
The Last Kryptonian

When the beautiful and sarcastic Alexandra Black dies she expected to go straight to a very hot place instead some asshole decided it was funny it stick her into the Twilight universe in a Kryptonian body. Chaos and hilarity ensues. ________________________________________________ Or in which a cynical and sarcastic lesbian assassin is stuck into the body of a female version of Clark Kent in a fucked up amalgamation of Twilight, the Nasuverse, and Marvel. ..... Yeah, it doesn’t go too well for the rest of the word. [Cover is made by the amazing author Reality, go check out her fanfic 'Throne of Time'] Discord: https://discord.gg/4j4yC6EEK8

Lord_Shiva_ · Book&Literature
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"Yeah, we have no idea either."

[Author Note: For once no one forced me to write this chapter]

Discord: https://discord.gg/4j4yC6EEK8

[Words without the Author Note: 2016]


(Location: Washington, D.C. The White House)

(Time: 8 pm, The 12th of December 2005)

Hurried feet, shuffling papers, and panicked breathing was all that was heard through the hallways of the White House.

People were panicking, politicians, scientists, generals, even the president, and his cabin were in a constant state of panic.

Word just came from a routine expedition to Antarctica, detailing the fact that in several places across the continent, time seemed to be messed up, trips to nearby glaciers or fields that should have taken hours to travel to and from there were now taking days to even weeks just to travel too, while the same could be said vice versa, trips that should take days to travel too, are now only taking minutes or even seconds to get it.

Spacetime seemed to have been broken on Antarctica. Satellites placed directly above the continent for monitoring purposes went bonkers, so much so in fact that, some even exploded.

Right now the President, his cabin, allied countries presidents, and vice presidents, or their equivalents, sitting on a large circle table, with screens showing in front of them showing live footage of certain places in Anatraica, with similar screens showing graphs of energy, and radiation levels.

Taking a deep sigh after taking a sip from the water bottle placed in front of him. The president spoke aloud not before wiping some of the sweat out his brow.

"At proximity 6 AM Pacific Time Zone, a report came from an expedition set for Antarctica, the expedition was one of the two routine expeditions conducted every year to the continent for various reasons, ranging from global warming testing too wildlife census. The report which is in front of each and every one of you stated that at first once they made it into the continent their equipment used for testing global warming levels, and radiation went and I quote "Bonkers", seeing that they had no way of knowing what was wrong at the time, they(the expedition) decided to head back towards their ship, however, what should have taken at most half an hour of walking moderately towards the ship, took instead over 7 hours of walking"

The president took a deep breath before continuing.

"However this wasn't an isolated case, reports from similar expeditions from all over the continent, not just from the US, but from Germany, Britain, China, and more also came in detailing similar cases, with some having the opposite happen to them, some trips to and from certain places on the continent instead of normally taking hours or even days to cross too only took minutes or even seconds. In light of these unusual circumstances, we have several Physicists here too hopefully explain, and excuse my language here what the fuck is going on." The President said calmly.

Turning towards a screen that showed an old man wearing a white lab coat sitting on a chair with several people behind him wearing similar getups, indicating that those were the smart people in the room, everybody in attendance turned towards them expecting to finally get answers to what the hell is going on.

Coughing a bit as if to clear his throat to prepare himself for a long-winded and complicated explanation the old man opened his mouth and said.

"Yeah, we have no idea either"


(With Alexandria and Edythe at the same time people were trying to figure out who fucked space-time in the ass, and how.)

(Edythe POV)

If there was ever a time I could say with one hundred percent certainty that I was so happy I can die from it, it was at this moment.

Why do you ask?

Well you see right now I'm getting hugged by the most beautiful, most dazzling, most lovely, most delightful, most exquisite, most magnificent, most...I ran out of words to describe her, but I was being hugged my mate, and I could feel my ovaries explode.

I was about to die again from happiness.

huh...a vampire dying... talk about a contradiction.

Then again if anyone can do it, I guess it would be my mate, so meh.

Okay, back to the hug. How did I get to get hugged my a goddess you may ask?

Well, you see after our awesome date, but technically not date, but totally a date, where I got to know my mate more, which is FUCKING awesome.

God, I feel like a fangirl...but I don't mind. Fangirling about your mate is totally fine am I right or am I, right fellas? ladies too cant forget about you guys.

(Public announcement: *The fourth wall has been broken, can an employ please come at aisle 3 to come and fix it? *)

*Cough.. anyways as I was saying after we had diner, which is where I forced myself to eat basically dirt(it was worth it), I took my mate all around Seattle showing her around, where the stores, restaurants, and fast-food chains were, not to mention buying Ice cream, which for some weird reason vampires(At least cold ones) could still taste just fine, that and Coffee.

Guess God wasn't gonna deprive us of Ice cream or coffee, otherwise, I think every single vampire would have started to worship Lucifer, me included and that's coming from a girl who was born in the victorian era.

