
I Only Want You In This Life

This workspace is huge. Half of the room is a work area and bookshelves. On the other hand, a black sofa serves as a resting place.

The only light was the lamp standing next to the sofa. The light was dim, the air was also filled with a faint smell of alcohol.

Anthony was now lying quietly on the sofa.

After the bloodstains and wounds were cleaned, his face was still pale and bandages were already around his forehead.

David stood still with his hands outstretched. His face looked heavy mixed with worry.

"Miss Natalie, are you sure you're all right?" David was still worried.

"I'm fine! Doesn't Anthony need to be sent to the hospital for a checkup? Is it enough to give him a bandage?"

Natalie crouched beside the sofa, staring at Anthony, who was sleeping peacefully.

David still looks depressed. "It's fine, there's no need to get to the hospital..."

"Is he drunk?" Natalie asked curiously. She'd seen drunk people do something crazy.

However, Anthony didn't seem like someone who liked to drink alone to get drunk.

David just shook his head and sighed. He didn't say a word. After a long time, he frowned and said. "Young master has migraines. Once the disease recurs, he will lose control."

"No drug control? How can headaches like migraines be incurable."

"Unfortunately, this is incurable. Doctors say that it is also related to psychological factors. There are drugs to control it. However, the overbearing and proud nature of the young master doesn't like his life to be controlled by drugs. So he refused to accept it, took medicine and threw it away several times. But there was no other way. We can't control him when he loses control, so we always secretly keep some of his medicine."

Natalie was also shocked. She did not expect that Anthony had such a severe illness.

Well, no matter how strong people were, they were still human.

Natalie nodded silently, stretched out her hand, and gripped his large hand tightly.

"Miss Natalie, it's getting late. Go to sleep, I'll take care of him. Besides, I'm used to staying up all night!" David felt responsible for this incident.

Anthony and David's relationship no longer look like master and servant, but like father and son.

"Okay, I'll leave Anthony to you!"

Natalie stood up and was about to leave.

Suddenly, the hand used its strength to pull her.

She lowered her head to see that Anthony was awake. His aura of arrogance had faded, and his eyes were beautiful and serene.

It was like the moonlight shining down from the sky, deep, beautiful and clear.

His eyes were stunning, thick eyelashes, his eyes looked as beautiful as stars. Natalie continued to stare into his charming eyes, unable to break free.

"Young master, you are finally awake. This is excellent news!" David was very excited.

"You're out!" Anthony's voice was very low and indifferent.

"Fine, fine, I'll be right out!" David was still very aware of his position, so he quickly got out. He took the other servants and closed the door, leaving this private room for the two lovers.

Natalie's face also showed a relieved smile. "Anthony, I'm so glad to see you're awake. You know, you just scared me! I was really worried when I saw you…"

Before she could finish, the man's slender fingers came out and gently pressed against her lips.

The cold fingers, accompanied by the smell of red wine, gently pressed against her lips and made her stop talking.

That pair of deep eyes were staring at her so intensely.

She thought Anthony had something else to say when he pressed her lips like that.

It wasn't. He just stared at her in silence.

After a while, he pulled her onto the sofa and let her lie down in his arms.

"Lay down with me, okay?"

His voice was very soft, even with a hint of pleading.

In reality, she would not refuse all of his requests. After all, he was a patient now!

"Then go to sleep!"

After a few minutes of cuddling on the couch, Natalie struggled to sleep.

Because she was worried about him, she opened her eyes many times and stared at him for a few minutes. His handsome face looked tired and pale.

Hearing Anthony's steady breathing, Natalie fell asleep, and she fell asleep quickly.

But, at that time, Anthony actually couldn't sleep. He just pretended to sleep.

Even though he couldn't recognize anyone when he lost control, he was able to remember the entire incident after he calmed down.

This girl was so brave and resolute to save him.

Despite being strangled to death by him, she still had a smile on her face.

He bent down and looked at her. Natalie was sleeping soundly. She was curled up like a cat, with her hand on her cheek.

Under the light, her little face was very beautiful.

"Anthony, I love you. I really want to be with you in my next life." Those words still rang clear in his mind.

He pursed his lips slightly, kissing her forehead gently. "Stupid girl, I don't want the next life. I only want you in this life!"

After whispering, Anthony reached out and hugged her.

The next morning.

Natalie opened her eyes lazily.

She looked around for a while. She was confused because this was not Anthony's study. How can she sleep in the bedroom?

After thinking for a long time, she couldn't remember how she returned to her bedroom.

After stretching her body a little, she got up from the bed.

The sound of splashing water came. This made Natalie look around again.

The bathroom door opened and the glass shower door was clearly visible, there was a shadow inside.

After that, the door opened and Anthony's figure came out.

He was only wearing a bath towel on his waist.

At this moment, he looked radiant, energetic, no longer as decadent as last night.

Natalie walked quickly and pointed at her injured forehead. "Ah, your wound still hasn't healed! Why have you removed the bandage already? Are you also taking a bath? Your wound could get infected, Anthony!"

"You seem to really care about me!" He looked at her seductively.

"Who wouldn't care about you after seeing you hit that wall with your head? I thought your head would explode!."

As soon as the words fell, Anthony put his hand on her lips and said. "You should forget what happened last night as soon as possible. Don't ever mention it again in the future!"

"Hmm..." Natalie couldn't even answer when her lips were pressed down. She could only make a muffled sound.

As soon as he let go of his hand, she said."Why can't I mention it again? I want to hear an explanation from you."