
Better To Be Crushed By My Own Hands!

"Hahaha, it's natural that you don't remember. I still remember that moment. When you were six years old, your mother came to my family's house to visit. You were wearing a jacket with a sheep pattern, adorable at that time. You played hide and seek with my sister.

While playing, you accidentally drop flour, and your whole body is covered with flour. I can still remember that moment. It was hilarious!" Reynold smiled lightly, his eyes shining brightly.

Natalie was silent.

"When you were 12 years old, I bet that I could dive for 2 minutes with my classmate. That time you happened to pass by, you thought I fell into the water, and you quickly jumped into the water and tried to pull me up. After that, I started watching you! Surprisingly, when you were 18 years old, you went to the same school as me. Seeing you study fashion design, I immediately took advantage of that to catch up with you."

His voice was soft, his fingers touching the photo wall. "These photos, I have seen with my own eyes. I can remember all of those events clearly."

He suddenly turned around and looked at her.

"Natalie, I have made the biggest mistake of my life. Can you forgive me this time?"

Natalie bit her lower lip, and her eyes looked cold. "Reynold, I'm just a helpless orphan now. Wouldn't it be better for you to choose Erlyn? Why bother explaining all of this?"

Reynold shook his head gently, and the look in his eyes was no less gentle.

"Natalie, you have loved me for four years, but I have loved you for 20 years! When I lost you, the pain I felt was five times more than yours."

Natalie suddenly grinned. "You're lying, hahaha. I can't even swim!" She sneered.

"You can, but you became afraid of water after the shipwreck! When you realized that time, you didn't even know me at first." Reynold's voice sounded sad.

"Why can't I remember anything?" Natalie shook her head desperately. She couldn't remember anything about the incident.

"Natalie, it doesn't matter. As long as you forgive me, I will accompany you, and together we will slowly remember all those lost memories!"

Reynold gently explained, step by step he took, his position was quite close to Natalie.

But Natalie immediately stood up.

"Enough, I will never forgive all your actions. For Erlyn, back then, you even cut off our relationship without a second thought. Every time I argued with Erlyn, you never stood up for me, and you were never by my side. All you do is stand beside Erlyn and swallow all her words. Reynolds, I admit that I loved you for those four years, but that love is gone. Love is lost because of your own doing."

Reynold's face looked hurt. "I'm sorry, I misunderstood. I just realized all of Erlyn's lies. I thought..."

At this moment, outside came Erlyn's worried voice. "Reynolds..."

"If you really ask for my forgiveness, let me get out of this place!"

At this moment, Erlyn opened the door. Seeing this situation, the shocked face was unbelievable. "Reynold, why are you here?"

Erlyn's voice trembled, her face was also pale as if she had seen a ghost.

At this moment, she felt that Natalie had seduced her future husband, and she was furious.

She then took one of the items and threw it at Natalie.

"Fuck, how dare you seduce my husband in a place like this? I will kill you!"

Natalie wasn't afraid to fight back. She immediately dodged and stepped forward to counterattack.

Reynold suddenly stretched out his hand to prevent the situation from becoming chaotic.

"Stop!!" Reynold shouted at the two of them.

Erlyn widened her eyes and stared at him in disbelief. "Can't you see I'm defending you?"

Reynolds looked at her angrily. "Why don't you try to understand the situation first? Why do you have to hit her like that?"

Erlyn's eyes gradually calmed down, her fists began to open.

The situation immediately calmed down.

Erlyn had always had high self-esteem. She was not happy when other people were trying to take what was hers.

What's more, the one who attempted to steal this was Natalie. She didn't want to let Natalie take what was hers.

"Honey, let's go back to our room and talk about this slowly!"

She reached out his hand to grab Reynolds, but her hand didn't catch on.

Reynolds walked away. "I'm getting Natalie out of here!"

Erlyn immediately exploded. "You're crazy!! My family just caught her... I mean, brought her here to discuss... Anyway, she can't leave tonight."

"Catch? Erlyn, you promised me that you would never lie again. But you lied again, right?" Reynold's face became angry.

"Reynold, were you brainwashed by her? Why are you suddenly being weird?"

"That's enough. Don't get in my way, and I'll take her away!"

"Reynold, don't! If you dare take her away, I will go to the hospital and abort our child!"

Erlyn had no choice using a threat like this. No matter what, she couldn't let Natalie leave this house.

Moreover, Natalie is her last obstacle to achieving true happiness with Reynold.

Reynold looked at her coldly. "Don't be silly, I will get Natalie out of here. If you dare to stop me, I promise I won't appear in front of you again in the future."

Reynold grabbed Natalie's arm when he finished those words and dragged her away without hesitation.

Erlyn leaned against the wall crying, but she didn't dare to scream.

This time, she failed and felt like she had lost everything.

Reynold led Natalie to the gate. "Let's go quickly, I will take you to a safe place!"

Natalie suddenly showed a strange smile, let go of her hand and stepped back.

Reynold was confused, he didn't understand Natalie's actions.

Natalie turned hastily and walked back into the house.

About ten minutes later, a burst of flames burst out of the room.

"Fire! PLEASE!"

Celine was still in her pyjamas when she ran along with William.

The Andersens' home was secluded, with no other houses around. Celine's screams were completely useless. She could only see the luxurious house that had cost her billions of rupiah turned into a sea of ​​fire.

Erlyn also ran out of the house quickly. "Mother, what happened? How did our house catch fire?"

"Natalie, Natalie started the fire!" Celine exclaimed.

While everyone's faces were still panicking, Natalie appeared from behind them.

"That's right. Just because I'm an orphan, I'm not one to be bullied. I'd rather burn the house my parents gave me than give it to ungrateful people. In the future, if you guys dare to provoke me, I'll make sure You can't breathe anymore."

Natalie stared at them all coldly and sharply. This made all the people there tremble in fear.

"Reynold, did you see her? I told you she was a cruel person! She burned my house down without a second thought! Ah, my iPhone, clothes, and LV bag are all gone!" Erlyn was crying.

"My fur coat." Celine fainted.

The fire devoured the house that Natalie's parents left, and all the luxuries that her uncle's family had gathered were burnt down.

While Reynold was still in shock, he saw Natalie smiling coldly at him while holding a photo of her parents in her hand.

Natalie briefly stared at Reynolds, turned and disappeared into the night.