
Bacon explains all

Noobington was too enraged, a witch came and gave him his powers and he started destroying the city and destroying lives. Then an orb also came on Bacon and he also had superpowers, The Superpowers of Bacon was too have super strength, agility, speed, and jump. He was a good one, He flyed and explained all to Noobington. Noobington his powers were of Super Saiyans. He put himself in Ui and made blood out of Bacon. Bacon regenerates and Salad is worried, then a group takes here...

In a superhero agency, She chooses a costume and calls herself Vanta. Her power was darkness. She could have flown up, stop the time, be invisible and throw darkness and use quake. She came just in time and stop the time, Everybody stop moving she said I'm sorry but She took a deep breath and summoned a shadow. The shadow was called a stand. It was called The World. She started by a barrage, The World start punching heavily inside the stomach of Noobington. When she is done, She says Time has begun to move again. Everything comes back to normal but blood comes out of Noobington...

How dare you say Nooobington screaming in pain. It was for your own good. Now Bacon explains how they get the powers and for the bullies, they just taught you were bullying the bullies so is why we attacked ok do you understand? Maybe I do but I'm no more your friend. Our relationship ends here. No screams Bacon as Noobington disappears. What should we do now? I don't know replied Salad with a worried face. Oh my, this is a really bad sign...

They get home with a really sad face. What may happen to them

Next Chapter Coming Soon

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