
The Last Hero : Hunter Devil's

Story about a young boy named Ace, who lives in a world where there are multiple races, such as elves, beasts, and humans. Ace is a teenager who has straight black hair, black eyes, and a slender body. He is training with his parents at the age of 12, presumably for a war or battle that will take place in his world. The gods are restless and have recently decided to reincarnate two of their representatives: Aaron, who wanted to destroy humanity and Horrus, the god of war. ==== ==== I don't speak English and I am using Google Translate with Grammarly to translate my novel. I accept corrections in the comments paragraph i hope you enjoy my novel

JustNormalAuthor · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 6 Sword call

What did you just say? I'm a hero." Ace said this to Hestia with a confused facial expression while putting on his clothes again.

Erisa was silent in shock and didn't say anything, she could only wait for Hestia's explanation."Let me explain, but before that, we have to take this little girl to a safe place," said Hestia.

Hestia took them to the evacuation site while running. She explained about Hors and the birth of heroes. Ace listened to her very seriously until his heart pounded because he felt he had special powers.

Erisa was shocked by Hestia's explanation. They arrived at the evacuation site and met with Erik."Hestia, Ace, and Erisa, thank God you're okay," Erik said to them.

He hugged them tightly."Honey, let's go somewhere else. I want to discuss something with you," said Hestia as she pulled Erik's arm and walked away from the evacuation site.

Ace, who saw her, was confused."What do they want to talk about? I'm curious," said Ace in his heart. "Darling, listen!" Hestia said it with a serious and worried facial expression.

Hestia explained what happened to Ace. "What! Ace has the mark of a hero!" said Erik to Hestia. They were worried about Ace having the mark of a hero.

They knew that Ace was still immature because of his childish nature and fear of not being able to control his emotions.

Hors and Aaron were still fighting. Aaron was now dominating the fight by landing very hard attacks, punches covered in mana energy with a predominantly purple-black aura, which Aaron launched towards Hors' stomach.

Hors was thrown far into the city square and fell with a loud sound like an explosion. His sword was blown away and stuck in the ground. Hors vomited a lot of blood and was unable to stand up.

Aaron smiled evilly at the sky and began to slowly descend towards the hors. "Weak! Hahaha!" said Aaron with a terrible Laughter.

The people in that place were shocked and started to panic at the sound of the explosion. Jig, Natalia, and Drwin immediately ran towards the sound.

Hestia and Erik were interrupted in their conversation because hearing the sound of the explosion seemed like a very bad situation, and they ran towards the sound of the explosion. and stopped.

They saw someone caught in the thick dust, and the dust began to slowly fade. "Lord Hors!" they said and started running around in panic, seeing Hors's panicked condition. "Don't come any closer!" said Hors loudly.

In pain, his body was covered in wounds and blood. Aaron began to appear in front of them. The generals felt the increasingly strong energy pressure from Aaron ,they panicked and began to get into a fighting position.

The generals' hands trembled because of the strong pressure from Aaron.

 "Iiinggg...." Ace seemed to hear a strange voice calling him, but where? Ace started running and looking for the source of the sound. 

"Ace, where are you going?" said Erisa, who started to follow him because she was worried. Ace ignored Erisa's words.

He ran here and there, looking for every corner, and couldn't find her. "Hey, there's another Cockroaches coming towards me, hahahaa..." said Arron with an evil smile.

Aaron released a huge aura until the aura overflowed into the sky, making the generals depressed and scared. Ace felt an evil and scary energy.

He immediately ran towards the evil energy. "Wait, Ace, where are you going? Said Erisa, who was following him. Ace continued to focus on the evil energy and saw Aaron's terrible figure with the generals and hors.

Ace shuddered seeing him, he wanted to run, but Ace couldn't see his parents suffering. Ace impose themselves and walked slowly while shaking. 

Erisa was very scared and trembling to see her figure Which is very scary, who understood that Erisa was hiding in the rubble of the building. While seeing her father and mother trapped by magic, she cried because she couldn't do anything. 

