
The Last Magician With No Fate

Year 2039 After the Earth's size expanded by threefold and humanity faced an emergence of sealed demons and entities, who took pleasure in the bloodshed of human beings, people began to call this time of pain and despair, the Apocalypse. Even after being hit by the sudden Apocalypse the Gods weren't so heartless, to topple with their catastrophe humans with superhuman abilities began to arise. With the reemergence of new continents, factions and powers, etc some powerful individuals with the Gods' blessings created a wall dividing the demon race and the human race after a bloody long war. Thus, bringing back the long lost peace of the World. But who knows, the achieved peace might just be the calm before a greater storm? ........... Year 2203 Hundreds of years has passed since the Apocalypse had destroyed 95% of the World's scientific and technological infrastructures, thus leading human civilization back to the Old Mediaeval period. Though at peace, the World and the people are no longer the same. With the resurgence of powerful abilities and powers, humans have reawakened their crazy greed for power once more. The human race is going through an internal war which sees no end. In the course of events, the World slowly begins noticing the young man who seems to have just appeared out of thin air around the same time. Eiran, who kills humans and demons, who accumulates wealth and power, who can send someone to their deaths and bring them back to life, who can make Emperors and Supremes bow at him, whose influence could decide the victory of a battle, who was he? "I'm just looking for a wife. So.....I can't make a fool of myself going easy on you, can I?" While the whole world was crazy fighting for power, for supremacy, this young man, who was looking for a wife, had already surpassed the human boundaries. ----------- Irregular updates!

Evernight_Myst · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 3: Are you the one who killed Master Denlemore?

Mystic Tranquility Palace ~

"Young Mistress Sze, that Divine Deity Beast in the Death Gods' Valley, it's aura has disappeared!"

A middle aged man with a slightly long gray beard and hair, his facial features making him look fierce and a very serious person, spoke in a tone of confusion and urgency.

"Hmmm....Did the old foxes of the Empires conspire that?" A gentle and soft voice, behind long gold translucent curtain in a serious and inquiring tone questioned the middle aged man.

"I don't suppose so. None of the forces had made any moves towards that place for a long time." The middle aged man replied with full seriousness.

"It seems like the still waters has finally began to ripple." The gentle voice spoke with a soft helpless sigh.


"You mean..." The middle aged man said as he swallowed back his remaining words, unable to continue further.

"Young Mistress Sze, this Elder shall take his leave first." He saluted the woman behind the curtains in a palm and fist stance and left.

Sze Qin Xing was then left alone in thoughts of her own.

While the disappearance of the dragon's aura was getting more evident, more people were more certain of it. Some were happy, some grieved, some angry and regretful.


Imperial Royal Palace, Longye Empire ~

"Your Majesty, the Heavenly Earth Dragon has really vanished!"

An old man with long hair, white beard and overgrown eye brows, slouched back and supported by a wooden stick said in a surprised but feeble manner.

"Astronomer Su, are you absolutely sure?" 

A man appearing to be in his 50s or 60s, dressed and adorned in clothes and ornaments of gold with dragon patterns, sitted in a huge golden throne, asked in a serious tone.

"Your Majesty, there has been no mistakes." The old feeble looking man said in a low voice as he shook his head.

The man sitted on the throne was lost in thoughta for a while before he left out a sigh of hopelessness.

"Alas.....is the end of my Longye Empire nearing? The world surely is gonna be thrown into chaos."


At the same time, Demon Abyss Castle~

A woman with her legs crossed was sitting on a gothic and dark looking throne. She had long dark fiery hair and her facial features were sharp and strong in appearance.

She wore a long but revealing dress of dark olive green and black colour. Her maxi dress with slits accentuated her thick but slender thighs, enough to make any sane man crazed in indecent thoughts.

Her upper dress whose original shape was an 11 then connecting to the lower part of the dress, looked on the verge of collapse. Her voluptuous chest made her dress barely able to hold it and barely covered the upper part of her chest as they sagged slightly.

She had ornaments such as a snake armlet and tight thighlet, a heavy dark green jade and ruby flowers head piece, heavy dark green jade earrings, etc.

She supported her head with her hand on the sides of the throne, her eyes closed almost as if she was asleep.

Suddenly, her eyes opened with an icy glint and a mocking cold smile, her long sharp nails pulling back a strand of her hair behind her ears.

"You're finally dead.....Denlemore."

"Hmm ha ha ha ha ha!"

Cao Feng Jia high pitched laughs echoed along the empty dark gloomy hall awaking the whole castle in cold goosebumps.

At the same time, Dead Gods' Valley ~

The main propagator of all the commotion in the outside world, Eiran, was actually having a leisure time to himself.

There was an enormous palace in the Earth Element area of the Valley, which was also the heart of the Death Gods' Valley. 

He was actually sipping tea while sunbathing in the light sunlight in a balcony.

After he came out of the cave, he named all the areas; Earth Area, Ice Area, Fire Area, Lightning thunderstorm Area, Desert area, Wind Area and Sea Area, according to their elements or related term.

He thought he would enjoy his days peacefully for a while and start his works. But heavens, such thoughts were even too short lived.

Eiran noticed the presence of some powerful auras coming towards the Earth Area. He got up and tidied the black vest over this black shirt, his pants and put on his usual pair of thin black gloves

It wasn't long before seven beasts in human form were already front in the palace hall.

With a loud bang, a group of seven people entered the hall with anger, sorrow and resentment in their eyes.

"You! Are you the one who killed Master Denlemore?!" Awell built burly man carrying a heavy black long sword befitting his size pointed the sword at Eiran and questioned.

"Lathore, hold your horses! " A calm composed voice of an elderly man warned the man named Lathore.

"Elder Lao....but he!" Lathore grumbled in a wronged tone.

"No buts Lathore." An icy and aloof voice resounded the hall.

"Sister Ning...." Lathore felt more wronged after the ice guardian, Song Ning asked him to shut up as well.

The elderly man called Elder Lao walked forward, bowed and saluted the young man seated in the high throne in a fist and palm style.

"Your Excellency, this old man Lao He, presents his utmost sincere greetings."

The rest of the group were left in shock by this sight. One has to know that this same Elder Lao was the oldest, wisest but most stubborn of all of them!

Eiran, was also dumbstruck at the old man's actions, he thought that the old man would not be the tiniest bit ceremonious. He nodded in a respectful way, after all, he was an old man.

"Elder Lao, was it? And the rest of the guardians. Denlemore has completed his assigned task given by the Gods with my arrival and has thus, left for the next Realm to reunite with his companions." 

Eiran understood well and fair their current concern and honestly told them in a calm tone with no hidden meanings or arrogance.

When the group heard this, they could no longer help themselves. The beasts in human forms had began to shed tears, unable to hold their grief and sorrow.

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