back of my neck and look upbat the man I'm bonded to and see him staring at another woman. She was beautiful beyond words. Blond hair sea blue eyes long modeling legs and a body fit for a movie star. She had everything that little girls dream about and my mate felt the same about her. As we walked het stopped next to her, he embraced her in his arms and gave her a deep kiss. He didn't give me that kind of kiss even when he claimed I'm his fated bond. I felt my heart shaking in my ears were ringing but what can I do I'm nobody in this pack I don't even have a title except "the Bitch who suduced the Alpha" so I just quietly closed my eyes and shifted into my wolf form. When I did this the crowds went still and looked at me jawes dropped like I did something unforgiving. I can't stand this what did I do wrong why are they looking at me like this. I turn my head towards his looking for an answer but he looks at me like I was nothing to him. I turned my he'd and started to run I had no place to go but anywhere was better than here. Why is this happening I didn't ask for this I was just looking for a place to belong not this anything but this. I ran and ran. I don't know how far but I felt like I still needed to run... Like their was something chasing me and I neede to hide so I looked around and finally found a good place to hide ir was a Cave beer a river. Although it was small I would do it's just till Im safe. When I put my paws into the water I felt a surging pain in my paws and realized I ran so hard that my paws were bleeding. I don't care about that now I just need to rest and think of a new plan to survive. I can't go back their and I can't find another mate I have no belongings with me cause he burned them along with my passport and ID what to do now? Should I just live in the wild as if I'm a real wolf? That won't work. What if hunter's come looking for a freah wolf pelt.... Then im on their list.... While I was thinking and licking my wounds I didn't notice that the someone made their way into the small cave with me. When I came out of my dazes state I looked up into the eyes of my mate Zen the Alpha .... "What do you think you are doing?" he asked me. "Do you have any idea what you did back their! The wolf state is a state of nakedness, so you were just showing everyone their how you look like naked! Then you make a run for it on your own in a forest you don't know till your paws bleed! Turn human now so we can talk or ill **** you in that state!!! " I was trembling, why was Zen so angry I am the one who should be angry he kissed someone so passionately in front of me after bonding with me and now he is angry with me for leaving. While I tremble and think this in my mind he gets closer and grabs ahold of me and I yelp in fear. He looks at me with his deap gaze and I shift back to human form but still trembling cause of the fear and the pain and the sadness of what he did with that woman. He looks at me and demands an answer. I... I didn't answer him.

*If I were to answer him he will just be mad again and yell even harder. If their is one thing I learned from my time at the orphanage is that is they are angry and ask questions, don't look at them and then they demand an answer for the question you pretend you don't have a voice for if you try to explain it they just get more angry with you.*

When he finally gave up on me answering him he took of his jacked anf wrapped it around me in a caring way he pi ked me up bridle style and carried me out of the cave but to my demise.... When we existed the cave the blind beauty was standing their all smug and out of breath asking if he found me... I told him to let me down so I could walk on my own but he refused. I started to struggle to break free from Zen's hold but he only groped tighter. I was so angry and sad at his that tears started to burst out without my control. He saw this and let me down and gave me a hug in front of her while motioning something at her. I don't know what he motioned to her but she left us in the blink of an eye leaving is alone in the forest. He letgo of his embrace and looked at my face. With his thumbs he wiped away the tears on my cheaks... "Did you leave because of what me and her did back their?" I froze how did he know what gave it away? I slowly look up at Zen trembling again. I'm scared he will look at me like that again... I don't want to look please body don't make me look.... :'( what I saw was not the same face but an sad face and heart breaking smile that told me he was hurt and disappointed in what I was thinking. What did I do wrong? He kissed someone else in front of me and had the same look on his face as his pack... I took a few steps back and looked up at him with a bright smile on my face and said:

"fine, blame me for everything. Criticize me and chose your packets side but don't ever touch me again without my consent and when I give you a child you ha e to promise me that you will break your bond with me... You can have as many mates as your heart desires only promise me these two things."

Then with a bitter smile I turned in the direction of the pack and started to walk even before I heard he's answer and

without looking at his face. I walked with bloody hands and feet clutching at thin jacked in a misty forest. When I was about 15 steps away from him I heard him finally moving and coming my direction. I stop afraid of what he will do to me now but he does nothing he walked passed me, stops, turns around and knealed before me and asked me if I would let him carry me home. "Your feet are bleeding. I must hurt.... Will you please allow me to carry you home and tend to your wounds then I'll do as you wish..." Zen lifted up his head and looked at me with a face that's so twisted in pain and sorrow that my heart broke but he made me do this. How does he think I feel when he doesn't even choose my side when I'm his mate. I think he heard me because he now looked even more hurt and kept repeating "I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry... So sorry...." until tears came out from both of our eyes i sank to my knees and hugged him while pleading to him that it's okay Im sorry but he just hept on sobbing not even able to say anything anymore. This continued until it was dark all around us and we were both tired from crying he finally lifted his head again and looked into my eyes asking me to forgive him and I said "how can I say no to the man I've dreamed of meeting my whole life. So yea just please don't let this happen again... Please don't let jy heart break like this again my love" he notted his head and started to explain everything to me about the kiss saying that it was a promise that when he finds a mate he will has to kiss her as a 'punishment ' and the others from his pack they only looked like that because they were forcing him to make true on this punishment so we started to walk back home me in his arms and him talking till we finally got home....