"Someone help my father and mother," said Erisa, who was crying. "Father! Mother!" said Ace.

She dared to run over, even though she was very scared. Erisa looked at Ace, who was running, and said, "Ace, please! Save them." Erisa's words spoke to Hestia's heart, and Erik heard them.

"Ace, don't come here, go away!" said Hestia, but Ace ignored her. Ace forced himself to run towards Aaron. "Damn you!" said Ace with a scream.

Aaron looked at Ace. "How interesting!" said Aaron to Ace while smiling evilly. Aaron was very interested in Ace, who dared to fight him.

Ace brandished his sword and started to approach Aaron. "Haaaa..." Ace used all his sword skills. "Hi..." Aaron's evil smile widened. Aaron avoided all the movements that Ace made.

Aaron clenched his fists, then Hit at Ace's stomach until Ace was thrown far away. Erisa, who saw it, immediately closed her eyes.

Erisa didn't want to see Ace being tortured; she felt it. extreme fear, bingbang, and can only surrender."Oh god, what should I do?" said Erisa in her heart.

Ace felt pain all over his body; he couldn't balance his body. Aaron approached Ace again and landed his punch on his stomach again, until Ace flew far away again and became unconscious.

"Tch...weak humans," said Aaron. Aaron ignored him, then flew at high speed towards the hors.

After a few seconds, Ace opened his eyes. He heard the mysterious voice again. Ace forced himself to stand up again, looking for the origin of the voice and walking slowly.

Until the mysterious voice sounded nearby, he looked at the steering wheel and saw the sword stuck in the ground. Ace continued to stare at the sword and started to approach.

Ace stood up straight in front of the sword, and the mark on his left chest began to glow. "I see! You were the one who called me, right?" said Ace.

Hors, who noticed Ace's presence near the sword, immediately smiled, feeling relieved and also feeling extraordinary worry. The generals saw it and felt strange because the expression on Hors' face was covered in serious wounds."I see, he's still young and unstable. I'm afraid something bad will happen!" said Hors, speaking to his heart.

Aaron started to cast gravity magic. They fell and couldn't stand in the magic area. Aaron started to raise the sword coated in mana energy and prepared to slash them.

The generals resisted the pull of the gravity magic with great difficulty. "Damn," said Jig,with a resigned facial expression.

"Goodbye, Cockroach and damn gods, haha," said Aaron with an evil smile.Ace began to pull the sword, Ace's mana energy was absorbed into the sword, as if testing Ace's abilities, the sword began to slowly pull upwards, and Ace managed to conquer the sword with great difficulty.

The chain of the sword attached and joined Ace's right arm, both hands and feet glowed, and the light immediately shattered like glass and made gold armor on the arms and legs.

Ace looked at his hands and feet covered in gold armor, his heart pounding because his strength had increased.Ace immediately fell silent. "Who is he?" Ace looked at the past image of the Blade of Elixe sword.

"Wait, I have to hurry, there's no time to think about it," said Ace, Energy wants to kill.

"He's coming!" said Hors. When Aaron wanted to release his slash, he stopped. The generals felt confused.

"Oy oy oy, whose great mana energy is this?" Arron, who was very wary of his presence, looked behind the generals.

He saw someone walking casually, his gaze was sharp with an aura covering his body. "Ace!" Erik said it with a surprised facial expression. 

"What? Isn't that your son, Erik? He's carrying the Lord Hors sword," said Natalia to Erik."Yes, he is the hero I mentioned before and also the holder of the Blade of Exile sword," said Hors to the generals.

Hors knew that in war the Blade of Exile could only be used by Himself and the hero.

The generals saw him walking towards the battlefield. "Aaron, now is the time for you to perish," said Hors to Aaron. 

"Perish? myself? Haha, don't joke," said Aaron with an evil smile.

Ace ran and disappeared from before Aaron "ting....," the sound of swords clashing. "Aaron was shocked, and he blocked Ace's sword swing with his sword. "Hooh..., interesting! Boy!"  Aaron's evil smile widened.