
The Last Man in the Universe

A man with a unique name, Ue (spelling; Yu), decides to accept an offer to join a program called 'Into The Hole' because he is bored with his life. The program requires someone to be flown and enter a Black Hole which for thousands of years has always been a mystery to scientists. This program is sponsored by Hidetoshi Akimura, who spent his entire life dedicated to studying a Black Hole which they named the Black Eye, somewhere in the Norma Arm, Milky Way. While Ue is on his mission to the Black Eye, there is chaos on Earth, a catastrophe that nearly wipes out humanity. The disaster was caused by the Healer serum, a serum previously touted as a miracle serum and highly revered by the public, now become a deadly serum that wipes out more than two-thirds of the Earth's population. Can Ue complete his mission? And what about the fate of the remaining human beings on Earth? Find the answer in this novel.

Ando_Ajo · Sci-fi
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172 Chs

Fight Back

Whatever the girl's intentions were, it certainly made Yu's fear even worse.

"Oh, I'll cut that dick off!" said the second man.

"You wouldn't dare!" the first girl giggled. "You're just jealous because your dick is smaller!"

The two girls laughed as if ignoring Yu's presence in the middle of the pond. Yu himself was thinking of ways to save himself from this unpleasant situation. At the very least, Yu just wanted to get out of that underground room.

However, once the thugs knew the hiding place, Yu would no longer be able to live there.

Except, if he was able to defeat the five thugs at once. However, he was not in a favorable position.

"Hey, hey!" said the thug who was called the boss by the two girls. At that time, his eyes lit up when he found a lot of alcoholic drinks in the glass cabinet. "You see all this?"

"Wow, jackpots!" said the first girl. "Crazy!" Her gaze returned to Yu. "You really have treasure down here, huh?"

The second girl giggled even louder. "Come up, mate!" she said to Yu. "Our treasure is in your crotch. Come on!"

"Go away from me!" shouted Yu.

"Ow, poor him," the girl giggled. "He got scared."

"Don't be afraid, sweetie," said the second girl. "We're going to have fun. You'll like it. Come on!"

"What are you waiting for?" yelled the man near the cupboard. "Drag him out of that pool! He's polluting my pool, I want to use the pool as soon as possible!"

Your pool? Yu thought. Since when did you become the owner of this room, you damn thug?!

The two men who were with the two girls looked at each other. The next second, they immediately plunged into the pool. Yu shuffled back so far that his back hit the wall of the pool.

The problem is, that one of the men is carrying a dagger. It is possible that the other one also carried a sharp weapon—perhaps he had hidden it under his clothes. This made Yu feel even more depressed and frightened. After all, Yu didn't have any martial arts skills.

The two girls rushed to the shore where Yu was now. Each is surrounded by two different directions, left and right.

"Come on, dude!" said the man carrying the dagger as he slowly stepped closer to Yu.

The height of the pool water that was a little bit made it difficult for the two thugs to get closer to Yu.

"Do you want to surrender well, or will I have to rip your stomach with this dagger?"

"Stay away!" shouted Yu. "Don't come close to me!"

"Gotcha!" said the second girl who quickly grabbed Yu's neck.

"Let go!" shouted Yu. "Get your hands off me!"

Then came the first girl who held the young man's hand from struggling and hitting the second girl.

While giggling, the two girls pulled Yu out of the pool. The condition of the young man who was without clothes seemed to burn the lust of the two girls, even more so on Yu's genitals that hung from his crotch.

Yu floundered to free himself from the grip of the two thugs.

"Don't fight!" said the first girl while holding Yu's left hand. "Better do what we want!"

"Just enjoy what we're about to do to your big dick!" said the second girl holding Yu's right hand.

"You bastards!" Yu was still thrashing around on the floor by the pool while the two men in the pool came out of the pool. "Let me go…!"

"Yeah," said the first man as he tried to grab and hold one of Yu's legs. "You lost too far, my friend!" he chuckled at the second man who was carrying a dagger by being bitten in his mouth. "He's got a bigger one than you!"

"Shut the fuck up, you bastard!" snorted the second man, and then restrained Yu's other leg. "You are the same!"

"What are you guys arguing about, huh?" said the second girl while holding back her laughter. "You two are the same! Your dicks are so small!"

"Bitch!" curse the first man. "Still, y'all enjoy it a lot!"

"Don't be too confident!" the second girl giggled.

"Yeah, that's right," said the first girl. "Enjoying your two little dicks? Seriously! We had to because we had no choice but the boss!"

"Such a loser!" giggled the second girl.

"Let go off me…!" shouted Yu who was still trying to struggle. "Let me go, please! You can own this place!"

"That's not gonna happen," said the first girl who had even one hand reached for Yu's penis, squeezing it away. "You have the most precious treasure to us. It would be a shame to let you go!"

"Get off me…!" Yu was getting giddy. "Keep your filthy hands away, you bastard…!"

"Ugh, you are so rude, sweetie!" said the first girl. "But look at this dick of yours! He agreed to our wishes."

Of course, Yu who was still a virgin and was treated like that by that girl, his genitals would react quickly.

"See!" said the second girl who fixed her gaze on Yu's genitals. "Huge!"

"Let go of… you bastard!" shouted Yu.

Because the first girl used only one hand-held Yu's hand, this made it a little easier for Yu to free his hands.

Then, with that hand, he was forced to punch the second girl who was holding his other hand.


The second girl let out a short shriek with a broken nose and spurted blood when hit by Yu's punch.

"You, damn trash…!" cursed the girl while covering her nose and mouth with her palms.

In that very short time, after successfully punching the second girl which forced her to release her grip from Yu's hand, because she was lying on her back while covering her bleeding mouth and nose—the girl was also screaming with harsh curses—Yu immediately pushed the first girl who was shaking his genitals.

The first girl rolled over and pushed the second man at the same time.




The force of Yu's push made the two of them roll over and fall into the pool.

One leg was freed and using the free leg, while the first man was dumbfounded watching his three friends roll over at almost the same time, a kick from Yu landed heavily on his face.

The first man fell backward in almost the same condition as the second girl. Broken nose cracked lips with profuse bleeding.

"I'll kill you, bastard...!" shouted the first man who rolled around while covering his injured mouth. "I'll kill you!"