
The Last Kaiju (DC Comics x Male Oc)

Power? Was power just another way of saying of abuse? The Justice System is merciful to those who takes lives and doesn’t get the correct sentence. So I’m taking death to those who committed guilty violence with my own hands. The Justice League can follow the law but I won’t, they took so many lives that I can never forgive them—no matter how happy I am, I’ll do Batman’s job better. I lost my mother and father to supernatural beings, I lost my friends, my family, and now I’m going to take back everything with the cost of my own soul.

Arngrim_Asura · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

The Hybrid of Destruction Birth

It was a bright sunny, the sky so beautiful with the white fluff floating around. The bright yellow sun gleaming down on the planet. The four moons that you could see in the distance surrounded the sun in a square formation.

A middle aged woman walked into a room in the house. Her hair jet black hair, her passion purple color eyes. She was incredibly short, like she was 4'9. She walked towards a small crib and smiled softly at the baby.

"Honey? It's time to wake up, Yang…" she lifted the infant up in her arms. "Daddy will be home soon, just wake up."

The baby opened it's eyes showing his lapis colored eyes. They there were slit like a cat, yet he didn't seemed like a fighter. Small stubs could be felt on both sides of his head.

"Now that you're awake-" The mother was cut off by a loud thud at the front of the house. It was a huge beast snarling, the baby crying loudly for it to hear. She flew outside with the baby in arms, she coldly glare at it showing no fear at all.

"Honey, what did I tell you about transforming into your true form in front of the house?" Her eyes glared daggers into the beasts forcing her to back into her human form. His human form was a middle aged dark skin women with scales covering most of her body. Her red hair matched the colors of the flames the was vanished from her transformation.

"Sorry about that dear, I was so excited that I forgot about my form. I found a planet where we could be safe." She said taking Yang from her arms.

"Where, Abysria?" The black hair asked gently as she patted the baby's head.

"A planet called earth, it's in a different dimension though but we can still get there. We have to go now, Vadi!" Abysria said picking her up princess style and dashed to what to seemed a pillar of light.

"I already have everything prepared for a normal life, just like we wanted. With me, you, and our little Yang." She had a wide grin on her face. The real question you maybe asking is: how did two females have a child? It's simple…I'm not telling.

They entered the pillar of light and ended up in a city called Metropolis city. Vadi was astonished by the development of the humans made. "Wow! who knew that humans can developed a world so quickly." She turned to see a 3 story house, a sign in the front yard reading: Owned by the Zela Family.

"Is that why you've been gone for so long?" She asked her lover who gave her a loving smile. "That's right and now we can raise our child together." She added rubbing her head.

In that moment they were enjoying their normal lives..it lasted for about a few months until…

That normal life was gone.

A year later, on the 6th of February, Abysria came in with groceries in her arms. "I'm home!" She announced herself entering the house, it was extremely quiet—even her hearing can even hear superhuman assassins enter the room without even looking.

"Yang? Vadi? Where are you guys?" She walked around the upstairs floors first, it didn't take her awhile to notice a whiff of blood in the kitchen. She ran downstairs towards the kitchen, her breath whetted when she saw her wife laying in a pool of blood. The monster girl pupils widened, her eyes glowed a deep golden yellow color.

"What happened here!?" She thought to herself turning to see a box with Abysria's name on it. She opened the box with caution and found her infant son in it. "Yang!? I'm so glad you're okay!" She noticed the baby was sleeping, silver bracelets with red crystals in both of the wrists. She then noticed a note in the box, she picked it up and read it closely.

(Can you guess what the note says?)

"Damn…" she muttered to herself noticing a green shard and traces of magic left in Vadi's body. She took a deep breath and let it out trying to find the culprits footprints, she noticed it was done by someone very skilled and noticed kryptonians weaknesses.

"Yang…I'm sorry for this.." The beast mother apologize, she hit the emergency button and opened a portal. "I know where to take you to." She walked into the portal taking her son to a orphanage where the boy will be adopted by a new family.

She left him in the box filled with blankets and a note before disappearing from sight. " I promise, I'll be back for you."

The orphanage door opened up to showed a teenager, her long white hair with orange tips flowed behind her. Her milk chocolate skin covered mostly by her maid outfit. She lifted the box up and brought it inside.


And that's how his story began, the Kaiju raised on earth to become something greater.