Back to the story of how I got hugged by a goddess who also happens to be my mate. God, I can't get enough of saying 'My mate', *cough...I need to chill, I keep getting sidetracked.

So after showing her around Settle in its entirety, except for the secret flower fields, that no one knew existed expect for my constipated *cough I mean twin brother knew of.

That will be kept for when we actually go on a date, which if I have any say in is going to happen sooner rather than later.

We then went back to Forks, during which we stopped along the road several times because my car 'mysteriously' stalled, even though it was a brand new BMW with little to mileage and in top condition.

But who cares about that, I got to spend more time with my wif- I mean my mate. my mate.

After my car 'magically' fixed itself after a couple of hours, of 'stalling' repeatedly we finally made it back to Forks(unfortunately), but I did get to show her around Forks for a little bit, which wasn't much because of how small Forks actually is.

This brings us back to here, where again I was being hUgGeD by my mate who happens to also be a goddess.

Okay, I will stop being thirsty.

After we made it back to her house, I opened her door like any gentlewomen is supposed to do, when it comes to the women she likes.

I expected a goodbye, maybe a little wave from her, and then I would be on my way back home, to the literal circus I'm sure would be waiting for me, BUT! guess what?

Yep, I got hugged instead. Which is a million times better than a wave or a goodbye, after all, getting hugged by a god- okay I'll stop.

Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end at some point, and Alexandria broke the hug after a couple of minutes, which is a couple of minutes too short by the way.

I had to stop myself from almost hugging back before she can unhugs(Is that a word?) me and never let her go, but I knew A. This could ruin any chance of her associating with me, plus she would find me weird. B. That's just weird. C. I knew if I start to hug her back, I would hug her has hard I could possibly can, and that would just break her in half, and I could never knowingly hurt my mate.

"Don't look so down, if you play your cards right you may just get more than a hug" My Alexandria said, completely unaware of how her words just made my un beating heart skip about two thousand beats per second.

I didn't notice, but once she finished her sentence my jaw almost hit the floor, I did notice however when Alexandria put her hand under my chin and closed it for me.

'Huh..guess she is aware' I thought in the deep recesses of my subconscious mind because my brain was still catching up with what just came of those beautiful lips.

Giggling which again took me off guard because of how beautiful that sound was. Alexandria turned around and started walking towards her house giving me a front seat view to her swaying ass, with just further fired my brain.

"Don't get your panties in a twist there Edythe, goodnight have a safe trip back home." She said giving me a backhanded wave before opening the front door of her house and then proceeding to close it.

I honestly don't know how long I just stood there for, but I knew it was long enough for the front porch lights that automatically light up when motion is detected, to turn off.

Snapping out of my funk, and got into my car almost robotically, turned on the engine, and drove off all whilst thinking.

'This woman will be the death of me again.'


(Alexandria POV)

Once I made it back home, for what admittedly was a fun day, I went upstairs to check on Martha.

Going upstairs I opened the door to the master bedroom only to see that she was asleep, with her blanket on the floor probably falling from her turning during her sleep.

Picking up the blanket, I covered Martha with it before heading out and closing the door behind me.

Heading towards my bedroom on the same floor, a sudden thought hit me.

Picking up speed, I went toward my bedroom, opened the door, went towards the bed where then I opened a secret compartment hidden next to my bed's door, where a cylinder black stone-like thing with the house of El sigil the smooth side of the cylinder attached necklace laid.

Taking that necklace, I procced to head out of my bedroom and changed directions towards the stairs where I went down the stairs all the way to the basement.

Opening the door to the basement, I turned on the lights, mindful of the cobwebs left by inconsiderate spiders, and proceed to0 head down the stairs.

Walking towards a specific part of the basement, where a lot of furniture laid on top to hide something, I used my frankly limitless strength and lifted the furniture one by one, until all was left was a big white cover sheet, covering something the size of a big sofa.

Putting my hand onto the covering sheet, and I made a fist getting a grip onto the sheet, and pulled it off dramatically, kicking up dust along the way, and creating a mini dust cloud,

Swatting the air at super speeds, and I swatted away the dust cloud, only to see a small black cylinder spaceship with the house of El sigil on it.

Taking a deep breath I took the black cylinder stone-like thing off the necklace and made a semi-circle until I found a small opening that looked to be a perfect fit for a small stone-like thing with the jagged end to fit right through.

"Well, it's now or never," I said before inserting the key-rock thing in.

The key-rock thing slid right in with a click before the ship immediately lit up blue, and a projection of a man, maybe in his mid-forties with grey/black hair, blue royal eyes, and a beard, wearing what looked like ceremonial black robes with the house of El sigil in the middle appeared in a hologram.

The man appeared to look around first as if he was looking for something before locking eyes with Alexandria at first with confusion before that look turned into recognization and pride? and saying.

"Hello, Alexan Jor-El. I'm Jor-El."

Dude, I usually hate K-pop with passion, but goddamn BLACKPINK is awesome.

Lord_Shiva_creators' thoughts